

Though it may seem odd, flamelurker, you should venture deeper into the Archstone of the Burrow King before returning to the Archstone of the Small King. Otherwise, entering that other area will find you with your flamelurker obscured by impenetrable mist.

It is a fast moving flame golem with wide reaching fire attacks and unpredictable movement. When you enter the boss battle it is good to take a moment and observe the way Flamelurker moves and attacks. He can be a little unpredictable, and even if you are behind him he can still damage you if he does a backstep. Similarly if you get too far away he will do a leaping slam attack that will easily break your guard or deal a large amount of fire damage if you fail to dodge. If you are a ranged user, your best bet is to stay in the mid-range and wait out his quick swiping attacks, keeping an eye out for one of his slower ground slams. Make sure you are out of range, then fire one or two attacks while he is vulnerable and before he runs at you. Rinse and repeat this process for a slow but safe win.


NG: Bosses are special enemies that feature their own arena, a large and prominent health bar with its name indicated, a variety of unique moves and abilities, an ambient boss theme, and an Archstone that appears upon their death. Most bosses appear once the player passes through a fog gate nearby. Players will have to descend down a large pit either by falling carefully or by taking a longer way through caverns infested with powerful bug demons. In general, stay in front of him, it's much better to deal with the Flamelurker face to face. Often after attacking or being hit it likes to jump backwards or to either side, so don't be caught off guard and stay in front. The only time you want to be behind him is when you have rolled under him and are attacking - to do this, see the below strategy:. You are aiming to be flame resistant and mobile - which means you can roll smoothly. Take one flame resistant shield, such as the Purple Flame Shield, , and a magical melee weapon - a perfect example are the Hands of God - which you can get right before the battle. It is a fist weapon and you'll need to get up close to attack, but for new players it might be your only option. Make sure you've got a Ring of Flame Resistance too. As for your armor, you can equip the Black Leather set , or whatever you can get away with before it affects your mobility. All of this gear you can obtain relatively easily. As for the tactics, you need to be defensive the entire time - this means keeping your shield up and on the move constantly, avoiding its attacks whenever possible.

I used a steel shield and just blocked everything, flamelurker. Peace among man is just an illusion. I named my charakter Ostrava.

Below the labyrinthine tunnels dug up by the Miners, within the very heart of Stonefang, a temple built by the burrowers to worship the bones of dragons is found and should any incautious explorer get too close to its gates, they'll find themself face to face with the fiery demon guarding it. Offering his infernal spirit to Blacksmith Ed , he'll become able to enchant weapons with more Stones and even create new arsenals from Demon's Souls. Video Tutorial: Walkthrough. Bringing the Regenerator's Ring and Ring of Flame Resistance and Water Veil if the build has a magic slot available for protection and Sticky White Stuff or Enchant Weapon for offense, a melee character is ready to face the Flamelurker. While all non-fire based weapons are equally effective against him, Daggers like the regular Dagger or Secret Dagger and Curved Swords such as the Falchion , Scimitar and Kilij will have an easier time building up DPS once buffed and Poles , the Halberd and Mirdan Hammer in particular, have the advantage of a long reach that turns evading after an attack safer. Katana too are a good choice for their speed.

It is a fast moving flame golem with wide reaching fire attacks and unpredictable movement. When you enter the boss battle it is good to take a moment and observe the way Flamelurker moves and attacks. He can be a little unpredictable, and even if you are behind him he can still damage you if he does a backstep. Similarly if you get too far away he will do a leaping slam attack that will easily break your guard or deal a large amount of fire damage if you fail to dodge. If you are a ranged user, your best bet is to stay in the mid-range and wait out his quick swiping attacks, keeping an eye out for one of his slower ground slams. Make sure you are out of range, then fire one or two attacks while he is vulnerable and before he runs at you. Rinse and repeat this process for a slow but safe win.


NG: Bosses are special enemies that feature their own arena, a large and prominent health bar with its name indicated, a variety of unique moves and abilities, an ambient boss theme, and an Archstone that appears upon their death. Most bosses appear once the player passes through a fog gate nearby. Players will have to descend down a large pit either by falling carefully or by taking a longer way through caverns infested with powerful bug demons. In general, stay in front of him, it's much better to deal with the Flamelurker face to face.

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It sees me in the moment just before i reach the spine or ripcage and never loses track Lob poison cloud at about a 45 degree angle. Strategy [ ] The Flamelurker is very weak to magic , so a weapon that deals magic damage can help a lot. When you reach the far left side of this ledge, there's another of the spear-shooting machines. DuneMan 14 years ago 8. Eyyyyy, Flamelurker's head looks less like Raid Shadow Advertisments and like the original now. Had a blast with this tho…no, literally. If the blow properly connects, the dragon will convulse briefly before returning to its position. Load more. Then it's just a matter of taking a nimble step backwards to avoid its swipe, throw up your shield to block the brunt of its fire blast.

After players beat world , the rest of the Archstones will open up, allowing players to progress through Demon's Souls in whatever order they please, though players must first find and speak to the Monumental. Naturally, many players move on to world as the next logical step, but there's a surprisingly tough enemy waiting down this path. After their triumph over the Armor Spider in , they'll end up face to face with 's boss, the Flamelurker.

Move quickly forward and get behind one of the pillars. The pathfinding was corrected and Flamelurker will find a way around to kill you. Leave feedback. I was expecting a hard fight; kind of anticlimactic. Note: This will not work on North American versions. The Kris Blade can be equipped to have the Magic Damage of spells increased by its passive effect. Eyyyyy, Flamelurker's head looks less like Raid Shadow Advertisments and like the original now. Also keep in mind that every time Flamelurker does one of his slam attacks he leaves a pool of fire on the ground. These will deal small amounts of damage whenever you step on them, so be careful where you walk especially if you are low on health and need to heal. Video Tutorial: Not-hit Run While this exploit doesn't require any long range weapon or item to damage the boss, it does require one to draw the aggro correctly.

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