Thrombose veine dorsale verge

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Thrombose veine dorsale verge

This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. Rent this article via DeepDyve. Institutional subscriptions. J Am Osteopath Assoc — PubMed Google Scholar. Dermatol Wochenschr — J Urol — Urol Int — BJU Int — Br J Urol — Cases J Article PubMed Google Scholar. Arch Esp Urol —

J Natl Med Assoc ;88 6 — Abstract The authors present a case of superficial thrombophlebitis of the left anterolateral chest wall in a man whose diagnostic investigation culminated in the characterization of the vasculopathy denominated as Mondor's disease associated with protein S deficiency.

Firm painful dorsal penile cord-like swelling following vigorous sexual intercourse a few days prior to presentation. Grossly dilated superficial dorsal penile vein, containing a predominantly hyperintense intraluminal thrombus, best appreciated on the fat-suppressed T2-weighted images, corresponding to a curvilinear filling defect on the contrasted study, surrounded by minimal stranding of the surrounding soft-tissues, more pronounced at the origin of the vein and along the dorsal aspect of the penile body. Q: What is the main finding on this penile MRI? A: Dilated dorsal penile vein with a hyperintese thrombus and an intraluminal filling defect on the contrasted study. Q: What is the possible diagnosis? A: Superficial dorsal penile vein thrombophlebitis penile Mondor disease. Q: List some of the causes of penile Mondor disease.

Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Language: French English. La thrombose de la veine dorsale profonde de la verge TVDPV est une urgence rare et mal connue en urologie. It requires an early etiological and symptomatic approach to preserve erectile function and prevent recurrences. This study reports a case of dorsal penile vein thrombosis revealed by spontaneous priapism that didn't resolve adequately and confirmed by penile Doppler ultrasound. After management of priapism and DDPVT, the etiological investigation revealed Behcet's disease whose diagnosis was based on the association of a major criteria, such as oral aphthous ulcers with 3 minor criteria such as: genital aphthous ulcers, ocular involvement, and a positive skin pathergy test within 24h. The patient underwent etiological treatment with good clinical evolution and preservation of erectile function.

Thrombose veine dorsale verge

La thrombose de la veine dorsale profonde de la verge est une urgence urologique. Deep dorsal vein thrombosis of the penis is spontaneously remitting benign thrombophlebitis. We propose to describe clinical assessment, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of deep dorsal vein thrombosis of the penis and to observe its natural course over time. Seven patients between ages of 13 and 50 years who self-presented for swelling penile, had diagnosis of deep dorsal vein thrombosis of the penis. Initial history, examination and Doppler ultrasound were undertaken. This was supplemented by blood screening for coagulation defects. All patients consulted for a painful penis. Priapism were noted in three patients. Doppler ultrasound which realized in all cases, revealed thrombosis of the deep dorsal vein of the penis. The first aetiology of the venous thrombosis was hemopathy three cases.

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Penile Mondor's disease: an underestimated pathology. In: Feller, Y. Baeyens L. New perspectives in diagnosis and management of thrombophlebitis of the superficial dorsal vein of the penis. Dermatologica ;— Dermatol Wochenschr — Basic Clin Androl , , 03 Mar Br J Clin Pract ;41 10 — Cited by: 6 articles PMID: Ravery Authors E. Received : 22 July

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Br J Clin Pract ;41 10 — Volume 24 5. Mondor's phlebitis of the penis: a study with factor VIII related antigen. Abramson DJ. Similar Articles To arrive at the top five similar articles we use a word-weighted algorithm to compare words from the Title and Abstract of each citation. Superficial dorsal penile vein thrombosis penile Mondor's disease. Presentation of a new case]. Recent Activity. Volume 24 2. Volume 24 3. Developers Forum. Case with hidden diagnosis. A subscription may be required. Cesarean section indications and anthropometric parameters in Rwandan nulliparae: preliminary results from a longitudinal survey [ Research ] Jean-Baptiste Kakoma PAMJ.

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