films like girl in the basement

Films like girl in the basement

Movies like Girl in the Basement are often shocking and disturbing, as they are films like girl in the basement retellings of true crime stories. In this case, the movie tells the disturbing story of a young woman kidnapped and held in a basement by her father for over two decades. While there, he sexually abuses her and forces her to have seven children, the last of whom dies after childbirth.

Released in early , "Girl in the Basement" was inspired by a horrific true-crime case that sadly had far too many similarities to the events on screen. Shortly before her 18th birthday, Sara's controlling father decides he isn't willing to let his daughter leave his life, and makes the unthinkable decision to lock her in the basement of the family home. For over two decades Sara is subjected to repeated instances of abuse by her father, with the rest of her family completely oblivious to his heinous crimes. The abhorrent subject matter of the film is only made harder to stomach by its cramped and inhospitable setting, as Sara is left with no choice but to adapt to the prison she calls home. As hard as it is at times to watch, "Girl in the Basement" is a morbidly compelling look into the darkest aspects of humanity. Let's discuss some of the most claustrophobic films in the same spirit as "Girl in the Basement," though we'll try to round it out with a few picks that aren't quite as bleak.

Films like girl in the basement

Movies like Girl in the Basement. Find your next favorite and similar movies in two steps: 1. Identify all themes of interest from this film block below. Look for them in the presented list. Girl in the Basement Genre: Crime, Thriller. Country: USA. Duration: 88 min. Story: Sara is a teen girl who is looking forward to her 18th birthday to move away from her controlling father Don. But before she could even blow out the candles, Don imprisons her in the basement of their home. Style: suspense, captivating, suspenseful, dark, psychological, action thriller, mindfuck, teen, psychological thriller, weird.

A home invasion film from thriller master David Fincher, Panic Room sees a mother and daughter seek refuge from three intruders by hiding in the titular part of their home.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Girl in the Basement is a shocking and disturbing film based on true events, depicting the horrifying story of a young woman held captive by her abusive father. The film offers a compelling portrayal of an abusive parent and the plight of the victim, showcasing the mindset of the abuser with empathy and deliberation.

The father, Don, keeps her locked up for the next 20 years, regularly raping and assaulting her and eventually siring multiple children with her. The movie is inspired by the real-life case of Elisabeth Fritzl, who was kept imprisoned by her father from to Here are five movies that give us a peek into the dark side of human relationships. Social commentary aside, the film is a masterful slow-burn thriller that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat till the very end. The only way she can escape from him? Make him believe that the hitman has been successful. Jackson in one of his best performances, this movie studies the effects of childhood abuse on Rae Ricci even as Lazarus Jackson tries to reform her by, amongst other things, keeping her chained to the radiator. Apart from being based on a true story, the film is told through the perspective of one of the kidnappers, making it all the more disturbing. You have been warned! Directed and scored by Hollywood veteran Clint Eastwood, this film tells the distressing story of a mother Jolie who, after her son goes missing, is forced to accept another child that the authorities insist is her son.

Films like girl in the basement

Cops involved with covering up a murder by getting rid of their body cam video footage find themselves haunted by an evil spirit. When they realize their investigation has crossed the path of a brutal serial killer, they team up with a Texas Ranger to put an end to the infamous 'Truck Stop Killer'. A woman wakes in a cryogenic chamber with no recollection of how she got there, and must find a way out before running out of air.

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Time: 20th century, 21st century. The Clovehitch Killer View 8 comments. Release Date October 16, Also search: Movies similar to Knock Knock 4. Please visit the source responsible for the item in question to report any concerns you may have regarding content or accuracy. View 6 comments. HAN All she ever wanted was a little credit Free S Yuka Skin Bliss Gauth Roll OldRoll Bible Chat PS Express My fav editing app omg u can erase things from pics change your body and face a little also; it's just amazing mostly free some of the small face things have to pay for I usually don't care for vintage type pics but I love this so much and allows u to import from camera roll! Audience: chick flick, date night , adult. I plan on posting movie recommendations and reviews, comment any thriller, dystopian or horror movies I should review next! Let's discuss some of the most claustrophobic films in the same spirit as "Girl in the Basement," though we'll try to round it out with a few picks that aren't quite as bleak. View 9 comments.

Audiences left enthralled by its gripping narrative and powerful performances may find themselves craving more films that delve into similar depths. Whether seeking thrilling escapes or poignant explorations of trauma, this comprehensive list provides a range of cinematic experiences that will captivate audiences from start to finish.

Prayer holds a lot of power. But after a passing interaction in which he rejects the advances of another teenaged girl named Lola Robin McLeavy , he soon finds out she just can't take no for an answer. Plot: serial killer , violence spree, murder, investigation, police detective, law enforcement, danger, woman in danger, stalking, true crime, blood, killer Plot: murder, hostage , kidnapping , escape attempt, brutality, deception, confined, vengeance, danger, rivalry, twists and turns, domestic disturbance Martha Elena: God bless! Style: psychological , suspenseful , serious, realistic, bleak Style: suspenseful , captivating , suspense , bloody, scary Imagine being trapped in a cold, metal room with an unseen trap somewhere inside, just waiting to have you meet a grisly demise. Story: A teenage boy begins to suspect that his wholesome, all-American dad is actually the serial killer terrorizing their small town. Select of tickets and download your tickets 4. Also search: Films like Midnight 6. Bantille - Happier Officia Music Video bro 1. Style: suspense , detective, tension.

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