no country for old men film wiki

No country for old men film wiki

The role of Llewelyn Moss was originally offered to Heath Ledger, but he turned it down to spend time with his newborn daughter Matilda.

In , hitman Anton Chigurh is arrested in Texas. He escapes by strangling the sheriff's deputy and steals a car by killing the driver with a captive bolt pistol. Meanwhile, Llewelyn Moss is hunting animals in the desert. He comes across the aftermath of a drug deal gone wrong, finding several dead men, a wounded Mexican man begging for water, drugs in a truck, and a large amount of money in a briefcase. He takes the money and returns home. Feeling guilty, he returns with water that night but finds the man has died. He looks up to the ridge and sees two men with guns who pursue him in a truck.

No country for old men film wiki

No Country for Old Men is now considered one of the best films of , [9] and many regard it as the Coen brothers' best film. In , hitman Anton Chigurh is arrested in Texas. He escapes by strangling the sheriff's deputy and steals a car by killing the driver with a captive bolt pistol. Meanwhile, Llewelyn Moss is hunting animals in the desert. He comes across the aftermath of a drug deal gone wrong, finding several dead men, a wounded Mexican man begging for water, drugs in a truck, and a large amount of money in a briefcase. He takes the money and returns home. Feeling guilty, he returns with water that night but finds the man has died. He looks up to the ridge and sees two men with guns who pursue him in a truck. He escapes into a river, shooting the men's dog as it chases him. Chigurh spares the life of a gas station owner for correctly calling a coin toss and is later hired to recover the money. After making his way back home, Moss sends his wife, Carla Jean, to stay with her mother. Chigurh searches Moss's trailer home, using his bolt pistol to blow out the door lock. Moss takes a taxi to a motel in Del Rio , where he hides the briefcase in his room's air duct. Following a tracking device hidden in the case, Chigurh goes to Moss' motel and kills a group of Mexicans.

While accepting the award for Best Director at the 80th Academy AwardsJoel Coen said that "Ethan and I have been making stories with movie cameras since we were kids", recalling a Super 8 film they made titled " Henry Kissinger : Man on the Go".

No Country for Old Men is a American neo-western neo-noir thriller film. Violence and mayhem ensue after a hunter stumbles upon a drug deal gone wrong and more than two million dollars in cash near the Rio Grande. In Texas, , hitman Anton Chigurh strangles a deputy sheriff to escape custody and uses a captive bolt pistol to kill a driver and steals his car. He spares the life of a gas station owner after the owner accepts a challenge and successfully guesses the result of Chigurh's coin flip. Hunting pronghorns in the desert, Llewelyn Moss comes across the aftermath of a drug deal gone awry. He finds several dead men and dogs, a wounded Mexican begging for water, and two million dollars in a briefcase. He takes the money and returns home.

No Country for Old Men is now considered one of the best films of , [9] and many regard it as the Coen brothers' best film. In , hitman Anton Chigurh is arrested in Texas. He escapes by strangling the sheriff's deputy and steals a car by killing the driver with a captive bolt pistol. Meanwhile, Llewelyn Moss is hunting animals in the desert. He comes across the aftermath of a drug deal gone wrong, finding several dead men, a wounded Mexican man begging for water, drugs in a truck, and a large amount of money in a briefcase. He takes the money and returns home. Feeling guilty, he returns with water that night but finds the man has died. He looks up to the ridge and sees two men with guns who pursue him in a truck. He escapes into a river, shooting the men's dog as it chases him.

No country for old men film wiki

No Country for Old Men is now considered one of the best films of , [9] and many regard it as the Coen brothers' best film. In , hitman Anton Chigurh is arrested in Texas. He escapes by strangling the sheriff's deputy and steals a car by killing the driver with a captive bolt pistol.

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This genre reflects the pessimism and fatalism of the American psyche. Aside from the truck owner who is shot in the head after Moss flags him down, both the motel clerk and Wells's death occur offscreen. Press Association. The Free Lance-Star. When I get the DVD of this film, I will listen to that stretch of narration several times; Jones delivers it with a vocal precision and contained emotion that is extraordinary, and it sets up the entire film. New York Times. Violence and mayhem ensue after a hunter stumbles upon a drug deal gone wrong and more than two million dollars in cash near the Rio Grande. OFDb film ID. Why not start with the best? His victim, the deputy, never sees what's coming, and Chigurh, chillingly, doesn't even bother to look at his face while he garrotes him. It's always identical, whether the movie ends up working or not. Archived from the original on February 23, Retrieved May 20,

It quickly became heralded as one of the best pieces of work in their already stellar career, earning numerous accolades, including the Academy Award for Best Picture. In recent years, retrospective viewers have dubbed the film one of the best to come out of the s.

The only extras are three behind-the-scenes featurettes. Jeffrey Overstreet adds that "the scenes in which Chigurh stalks Moss are as suspenseful as anything the Coens have ever staged. While accepting the award for Best Director at the 80th Academy Awards , Joel Coen said that "Ethan and I have been making stories with movie cameras since we were kids", recalling a Super 8 film they made titled " Henry Kissinger : Man on the Go". Richard Corliss of Time stated that "the Coen brothers have adapted literary works before. In an interview with The Guardian , Ethan said, "Hard men in the south-west shooting each other — that's definitely Sam Peckinpah's thing. Archived from the original on September 15, One of the themes in the story involves the tension between destiny and self-determination. You could even say they know the value of understatement: At one point they garner chills simply by having a character check the soles of his boots as he steps from a doorway into the sunlight. The magazine 's review said the film fell short of 'the greatness that sometimes seems within its grasp'. After making his way back home, Moss sends his wife, Carla Jean, to stay with her mother. Devlin finesses the point, calling the film a " neo-western ", distinguishing it from the classic western by the way it "demonstrates a decline, or decay, of the traditional western ideal It's Me, Margaret. Producer Scott Rudin bought the film rights to McCarthy's novel and suggested an adaptation to the Coen brothers , who at the time were attempting to adapt the novel To the White Sea by James Dickey.

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