world records in porn

World records in porn

World records are there to motivate and inspire us. They challenge us to overcome our limitations and to achieve seemingly impossible feats. On the other hand, world records in porn, there are some world records that are just plain dumb and downright hilarious, but combined with the fascinating element of sex, these world records become ten times more entertaining.

Find out who has the biggest what, the longest what, and the most what all in one place. Read on:. Want to know who has the biggest what? Read on to find out! The record every man on Earth has thought about at least once and the subject of many a high school debate.

World records in porn

Is Japan one of the horniest nations? Pucker up guys and girls and get ready for this shocking record: the longest kiss lasted a whopping 46 hours and 24 minutes. The contestants had to kiss continuously, with their lips toucking at all times. And were the chapped lips worth it? Well, the couple not only gained a world record they also won a diamond ring and , baht. Fancy carrying an extra 8 stone in weight around with you? We thought not. Apparently the age of retirement is a little later for prostitution than most other occupations. Chiu began working the streets 40 years ago and has been working in Tai Pei ever since. Tatiata may appear normal, but it turns out she likes lifting weights Tatiata suffered from weak pelvic muscles after the birth of her first child and tried lots of things before reading about women who used wooden balls to strengthen their weakened area. These days Tatiata can pump some serious iron, lifting 14 kilograms worth of weights. Chris proudly holds the record of removing the most bras in one minute. Chris managed to whip off 20 bras, using just one hand.

Hailing from Japan — the land of kinks — Tokuda started in the porn industry in at the age of Adult Content Warning: The contents of this site are designed for adults only and include elements that some users may find offensive, world records in porn.

To make sure you never miss out on your favourite NEW stories , we're happy to send you some reminders. Click ' OK ' then ' Allow ' to enable notifications. People have been shocked to find out the record for the most amount of sexual partners in a single day. While some people might be exhausted after one bout of making the beast with two backs, spare a thought for Lisa Sparks. Sparks reportedly managed to bed men at the event in Warsaw, Poland, according to The Sun. Let's pause for a moment and reflect on that purely from a numbers point of view. Nine hundred and nineteen men.

The world farting record 2. Annabelle Dangel extrem giant plug in ass world record anal insertion 5 min. Tighter than Telah and smaller than micro world record 5 sec. Ebony giving blowjob for more than 3h long breaking the world record part 14 5 min. Polish porn - Marianna Rokita sex, world record holder 5 min. Ebony giving blowjob for more than 3h long breaking the world record part 26 5 min. World record setting dick size 5 min. Ebony giving blowjob for more than 3h long breaking the world record part 9 8 sec.

World records in porn

Lola Jean found out she could squirt seven years ago, while receiving oral sex from a partner who pointed it out. At first, Jean, then aged 26, was intrigued. She'd never heard of squirting — a sexual phenomenon where someone expels a thin, clear, and odorless liquid from their genitals during pleasure.


The Broncos reportedly received a fifth- and sixth-round pick in return. Some women and men might find this awesome, but Richardson says that her rare condition makes her life miserable. One notorious ruler who practiced this brutal act was King Merneptah of Egypt. His erect length is a staggering When she finally hit adulthood, she reached an astounding height of 7 feet and This is another record reportedly held by Mr. The world record for the largest orgy was broken back in when naked, writhing bodies came together in more ways than one for a sex session in Japan. So they had to move it to a super secret warehouse. Honestly, most porn stars are probably happy to hear the news. After 20 years of intense training and practice, Tatyana Kozhevnikova has mastered the art of lifting heavy objects using only her incredibly strong lady hole. These days Tatiata can pump some serious iron, lifting 14 kilograms worth of weights. Longest smooch Pucker up guys and girls and get ready for this shocking record: the longest kiss lasted a whopping 46 hours and 24 minutes. Louise and Martine Fokkens, twin prostitutes from Amsterdam, claim to have slept with , men between them over the course of something years. View comments. Even more interestingly, they held more than one Masturbate-a-Thon.

On 12 March , the trailer Matt was living in with his grandmother and uncle in Missouri, USA, was engulfed by a tornado.

This is another record reportedly held by Mr. How is this even humanly possible? World records are there to motivate and inspire us. Less considered and harder to measure, but there is an official answer. Maybe she pledged to reach this year and that was the final straw. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the two had been married 86 years, 9 months, and 16 days as of February 27, So they had to move it to a super secret warehouse. So just how many dongs did this evil king ordered to be cut off? Facebook Twitter Instagram. Money was the primary motivation why the twins entered prostitution in the first place. The world record for the largest orgy was broken back in when naked, writhing bodies came together in more ways than one for a sex session in Japan. Source: The Huffington Post. Clearly, that old saying is true: Everybody really is good at something — even if your special talent is rocketing your semen into space.

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