sexiest african american actors

Sexiest african american actors

From ages sexiest african american actors to 80's, some of the finest and most talented Black men in Hollywood In Alphabetical Order. Actor Black Panther. Michael B. He is the son of Donna Davisa high school counselor, and Michael A.

Here are some of the Black actors we run to the theaters to see! Did we name your favorite? Son of Denzel Washington, John David Washington , brings that classic handsomeness just like his father in all of his films and on Broadway stages! Will Smith has had people swooning over him since the 90s! Jonathan Majors has been causing a frenzy lately from the February Ebony photoshoot you know the one to his newest movie roles showing off his perfectly sculpted body. Denzel Washington will always be known for being one of the most attractive and talented actors in Hollywood with his smooth talking and beautiful smile.

Sexiest african american actors

Feast your eyes on this crowd ranking of the hottest Black men of who are causing a storm across the globe with their talent, charm, and irresistible good looks. Featuring actors, singers, rappers, and more, this list celebrates Black male celebrities from different fields who possess not just good looks, but also immense talent and remarkable personalities. These attractive men, who are setting the benchmark for Black excellence, are ranked by adoring fans, keen to show their support and admiration. Michael B. Jordan is recognized not only for his seductive charm and well-chiseled physique, but also for his remarkable acting versatility. Michael Ealy, with his striking blue eyes and aura of mystery, continues to captivate audience's hearts while delivering eloquent performances on the silver screen. Idris Elba from Britain, known for his rugged appeal and electrifying screen presence, is also cherished for his captivating accent. Omari Hardwick, famously known for his role in Power , leaves a strong impression with his imposing build, searing intensity, and undeniable charisma. Damson Idris, a fresh face on the scene, has already made his mark with his pertinent acting skills, and a unique sense of style that sets him apart. While these cute, sexy, and handsome Black guys have proven their worth, it is up to you to decide who is the hottest among them all. Remember, this list is about the best looking, not the most talented. Find your favorites, show your support, and let's celebrate these individuals who are redefining hotness and breaking barriers every day. So go ahead, cast your vote, and let's bring these deserving men into the spotlight!

His ability to navigate different genres effortlessly has made him a sought-after talent in Hollywood. Little did he know that a chance performance in a high school play would garner him not only rave reviews but also permanently alter his long-range plans.

Voting rules: Choose the actor you think is the most handsome! This is a community-based ranking of the most handsome African American actor. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or actor is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking! Michael B.

All this month, Essence. Continuing with a theme I love, exalting Black greatness while telling our stories, these galleries showcase those who pave the way for the next generations. These are our superstars, bright lights illuminating the way for others to follow. Historically, the Black actor has dared to challenge the stereotypes of what it means to be a Black man in a White world. Jordan, who are redefining the image of the Hollywood leading man. I hope these galleries do that for a new generation of readers. Face it. Billy Dee Williams is the prototype for the suave, Black leading man. Before his death in , Chadwick gave movie fans of all races what we were looking for, a hero.

Sexiest african american actors

As the entertainment industry continues to evolve during unprecedented times, opportunities for newcomers to tell unique stories abound. These young Black actresses and actors have already made their mark in film, television, and theater—but with their latest projects, their artistry and acclaim are expected to reach the next level. Take a look at 20 young Black stars who are making big moves in movies, television, and streaming and are poised to become the next generation of Hollywood A-listers. Your email is required. Confirm email is required. Subscribe Now.

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His career spans forty years. Louis, Missouri, USA. Actor Fallen. He was previously married to Tia Mowry. More Lenny Kravitz. James, a native of Canada, has held the honor of portraying several real-life figures in African American history. Actor Crash. Actor House on Haunted Hill. This victory paved the way for his successful modeling career, with Gibson becoming the face of major brands such as Tommy Hilfiger and Guess. Actor Slow Horses. Most handsome Arab man. Actors With Beautiful Eyes. He moved to Lyon, France, when he was Please log in to your account to suggest a new item.

Inclusion and diversity in Hollywood is more important than ever, so it's nice to see great Black actors get the recognition they deserve. But watch out for Michael B.

Before we can answer who the most handsome Black man in the world is, let's first decide the hottest Black male actors right now. Actor The Oath. As one of the first rappers to transition into acting, LL Cool J has paved the way for other hip-hop artists, and his role on NCIS: Los Angeles continues to solidify his status as an accomplished actor. Dwayne Johnson, affectionately known as "The Rock," began his career as a professional wrestler before transitioning to Hollywood. Michael B. While these cute, sexy, and handsome Black guys have proven their worth, it is up to you to decide who is the hottest among them all. Voting rules: Choose the actor you think is the most handsome! Malcolm Goodwin was born in Brooklyn, New York. Actor Kick-Ass. Off-screen, he is an activist committed to social justice and equality.

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