russian gas mask black

Russian gas mask black

Plastic button "Canadian". Sewn with the tape for widths 8 mm. Original cloth strap for weapon. Version from USSR, in olive-sand shade.

It was issued to the Soviet population starting in Production of the kit ended in The number of GP-5 kits produced was three times more than the population of the Soviet Union. The GP-5 kit was originally made to protect the wearer from radioactive fallout during the Cold War and was distributed to most fallout shelters. They were tested in Poland to determine if they have NBC protective capabilities. It was concluded that the mask would last in an NBC situation for 24 hours. The GP-5 weighs 1.

Russian gas mask black


They must not be warped, clogged, or torn. Archived from the original on


Out of stock. This gas mask is seen everywhere from costume shops, video games, movies, and more. One of the rarest GP-5 gas masks is the black GP-5 gas mask, which we are now able to offer to our customers for the very first time. These masks are rarely ever imported into the United States, so when we were offered them we jumped at the chance. Items 1 to 10 of total. You submitted your review for moderation. All rights reserved. Checkout or View and Edit Cart. Prized by collectors, enthusiasts, and war veterans for the sinister appearance of the GP-5, we're now able to offer these rare black gas masks for the very first time.

Russian gas mask black

It was issued to the Soviet population starting in Production of the kit ended in The number of GP-5 kits produced was three times more than the population of the Soviet Union. The GP-5 kit was originally made to protect the wearer from radioactive fallout during the Cold War and was distributed to most fallout shelters.

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On the rubber, helmet masks are also cast under the other markings: the first letter of the city of production and the year followed by dots indicating the quarter of the year, and the mold number for example T Although it is unrelated to the GP-5 family of masks, a similar variant of the Russian "helmet-style" design with small eyepieces and a voice transmitter for those with specific needs relating to the use of optical equipment i. Reference: Brand: Inne kraje Case for decorating. Reference: Brand: Polska Summer tank helmet, black, used. Summer version, without insulation. There has been some debate as to whether or not the filters are dangerous for containing asbestos. Production of the kit ended in Individual military medicine cabinet, with the set of measures to the security against the attack with the ABC weapon. The bag has two pockets: one flat with a partition for placing boxes with anti-fogging films and membranes and folding a waistband or IPP individual dressing bag , and the other for an individual anti-chemical package IPP Inside the valve box, there are inhalation and two exhalation valves main and additional.


The size is indicated by a number on the chin of the helmet mask. Each box contained a manual for the correct operation and use of the gas mask. Version from USSR, in olive-sand shade. Include holding bag, mask and air filter. Retrieved 5 September Plastic button "Canadian". Another variation of the GP-5 is the PMG-2, which features a circular piece of metal that contains a thin piece of plastic on the inside, which acts as a voice diaphragm 'voicemitter' , as well as circular earholes. The front part consists of a rubber body helmet-mask with fairings and a spectacle assembly with flat round glasses, and a valve box with inhalation and exhalation valves. GP-5 gas mask, black Reference Attention is drawn to the fact that the "grains" of the absorber are not poured into the box. The front part of the ShMMU received an intercom and slots in the body of the helmet mask for the ears. It is completed with one-sided films that prevent fogging of glasses of the spectacle unit, it can also be equipped with insulating cuffs that prevent freezing of glasses of the spectacle unit at low temperatures.

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