Red hot chili peppers setlist las vegas

Average customer review: 4. Page: 1 2 3 4 All. Scott R from Kansas City, Missouri. Absolutely incredible show.

Edit set times. Tour stats. Complete Album stats. I was there too. Add Setlist. Search Clear search text. You are here: setlist.

Red hot chili peppers setlist las vegas


Robert Johnson's Red hot was a hilarious and vocally difficult song to pull off,Flea was in fine form,and for red hot chili peppers setlist las vegas sake wore underwear,Rain started to fall during the last song and while the Peppers bade farewell to Atlanta,I think they appreciated the crowd and will come back again. AK and Flea have so much fun on stage you can't be uptight. They were pretentious and the lead singer was a miss kitty wannabe.


Contact Jason Bracelin at jbracelin reviewjournal. Follow jbracelin76 on Instagram. An opera between games? Probably not. The shows cap a grand-opening week of events that will include performances from national acts, Vegas artists and and those from the West Coast. The Irish rockers are playing at the Sphere. Ex-congressional candidate wanted in connection with a Strip slaying turns himself in. Don't miss the big stories. Like us on Facebook.

Red hot chili peppers setlist las vegas

Edit set times. Tour stats. Complete Album stats. I was there too. Add Setlist. Search Clear search text.

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Have not been to a live show obiviously due to covid. Aug 06 They have a better memory for me in a play list. Set Times. Their catalog is huge and a few more songs would have been great. Tour stats Complete Album stats. My favorite band of all time and my first ring tone on my first cell phone and I am so disappointed. Improvisations 1. Short set list. Californicated Boston. Add Setlist. People were leaving before the encore. He appeared a bit bored. Drove 2 hours to see them and it was a complete waste of time.


Sound good to you? By the Way. Low energy from the crowd and the band. Frusciante, Flea, and Chad Smith absolutely killed it! It was excessively loud and unbalanced the vocals could barely be heard over the instruments at some points and even almost every time Flea would talk in-between songs everyone around me was like "what did he say? We love RHCP. By far one of the best rock band on the planet. Most recently last summer in Nashville. Aug 6 Bri from Las Vegas, Nevada. Help your fellow Las Vegas Theater visitors by leaving the first review.

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