Sexy female monologues

My face. I was born with it, people. I look in the mirror and I see some beautiful woman looking back at me; my worst day, a line or two, a little pale or whatnot, but a really good face in there. Some sort of oblivion that gets pasted over her eyes so she can go sexy female monologues life and not be aware that people are cruel in many ways, sexy female monologues.

We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article. If there's one thing that gets you locked into any film, it's a good monologue - especially from a woman. To save you the trouble, we've compiled a list of the best monologues from women in film, and they're all absolutely sensational. You are so beautiful, and so smart, and it kills me that you don't think you're good enough. Like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we're always doing it wrong.

Sexy female monologues

These are the best examples of Dramatic Monologue Sexy poems written by international poets. Member Area. Word Counter. Home » Poems » dramatic monologue » sexy. I gotta get out hop on my ride Read More. Dirty-Ol'-Sod oggles me carriage sway! Heartbeats Another round of passion seems to find Its way to our bedroom with extinguished Love trying to find its homeward place As we tried to bring ourselves together But Whatcha Thinkin Whatcha Thinkin? Agarwal If you're thinkin 'bout me Then I'll let you be. But you're thinkin 'bout her I'm gonna change your thinkin, Sir: Kiss you all around And Classy Lady Most females have forgotten that it takes more than just being a woman to qualify as a lady. Many women think that being sexy is all I was traveling on business.

And I've done everything in the whole wide world hoping you'd never have to know. But proved.

My face. I was born with it, people. I look in the mirror and I see some beautiful woman looking back at me; my worst day, a line or two, a little pale or whatnot, but a really good face in there. Some sort of oblivion that gets pasted over her eyes so she can go about life and not be aware that people are cruel in many ways. It is. Think, I guess.

A monologue from the screenplay by Annie Mumolo and Kristen Wiig. I told you she wanted to go to Paris. I told you Paris! I told you! How romantic! What woman gives another woman a trip to Paris? Am I right?

Sexy female monologues

By Isabell Tenorio — Written on Jan 09, When you are feeling less than inspired and need someone to look to for empowerment, it's always a good idea to draw from some iconic female monologues from movies and shows we love. Even though there is a long list of movies and TV shows starring men to fuel the masculine audience to be stronger and proud of who they are, now, that list is matched with movies and TV shows starring strong women. The stories of modern women bring to light the adversity women have faced in the quest for equality and to be taken seriously.

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Can you believe that? And most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself. I could eat glass! That is what my lawyer said. Not your class. That I wanted to lay up somewhere and forget about my responsibilities? You see what they did to this country? What else could happen? I had to make sure he bathed. He kept demanding more and more books. That's what's paying for their blow jobs. What has led you to this place?


I hate acting. Because I said a lot of terrible things to you. Tomorrow Tomorrow Tonight my mind is filled with passion building in me a powerful need only you can fill. The more healthy your baby got, the more dead my baby became. What about my life? The hunt for a serial killer By glamorous profilers, nothing grubby Or exploitive. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. Think, I guess. I get it. You think I could do it otherwise?

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