pictures of christina trevanion

Pictures of christina trevanion

The year-old is best known for her work as an expert and auctioneer on shows including Bargain HuntFlog It! On the pictures of christina trevanion, Christina is usually smartly dressed and professional, so her latest Instagram snap shocked her fans when she flashed the flesh. Christina showed off her sensational figure in a black bikini as she was pictured stepping out of the beautiful turquoise sea on her holidays.

She took to Instagram to show a behind-the-scenes look at the programme with a stunning snap as they filmed in Devon. Want all the best bits on the box? Share your email to get TV news, interviews, spoilers and more. We have more newsletters. Bargain Hunt fans were left gushing after antiques expert Christina Trevanion posted a "gorgeous" selfie on her on the set of the BBC show. She beamed at the camera while on the golden sandy beach. She captioned the post: "Hello.

Pictures of christina trevanion


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The year-old is known for starting her own auctioneers and valuers called Trevanion and Dean, based in Shropshire. She founded the company with Aaron Dean, having previously worked at the prestigious auctioneer house, Christie's. Christina and Aaron met while studying at university before embarking on starting their own auction house in The Whitchurch Herald reported Christina as saying: "I have been delighted to welcome lots of friendly new faces to Trevanion and Dean. Don't miss Bargain Hunt wouldn't the be same without its team of experts who guide the red and blue contestants every episode in a bid to help them find the most high-valued items.

Pictures of christina trevanion

When Christina Trevanion isn't hitting the road in search of hidden gems on The Travelling Auctioneers , she's spending time at home with her husband and two children. Unfortunately for fans, Christina, 42, keeps her life off-screen private, aside from a handful of rare family photos. One of those was a wedding picture that revealed her fairytale bridal outfit as she paid a heartfelt tribute to her late father David, who sadly died in Posing against the backdrop of a gilded mirror placed on top of a fireplace, the Antiques Road Trip star grinned at the camera alongside her dapper father, who was dressed in a white bow tie and a tailcoat. Delicate embellishments decorated the bodice of her V-neck wedding dress, which gathered at her waist before falling into a straight skirt to the floor. In the interest of keeping warm in the chilly winter weather, Christina had layered a fluffy white bolero jacket over her shoulders. Beauty-wise, her caramel and honey-hued hair had been styled in princess curls that fell past her shoulders with the front section twisted into a voluminous half-updo, while she appeared to accentuate her natural beauty with minimal makeup.

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Boy, some people really are nasty trolls.

Dunelm shoppers love 'stylish' ottoman that 'looks very high end'. Most read in TV. UK Edition. Devon families raging over newbuild dream homes 'nightmare'. Man who found bomb says daughter has been told to expect 'worst-case scenario'. See our Privacy Notice. Pictures as WW2 bomb moved through Plymouth to be detonated at sea. Share your email to get TV news, interviews, spoilers and more More Newsletters. More Newsletters. These two people may have seen missing man Peter Gunning before he disappeared. Show Me No thanks, close. She beamed at the camera while on the golden sandy beach.

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