tartaria architecture

Tartaria architecture

It claims that many of our most beautiful buildings are the work of a lost civilisation called the Tartarian Empire, tartaria architecture.

Tartary or Tartaria is a historical name for Central Asia and Siberia. Ignorance surrounding Tartary 's use as a place name has spawned pseudohistorical conspiracy theories including ideas of a "hidden past" and "mud floods ". Such theories assert that Tartary or the " Tartarian Empire " was a lost civilization with advanced technology and culture. This ignores the well-documented history of Asia , which Tartary refers to. In Russian pseudoscience , known for its nationalism , Tartaria is presented as the "real" name for Russia, which was maliciously "ignored" in the West. The globalized version of the conspiracy theory is based on an alternative view of architectural history.

Tartaria architecture

In , many people watched in horror as black smoke poured out of Notre-Dame de Paris, the 12th-century Roman Catholic cathedral. An orange blaze spread across the roof, and it seemed the historic building might be lost. After the fire went out and experts assessed the water damage, some people may have felt comforted that a restoration plan was in place. But conspiracy theorists who believed in the Tartarian Empire felt otherwise. To them, it was just another example of Tartarian architecture being demolished. One confusing aspect of the Tartarian Empire conspiracy is that there was a place and people long referred to as Tartars living in Tartary. Western Europeans and Russians used to refer to a region in Asia as Tartary. This area included Siberia and parts of central Asia, including Mongolia and stretching as far south as Afghanistan. By the s, some Russians saw their country as the world power in the East and entitled to the land and its resources. The word tartar meant barbarian. His work was translated into other languages and helped vaguely apply the term to a wide region of people. Although Tartar or Tartary is rarely used to describe Central Asia or its people, Crimean Tartars refer to a specific ethnic group.

His work was translated into other languages and helped vaguely apply the term to a wide region of people. The Tartarian Empire conspiracy theory is relatively new, particularly when compared to UFO conspiracy theories that date to the s, tartaria architecture.


The lost empire of Tartaria is the most delightful conspiracy theory. It posits that a technologically advanced civilization spanned Eurasia and perhaps parts of North America until as recently as a century ago, when it was erased from history. The theory stems from disappointment in modern architecture. Now everything is a glass-and-concrete box. What happened? They are the legacy of a Tartarian Empire that emanated out of Northeast Asia. Surely not!

Tartaria architecture

Uncovering Clues to Civilization's Oldest Mysteries. The concept of a lost civilization called Tartaria emerged from obscure 18th century texts but gained popularity recently among online alternative history communities. Advocates point to architectural anomalies, buried buildings, and artifacts as evidence of a technologically and culturally advanced society predating our recorded history. Mainstream scholars consider Tartaria pseudohistory, but some recognize gaps in conventional timelines that allow for speculative interpretations. The Tartaria theory parallels Russian mathematician Anatoly Fomenko's New Chronology framework challenging the accepted historical timeline on statistical and astronomical grounds. Like Fomenko, Tartaria reassigns cultural and technological achievements from documented periods to a hypothetical precursor civilization aligned with nationalist sympathies. Contradictions between Tartaria evidence and establishment history are presented as revealing fabrication and concealment of the true timeline. Functionally, the revisionist histories serve more as flexible mythology and identity-building narratives than empirically proven counterfactuals. While factually dubious, Tartaria imaginatively engages public interest in re-examining conventional chronology and allows for broader perspectives on antiquity.

Medieval hobo

I think this rather misses the point. Already a subscriber? Zach Mortice, writing for Bloomberg , believes that the theory reflects a cultural discontent with modernism, and a supposition that traditional styles are inherently good and modern styles are bad. In online forums, conspiracy theorists have claimed it was used as a sound bath by Tartars. After the fall of the Soviet Union, some Crimean Tartars began migrating back to their ancestral homeland. The word tartar meant barbarian. Gorshenina, Svetlana Search for:. In , many people watched in horror as black smoke poured out of Notre-Dame de Paris, the 12th-century Roman Catholic cathedral. Western Europeans and Russians used to refer to a region in Asia as Tartary. Recommendations From Our Store. Article Talk. Writing for Bloomberg , Zack Mortice delves into the underlying motivations of the Tartarian theory.

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His work was translated into other languages and helped vaguely apply the term to a wide region of people. Conspiracy theories are ultimately an expression of collective psychological distress. The triumph of western modernity is a cultural catastrophe on a global scale — an act of mass civilisational erasure. It boils down to the contrast between the brutal, faceless modernism of the 20th century and exuberantly ornamental monuments of the preceding era. Other buildings, such as the Great Pyramids and the White House , are further held out as Tartarian buildings. The word tartar meant barbarian. Is the Term Tartar Still Used? How could these two kinds of architecture possibly be the work of the same civilisation? Search for:. Art Nouveau had a different subtle take from Bueno Aires to Birmingham.

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