david guapo castellon

David guapo castellon

I casanova vintage to thank my friend and excellent writer, david guapo castellon, Amir Valle, for this interview for his magazine Another Mondayand for publicizing the book that has just been published and will be presented shortly in Miami. Although some think that poetry books are simply a collection of poems written over the passage of time, those of us who write know that between one book and david guapo castellon there are always secret threads, pathways that unite or split in two in order to differentiate them.

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David guapo castellon

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LFR : There is no homeland other than poetry, to express it in the language of those of us who go with knives in our teeth defending the king of the literary genres, david guapo castellon.


Ahora en el […]. Una comedia para morirse de risa. En el […]. Y eso que ya es mayor y se le ocurren menos cosas. Un show de humor con todos esos temas de los que no se suele hacer humor. Una macrofiesta de pijamas en la que se canta, se baila y se arregla el mundo. Por lo tanto, […]. David Guapo, que ha superado los

David guapo castellon

Moved by his passion for music, he travelled to San Francisco to play with Blues musicians. What was meant to be a few weeks trip became a two-year stay. In that time, he finished the recording of his first album alongside Andrew Pollack. He commenced his career with Jordi ENP, who after admiring his work, invited him to meet his producer.

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The forced removal to Camaguey and the robbery of his belongings on December 3 when they confiscated the only food he was eating in prison. LFR : Your last question is interesting. The continuous beatings accompanied by obscene words and insults about his race and the region where he lived shitty negro, shitty peasant. Do you not fear that you will ultimately tell of a Havana that has been told and told again? How much have you seen? Although I continue with my blog Crossing the Barbed Wire, , my Facebook account is more active and quicker. AV : By experience I know that journalism can enrich the writer. The loss of friends that had sent him off days before, the bitter flavor of the disappointment of promised help that never arrived, were related in detail by Gutierrez with a dynamic that left no room for doubts. It is like a canticle, a voice emerging from the deep thoughts of someone wiser than we. Right now there are seven men and three women. What there is between one passage and another is time, and the way in which the two poets have been changed by it: one who arrived as a frightened animal, fleeing from horror, exclusion and suffocation; and the other, who put down his head to rest for an instant and saw his children sleeping in the morning, who no longer expects a kick in the rear, and who experienced many upheavals to live in a developed country. Credits Edit. The execution order was given from the office of General Raul Castro Ruz. As always, Angelito is filled with Light and strength.


Share this: Tweet. It is something that is appreciated in advance. The poet lives in College Station, Texas, where he is writing a thesis on Cuban literature in exile. This action also took place at the time of the celebration of the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba. Luis Felipe: Your characters appear to be stricken with pain as if there were nothing else on the horizon. Luis Felipe Rojas — I published this post a few days after that needless death. Somebody said that we writers are gravediggers by birth. Luis Felipe: You have assumed the tragic sense of life. I believe that two words, two concepts have brought us together on this night of celebration: friendship and love. Recently viewed. Casting 6. Destino Asturias 5. View saved articles.

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