naked gun pee scene

Naked gun pee scene

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The usually dull council meeting in George Town, Texas, soon had acting mayor Rachael Jonrowe left in stitches after the gaffe, while she tried to talk seriously about infectious diseases after the man's pee was broadcast to the chamber. In a scene that echoed the classic microphone pee scene from s comedy film The Naked Gun, one councilman did just that and had his leak broadcast to the public gallery during a council meeting in George Town, Texas. The official took a break from the meeting, without removing his microphone, and then went to the lavatory completely oblivious to the fact that everyone in the meeting was being forced to listen in. Rachael Jonrowe, acting mayor , tried to put a brave face on and continue proceedings over the background noise, but eventually, hysterics got the better of her and she was left sniggering her way through the rest of the resolution. In classic cop comedy The Naked Gun: From the files of police squad, d etective Frank Drebin, played by Leslie Nielsen, leaves his microphone on during a press conference to nip to the bathroom and everyone there gets the full audio.

Naked gun pee scene


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Following his scene-stealing work in their classic Airplane! After it was quickly canceled, Nielsen spent time with serious parts in films and TV series before being brought back for the movie spin-off, The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! It opened at number one before going on to be among the top-ten grossers that debuted in about half its take came following the new year. The success of this action movie parody led to sequels of diminishing quality, but the brand is in its entirety still one of the more celebrated comedy franchises. And this initial installment is still considered one of the top three favorite spoof movies of all time.

Naked gun pee scene


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Close Local your local region National. Video link. Celebs TV Films. This may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. Watch hilarious moment councillor leaves microphone on while he takes loo break during meeting. The mayor was taking a leak, everyone was quick to realize, and he had left his microphone on. Search Menu. Got A Story? Get the latest National news. In classic cop comedy The Naked Gun: From the files of police squad, d etective Frank Drebin, played by Leslie Nielsen, leaves his microphone on during a press conference to nip to the bathroom and everyone there gets the full audio. Mirror Choice. Councilman goes to bathroom, forgets to take off his microphone.

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