indian food bedford ma

Indian food bedford ma

Tashan meaning "style" brings the energy of India's thriving culinary scene to Bedford, MA, and the greater Boston indian food bedford ma serving reinvented and refined Indian classics. He began as the General Manager and eventually took over operations, becoming Owner in Seeing the opportunity for further expansion of Gourmet India, upon joining the business Vishal pioneered corporate catering, indian food bedford ma, partnering with leasebusters montreal industry giants including Marriott, Sheraton, and Hyatt as well as reputable institutions such as Fidelity Investments, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Boston Scientific, and Newton Wellesley Hospital. With several locations throughout Massachusetts, Gourmet India is one of the most sought-after regional caterers to this day.

Skip to content. We offers a diverse range of authentic Indian cuisine. With a vibrant and inviting atmosphere, the restaurant provides an excellent dining experience for its customers. Offers a range of Indian desserts and drinks to complement the meal. Experience the flavors of India. The menu at Virsa De Punjab features a variety of vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes that are freshly prepared with high-quality ingredients and traditional Indian spices. Some of their popular dishes include chicken tikka masala, lamb vindaloo, chole bhature, and biryani.

Indian food bedford ma


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Tashan meaning "style" brings the energy of India's thriving culinary scene to Bedford, MA, and the greater Boston area serving reinvented and refined Indian classics. He began as the General Manager and eventually took over operations, becoming Owner in Seeing the opportunity for further expansion of Gourmet India, upon joining the business Vishal pioneered corporate catering, partnering with hotel industry giants including Marriott, Sheraton, and Hyatt as well as reputable institutions such as Fidelity Investments, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Boston Scientific, and Newton Wellesley Hospital. With several locations throughout Massachusetts, Gourmet India is one of the most sought-after regional caterers to this day. After years of working in the fast-casual and catering business, Vishal and the Sood family felt it was time to open their first sit down restaurant. In he found the perfect location to open Tashan in Bedford, MA.

Indian food bedford ma

From the colorful ceilings, colorful mosaics and colorful wall panels, to the colorful upholstery, everything about Holi Bedford is colorful unmatched by any of the other Restaurants in Bedford. Bright lit through wall to wall windows that affords refreshing views around during the daytime and spectacular. Holi Bedford menu features contemporary Indian cuisine, deconstructed and reinvented by our chefs.

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Ols Spekcled Hen. Nasheela Badal. Kulcha Trio. Pomegranate Paneer Pakora. Explore Tashan Our gallery. Dhundari Madira. Tava Murgh. Plantation 3 Star. Vegetable Special of The Day. Ricossa Antica Casa, Barolo, Italy. About Us.

Fresh garden vegetables and greens served with chef selected dressings.

Angoori Manhattan. Mumbiachi Grilled Sandwich. Lunch Menu First Tastes. Sam Smith Nut Brown Ale. Johnnie Walker Black. Tandoori Salmon. Rasgulla Amarkhand. Glenlivet Daal Tarka. We take pride in serving our customers with the best and most authentic Indian food, which is prepared using the finest ingredients and traditional spices. Aloo Potli. Macallan Read more. Seafood Korma.

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