radiant seth demon

Radiant seth demon

As the series has progressed, Seth has proven himself to be a formidable sorcerer.

As a sorcerer, he is dead set on hunting down the Nemesis. However, his main objective is to bring about a world where Sorcerers aren't persecuted, and to that end, desires to destroy the source of the Nemesis themselves - the mythical Radiant. Seth sports a slim, athletic build. He is of average height for his age and possesses spiky brown hair that is typically worked into a tousled, mildly unkempt manner. The young sorcerer possesses two white horns that pierces through the bush of hair, and designate his existence as an infected, and by virtue as a sorcerer. He usually wears an orange tank top, covered by a dark-blue and white-decorated sleeveless, hoodie-jacket.

Radiant seth demon


His punches subsequently generate enough force radiant seth demon the point where a normal human being would have had their bones shattered under the pressure. He's shown to be able to jump from wall to wall, as well as evade a highly-trained inquisition Captain in close-quarter-combat. Initially, Seth desired nothing more than to use his sorcery to lay waste to all of the vile human beings that discriminated against him, radiant seth demon.


This book was published in Japan by Asukashinsha. As for summary- The story follows the main protagonist known as Seth. He is in search of the Radiant in order to defeat all the monsters known as Nemesis. He is accompanied by fellow sorcerers. Their main objective is to bring about a world where Sorcerers are no longer persecuted for being infected, and they also have a desire to destroy the source of the Nemeses themselves the mythical Radiant. In the anime, fantasia affects various other characters differently, giving them abilities that are unique in order to fight the nemeses. Their appearance changes over the period and they become crazy looking figures with white eyes and dark skin.

Radiant seth demon

As the series has progressed, Seth has proven himself to be a formidable sorcerer. While raw in overall ability, he possessed innate potential, and a high capacity to generate massive amounts of magic. In addition to his overwhelming magical ability, Seth harbors physical prowess that far surpasses the scope of a normal human being. As a result of his infection, he also can tap into a darker source of energy, that pushes him into a Berserk state whilst also granting unimaginable strength. While not overtly muscular, nor possessing a particularly athletic physique, Seth has shown impressive displayed of physical force. His robust strength is first demonstrated in his initial encounter with the Nemesis of Pompo Hills. Using chains, Seth is able to overpower the creature, keeping it trapped for a in time the in the metal bindings.

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While having varying degrees of power, this is apparently an extremely basic application of Mana that a novice can do. The persecution he faced as a child has a profound effect on his development. Radiant Wiki Explore. Underneath these gloves, Seth wears bandages on both hands. This is shown when he faced Konrad in Rumble Town and he was able to take the blows that the Knight threw at him. As a sorcerer, Seth initially possesses little to no control over his ability to harness Fantasia for use of spells. When facing against the Inquisitor, Conrad, the sorcerer is able to generate enough power to physically resist the crushing weight of Conrad's Lance. Despite being assaulted without mercy, the boy manages to persevere and continue the bout up to its bitter end. List of Episodes. In addition to his overwhelming magical ability, Seth harbors physical prowess that far surpasses the scope of a normal human being. He is also noted by many characters to lack conventional intelligence and not being too bright. The young sorcerer possesses two white horns that pierces through the bush of hair, and designate his existence as an infected, and by virtue as a sorcerer. Nevertheless, Seth has been the only person shown using it in combat.

As a sorcerer, he is dead set on hunting down the Nemesis. However, his main objective is to bring about a world where Sorcerers aren't persecuted, and to that end, desires to destroy the source of the Nemesis themselves - the mythical Radiant.

He is also noted by many characters to lack conventional intelligence and not being too bright. Seth wears brown, fingerless feather gloves , although this is simply to fool people into believing he needs a feathered tool to use Fantasia. Berserk Mode Main article: Berserk Mode. He's shown to be able to jump from wall to wall, as well as evade a highly-trained inquisition Captain in close-quarter-combat. Seth is able to use his signature " Titan Punch " which gathers magic into his fist to hit multiple times harder than a normal punch. Nevertheless, it appears to be connected to the bandage on his cheek and is susceptible to forced activation from Piodon. Main article: Berserk Mode. View history Talk 0. In his early days as a young troublemaker in Pompo Hills, the boy only possesses minute ability to gather Fantasia, typically around his fist to produce a magically-enhanced punch. His agility, even when enhanced by his Berserker Form, however, proves to be insufficient when faced against superior opponents like General Torque. As the series has progressed, Seth has proven himself to be a formidable sorcerer. Nevertheless, Seth has been the only person shown using it in combat. However, it's noted that the massive, combination assault from a swarm would have been enough to kill Seth had it not been for interference from Poidon. Radiant Wiki Explore. At his core, Seth is an optimistic idealist that will endlessly pursue his goals.

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