videos of pocoyo

Videos of pocoyo

Pocoyo Musim 4 Musim 1 Musim 4. Pocoyo, the curious toddler dressed all in blue, videos of pocoyo, joins Pato the yellow duck, Elly the pink elephant, Loula the dog, Sleepy Bird and many others in learning new things and having fun.

In this section of videos for children, you will find many episodes with the adventures of Pocoyo and his friends. The Pocoyo cartoon series features a preschool-aged child called Pocoyo and his group of friends, including Elly, Pato, Loula, SleepyBird, Nina, Roberto and Octopus, among other characters. Through the game, he will discover a world created by and for him, full of things to explore: the Pocoyo World. Pocoyo cartoons are a great educational resource to encourage children to learn. Entertaining your kids with Pocoyo videos for children will be easy for you. You will see them smile and laugh out loud while learning with their favourite cartoon characters.

Videos of pocoyo


He decides to investigate and discovers Nina, a tiny green girl who lives among the plants with her robot Roberto.


Four series have been produced, each consisting of 52 seven-minute episodes. In , a new spin-off show called Pocoyo World was created. On October 12, , the fifth series has been greenlit to commemorate the show's 20th anniversary which was supposed to release in mid, but delayed for a release. It will feature significant changes for the characters designs and will feature more new characters such as Pocoyo's little sister, Pocoyina. In , the franchise was acquired by Animaj. A feature film was announced and would be releasing around or Set in a 3D space , with a plain white background and usually no backdrops, it is about Pocoyo, a four-year-old boy, interacting with his friends Elly, Pato, Nina, Fred the Octopus, Loula and Sleepy Bird.

Videos of pocoyo

In this section of videos for children, you will find many episodes with the adventures of Pocoyo and his friends. The Pocoyo cartoon series features a preschool-aged child called Pocoyo and his group of friends, including Elly, Pato, Loula, SleepyBird, Nina, Roberto and Octopus, among other characters. Through the game, he will discover a world created by and for him, full of things to explore: the Pocoyo World.

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M4 E19 - Summer Hike. Nina, help poor Pato! M4 E23 - Space Postal Service. Each chapter takes approximately 7 minutes. After all, everyone has a heart. In addition, you will be pleased to meet new characters such as the caterpillar Valentina, Fred the octopus and the Alien, among others, who will join the Pocoyo family throughout the second season of the cartoons. Pocoyo Musim 4 Musim 1 Musim 4. M4 E18 - Sleep Guard. M4 E5 - Call Me. The audience has the power and they are quite playful! The Pocoyo cartoon series features a preschool-aged child called Pocoyo and his group of friends, including Elly, Pato, Loula, SleepyBird, Nina, Roberto and Octopus, among other characters.


Nina doesn't like soccer and goes to play a different game. Pocoyo finds three chicks without a father or mother, so he decides to take care of them. In the end, a simple tennis match has turned into a nonsensical mix of sports. They are everywhere, even in the refrigerator! At first, the plan works, but soon everyone starts swapping bodies, what a crazy and fun situation! In every Pocoyo chapter, the narrator voice asks simple but specific questions to Pocoyo and his friends. You can do it, Pato! The characters, assisted by several children voices, will answer the questions. Video ini tidak tersedia untuk ditonton di lokasi anda. Pocoyo Musim 4 Musim 1 Musim 4. But it's not a normal hole, it swallows anything!

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