Sun patrol skin cancer clinic - officer

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Sun patrol skin cancer clinic - officer

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We give patients prompt and effective access to screening, diagnosis and treatment all under one roof. Thanks to our dedicated operating theatres and professional support team, patients face short waiting times to receive vital treatment. Envisioning a world where nobody dies from skin cancer, we strive every day to provide excellent service to our patients. We offer expert advice, full-body skin examinations, spot checks, treatment of all skin cancers and, most importantly, utmost peace of mind. We place a strong emphasis on excellence in medical care, which is strengthened by our commitment to research and education. All our doctors and support staff are involved in the ongoing education of GPs in Australia through university-certified Skin Cancer Medicine programs. From Healthpages. Jump to: navigation , search.

Sun patrol skin cancer clinic - officer

For information about this service, or to book an appointment, please call. You'll need to book an appointment before you come. You'll need to pay. You may be able to make a Medicare claim. Check before visiting. You will need to contact the service to confirm that practitioner is available for your visit. Please call the service before visiting to double check details. If you need to get in touch with this service, please use the contact details above.

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