harry potter auror

Harry potter auror

While most of Harry Potter's Wizarding World are free to go about their business without much concern, others are tirelessly working behind the scenes to keep innocents safe from the Dark Arts, and those who choose to wield them. After all, someone has to keep evil at bay. Aurors are responsible for chasing down Death Eaters and the like; however, they will get involved in anything that threatens magical society's safety and harry potter auror. Meanwhile, harry potter auror, American Aurors seem to have even more responsibilities on their plates.

Aurors serve as one of the magical world's greatest protections against the Dark Arts in the world of Harry Potter. Employed by their respective country's Ministry of Magic, anyone who hopes to become an Auror must meet high academic standards and undergo rigorous training. Only the bravest and most skilled witches and wizards ultimately become Aurors and have what it takes to survive and succeed in the field. There are many powerful Aurors, but we're here only to look at the cream of the crop. The focus for each selected character is on their ability to combat the Dark Arts and safeguard the magical world. Even though Gellert Grindelwald is more powerful than most of the witches and wizards on this list, his time disguised as Percival Graves was a facade for corrupt purposes, meaning he's disqualified from joining the ranks of those who are legitimate Aurors.

Harry potter auror

An Auror is "a Dark wizard catcher". They are an elite group of witches and wizards, loyal to the Ministry of Magic , whose mission is to fight against and capture the forces of the Dark Arts. The requirements for becoming an Auror are, of necessity, quite stringent. By their fifth year at Hogwarts, Harry and Ron both want to be Aurors. The Aurors are like a police force, and sometimes work as intelligence agents. They have the authority to arrest malefactors like Death Eaters , and at times have been given authority to use deadly force against Death Eaters in particular. When we are first introduced to the office, Death Eaters are already gaining force in the Wizarding world, so the Aurors' mission is clearly defined. It is not as clear what the Auror department does when there is no center of Dark forces to fight; one gets the impression, however, that they continue to work as sort of an elite police group, a magical SWAT team of sorts perhaps. We learn very little about the types of work available to adult Wizards. There is of course the bureaucracy of the Ministry of Magic, of which we see more than a little; but of the actual work done by the Ministry there is not much on display. We have poor overworked Arthur Weasley's two-man department in its converted broom closet, trying to keep magical artifacts out of Muggle perception; we have, at one point, the Department of Games and Sports managing the Quidditch World Cup and reviving the Triwizard Tournament , and we have the Auror's department which seems to be the only group who actively go out and do stuff. The Aurors, of course, have the most exciting and dangerous job, hunting other wizards. The skills required mean that the Auror must be capable of high levels of magical ability, and must be willing to face significant personal danger, increasing the attractiveness of the job.

At some point, Moody retired from active service, though by this time he was considered the greatest Auror of all time.

An Auror is a member of an elite unit of highly-trained, specialist officers within the Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic trained to investigate crimes related to the Dark Arts, and apprehend or detain Dark wizards and witches. Auror training is very difficult and intensive, so there are few qualified applicants. According to Minerva McGonagall, no Auror had been taken on for three years prior to , though Nymphadora Tonks stated that she qualified the year before, meaning she was probably one of the last candidates taken on. The head of the Auror Office as of was Harry Potter. Auror headquarters are located on Level Two of the Ministry of Magic. It consists of a series of open cubicles, each Auror being given a place to work.

While most of Harry Potter's Wizarding World are free to go about their business without much concern, others are tirelessly working behind the scenes to keep innocents safe from the Dark Arts, and those who choose to wield them. After all, someone has to keep evil at bay. Aurors are responsible for chasing down Death Eaters and the like; however, they will get involved in anything that threatens magical society's safety and secrecy. Meanwhile, American Aurors seem to have even more responsibilities on their plates. Only the best of the best are chosen to be magical crime fighters, as this esteemed and dangerous position is not the run-of-the-mill career path. John Dawlish does not have a vital role in the Harry Potter franchise; however, he seems to participate in many major events and is always at the wrong place at the wrong time. Despite his constant misfortune, Dawlish is an efficient Auror, considering he has earned the trust of the Ministers of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, and Rufus Scrimgeour, who each bestow him with significant responsibilities. That being said, Dawlish is basically the butt-monkey of the Harry Potter adults and is often thwarted by his opponents, whether it be the great Dumbledore or the little old witch, Augusta Longbottom. His dedication to rule-following eliminated independent thought, as he seems to not always agree with the Ministry of Magic's regime, but goes along with it anyway including Pius Thicknesse's villainous reign.

Harry potter auror

As such, spoilers will be present within the article. Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody d. Moody served with distinction during the first conflict, gaining a reputation as a skilful battler against the Dark Arts and sacrificing an eye, a leg, and part of his nose during the conflict.

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Grindelwald and those who subscribed to his ideology , felt they hid behind their duty of upholding Wizarding law as an excuse to maintain their mandatory and forcibly imposed totalitarian regime. Skill at defeating Dark Wizards is certainly a trait that runs through the Potter bloodline, as very few can contend against this trio of Aurors. Only the bravest and most skilled witches and wizards ultimately become Aurors and have what it takes to survive and succeed in the field. Helmut was also present for The Walk of Qilin, a ceremony in Bhutan where Grindelwald was also present. Worked in the s. Fantasy Harry Potter. Not only was she successful in capturing the elusive Credence, but she also confronted Grindelwald and his followers several times. In the war during Lord Voldemort 's first rise to power , Aurors were authorised to use the Unforgivable Curses on suspected Death Eaters and criminals. Head of Auror office during Gellert Grindelwald's revolution in the s. Despite his expertise in martial magic, however, he was easily subdued by Dumbledore, who knocked Dawlish out with a Stunning spell and then escaped. He was then known as a visionary and talented teacher with a bit of a temper but plenty of praise for those who deserved it.

CBR supports the hard work of industry professionals on properties fans know and love, and the wider world of Harry Potter that fans have adopted as their own. The Harry Potter franchise introduced fans to a fleshed-out magical world, with class disparity, a corrupt government, and Dark wizards using their abilities for nefarious reasons. To combat the latter, the Ministry of Magic employed Aurors, Dark wizard catchers who were extraordinarily skilled in dueling, detective work, and planning.

Aurors that were stationed in Hogsmeade along with others during the — school year at Hogwarts. Ron and Neville left the Ministry to pursue career paths closer to their passions after the job Kingsley gave them was done, but Harry stayed on for many years, becoming Head of the Auror Office and ensuring that the magical world could be safe and enjoy a period of peace and prosperity, the likes of which they hadn't known for years. This is proof that the work Aurors conducted was dangerous, with a high mortality rate. If accepted into Auror training, prospective Aurors were required to undergo a stringent series of character and aptitude tests. During the Paris rally in in Paris , many of the attendees reacted with disdain and fearful muttering upon realising there were Aurors present. One or the other. We learn very little about the types of work available to adult Wizards. Before becoming an Auror, Cerberus Langarm worked as an Officer in the Magical Law Squad often delivering information and aiding in magical beast-related situations. Her innate skill as a Metamorphmagus allowed her to physically change her appearance at will, a trait that she used multiple times while working undercover for the Order of the Phoenix. In battle, Moody was surprisingly swift and powerful, capable of dueling two opponents at once and using his magical prosthetics to his advantage. Destroying a Horcrux, helping Harry and Hermione attain the other Horcruxes, and dueling many Death Eaters certainly proved Ron was powerful and qualified enough to be an Auror.

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