narrow antonym

Narrow antonym

What is the opposite word of narrow? Narrow is used as an adjective, and broad denotes an adjective for a wide width. Therefore depending on the different types of nouns, we can use their synonyms, some of which are given below, narrow antonym.

Tip: The narrower upper deck in coach is the better choice because its eight-seat rows cannot be extended. As I noted in May, the Windsor opinion is actually much narrower than the cases that have followed in its midst. The other trend perhaps has a narrower reach; it has to do with changes within journalism in the age of the Internet. I turned right into a narrow street, went along it about fifty yards, and paused where it was crossed by a still narrower alley. As the ill-assorted pair advanced, the streets they traversed seemed to grow narrower and dirtier. He reserved, of course, a passageway to his own door, narrower or wider according to the circumstances.

Narrow antonym

US - How to pronounce narrow in American English. UK - How to pronounce narrow in British English. Adjective Place the long and narrow oval across the center of the top of the balloon parallel to the wings. Verb, base form This ensures that the dishes will go well together and makes it easier to narrow down the menu. Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence. Between the fear that something would happen and the hope that still it wouldn't, there is much more space than one thinks. On that narrow , hard, bare and dark space a lot of us spend their lives. So vast is art, so narrow human wit. Table of Contents. Narrow in a sentence. Synonyms constrictive straplike constricting narrowing thin narrow-mouthed breadth tapering narrow-minded width slender strait limited narrowed. Antonyms broad-minded wide thick thinness. Etymology narow Middle English

Updated on Sep 15,

Words related to narrow are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word narrow. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. Google previously added a menu at the top to let you filter based on those alternate meanings and better narrow down the search results to what you are looking for. As we noted earlier, the research subjects — college students and MTurk users — they represent narrow slices of the population. Her terror is played out for entertainment, whether that means a narrow escape or a bloody death. I think that on both sides of the aisle, you see these entrenched politicians, this entrenched political class who have a very narrow viewpoint of how the world should act. What it endangers is a narrow conception of Russian power, understood through the eyes of its dictatorial leader.

Words related to narrow are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word narrow. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. Google previously added a menu at the top to let you filter based on those alternate meanings and better narrow down the search results to what you are looking for. As we noted earlier, the research subjects — college students and MTurk users — they represent narrow slices of the population. Her terror is played out for entertainment, whether that means a narrow escape or a bloody death. I think that on both sides of the aisle, you see these entrenched politicians, this entrenched political class who have a very narrow viewpoint of how the world should act. What it endangers is a narrow conception of Russian power, understood through the eyes of its dictatorial leader. By that time, SantaCon had already spread beyond the narrow confines of a few prankster-explorers. And besides, the studies that do enjoy widespread media circulation focus on a very narrow segment of the LGBT community: gay men. The streets here are rather wide for an Italian city but would be deemed intolerably narrow in America.

Narrow antonym

Antonyms: absolute , boundless , countless , eternal , illimitable , immeasurable , infinite , innumerable , interminable , limitless , measureless , numberless , unbounded , unconditioned , unfathomable , unlimited , unmeasured. Synonyms: bounded , brief , circumscribed , evanescent , finite , limited , little , measurable , moderate , restricted , shallow , short , small , transient , transitory. Antonyms: wide , broad , ample , thick , expanded , easy , liberal.

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Strong matches biased conservative narrow-minded partial prejudiced reactionary. And besides, the studies that do enjoy widespread media circulation focus on a very narrow segment of the LGBT community: gay men. The word Narrow is often objective and can vary depending on the context and perspective of the speaker. Synonyms constrict astringe tighten constringe. May As the ill-assorted pair advanced, the streets they traversed seemed to grow narrower and dirtier. It can also mean something that is constricted or cramped. These are: Attenuated, constricted, small, restricted, tapering, narrow-gauged, confined, thin, tight, slender, slight, slim, cramped, lean, etc. Strong matches biased conservative narrow-minded partial prejudiced reactionary. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. From Search Engine Land. Synonyms alter overspecialize change specialize narrow down overspecialise specialise. Weak matches determinate exiguous incapacious linear meager paltry threadlike. Not Yet.

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Strongest match tight. Antonyms endomorphic fat. As I noted in May, the Windsor opinion is actually much narrower than the cases that have followed in its midst. Updated on Sep 15, Synonyms and examples thin Cut the pastry into thin strips. Strongest matches diminish limit tighten. Grammar Thesaurus. English—German German—English. Sign up now or Log in. Talk to an expert. Your feedback will be reviewed. May Which academic test are you planning to take? Strong matches biased conservative narrow-minded partial prejudiced reactionary. By that time, SantaCon had already spread beyond the narrow confines of a few prankster-explorers.

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