sözleşmeli öğretmenlik

Sözleşmeli öğretmenlik

Tez Koleksiyonu.

Number: MANU It is possible to state that the relationship between education and employment has an important function in preparing young people for work and the future. Raising young people with the knowledge and skills of the twenty-first century has a very important function for the efficient ventilation of economic elements. The difficulty of development costs as countries lacks efficient and productive workforce. Human training environments with the characteristics of the higher education system have an important function. World countries with scarce resources have to use their budgets for higher education efficiently, legally, and ethically.

Sözleşmeli öğretmenlik

A variety of appointment procedures have been applied to teacher appointments in Turkey so far. Especially in recent years, new methods have begun to be applied in teacher appointments. The regulation on contracted teacher employment published in August amended teacher appointments. The appointments of the candidates who become entitled to be appointed as a result of these examinations, are carried out by complying new regulation that imposes various obligations. The compulsory service duration and the status of teacher are the prominent ones of these innovations. The present study is designed to examine the reflections of social studies student teachers on contracted teacher practice and oral examination interview method applied in recruitment of contracted teachers. To attain this goal, an interview form developed by the researchers and presented to expert review, have been prepared. The case study design of qualitative research methods is used in the study. The collected data are analysed through descriptive and content analysis techniques. As a result of analysis, various categories are formed from the findings collected.

Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education 3 3


İnsan gibi cevap veremez misin? Fen edebiyat mezunuyum formasyon almadim gerek de gormedim ozel bir kurumda 7 yildir ogretmenlik yapiyorum. Formasyonun olmasa da 2 yil sonunda meb de ozel ogretici olarak ataman da yapilir ozel kurumlarda. Formasyona bakmiyor o isler. Bugun kurum degistirmeye kalksam cocuklarin yarisi pesimden gelir… sen kimin ogretmenlik yapip yapamayacagini dusunecegine uslubunu duzelt. Sen formasyonlu olsan nolur, tavra bak… iletisimden kaldin evladim…. Merhaba Ben bu sene mezun oldum. Bilgilendirirseniz sevinirim.

Sözleşmeli öğretmenlik


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In this practice, which is similar to the internship practice in pre-service training, teachers will develop themselves from the professional side by learning the cultural and social characteristics of the place they will be appointed. The present study is designed to examine the reflections of social studies student teachers on contracted teacher practice and oral examination interview method applied in recruitment of contracted teachers. Tez Koleksiyonu. While the reflections of student-teachers considering the contracted teacher practice as a negative application are collected in five sub-categories, the positive reflections are collected in three sub-categories. Collections Tez Koleksiyonu. Corbin, J. The case study design of qualitative research methods is used in the study. Full item page. Social studies , contracted teacher , oral examination interview , teacher , teacher assignment. The study group constitutes 10 class teachers working in Van's provinces and in the first years of their profession. Research Article. The compulsory service duration and the status of teacher are the prominent ones of these innovations. Recommendations for policymakers are also presented. The collected data are analysed through descriptive and content analysis techniques.


The answers to the question "what are the criteria to be taken into account in teacher appointments? Create Research Close. International Journal of Social Science Research, vol. Ankara: Pegem. Creswell, J. While the reflections of student-teachers considering the contracted teacher practice as a negative application are collected in five sub-categories, the positive reflections are collected in three sub-categories. International Journal of Social Science Research 6, no. The reflections of student teachers on contracted teacher practice are divided into two categories as positive and negative. No Thumbnail Available. Especially in recent years, new methods have begun to be applied in teacher appointments. APA 6th edition Ilgan, A. References Akdemir, A. To attain this goal, an interview form developed by the researchers and presented to expert review, have been prepared. Full item page. It is possible to state that the relationship between education and employment has an important function in preparing young people for work and the future.

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