How much did vinnie jones pay for his farm

Film and football hard man Vinnie Jones has been the centre of fevered speculation in a sleepy Sussex village. The former Wimbledon and Chelsea star is thought to have been one of a number of celebrities interested in buying historic Isfield Place.

By Laura Fox For Mailonline. Vinnie Jones has sold the final property he owned with his late wife Tanya. The actor, 58, was married to Tanya for 25 years before she passed away in at the age of just 53, following a battle with cancer. A spokesperson for Vinny confirmed to MailOnline that he has sold the home he and Tanya shared in Watford. Vinnie previously shared that he sold the home he and Tanya shared in LA because he couldn't cope with the idea of living there without her.

How much did vinnie jones pay for his farm

You are currently accessing Farmers Guradian via your Enterprise account. If you already have an account please use the link below to sign in. If you have any problems with your access or would like to request an individual access account please contact our customer service team. Email: [email protected]. Call and place your ad today! You are currently accessing Farmers Guardain via your Enterprise account. Swapping the bright lights and fame of Hollywood for farming in the glorious countryside was the ultimate homecoming for Vinnie Jones, according to the man himself. He is the epitome of toughness with a thunderous glare so menacing - he could probably frighten the toughest Hollywood hardmen of them all in Chuck Norris, Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger. It will explore Mr Jones' fascination and connection to nature and his happiness in the tranquillity of being surrounded by wildlife - especially when he is never asked for a selfie. Getting to unravel the layers of a man who has been the epitome of toughness for all his life could be the very making of him. Mr Jones was rather keen to point out the show's separation from the world of Jeremy Clarkson and his rather popular series on Prime Video. A post shared by Vinnie Jones thevinniejones.

Retrieved 24 November Either Jones has left his wild and angry days behind him, and has matured into a thoughtful conservationist or — and this is far more likely — he has seen how much money Jeremy Clarkson has made from his farming show and wants to tear off a slice of it for himself. Search Farmers Guardian Search.

By Matt Drake. Hollywood superstar and hardman Vinnie Jones is set to star in a brand new documentary series that has been dubbed the 'next Clarkson's Farm '. The ex-footballer is working with Lime Pictures - the creators of Hollyoaks and Geordie Shore - on a docu-series about his new life on a sprawling acre plot on a farm in Petworth, West Sussex. It comes after the tragic death of his wife, Tanya, who he was married to for 25 years before sadly losing her to cancer in July at just 53 years of age. Mr Jones, 58, sold their former Watford home and their LA home because he could not cope with the idea of living there without his beloved wife.

You are currently accessing Farmers Guradian via your Enterprise account. If you already have an account please use the link below to sign in. If you have any problems with your access or would like to request an individual access account please contact our customer service team. Email: [email protected]. Call and place your ad today!

How much did vinnie jones pay for his farm

Author: Henrietta Szathmary. As part of the transformation, Vinnie and his team will look to establish new conservation methods, restore habitats to attract wildlife and reintroduce native flora and fauna. Bring it on! The series were ordered for Warner Bros. Expect chaos, comedy, and a whole lot of heart. Read more rural stories on our Rural News hub. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use Privacy Policy.

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This article is more than 3 months old. Related Content. It wraps around you and it pulls you down. The series was ordered for Warner Bros. MTV News. London, UK. Three seasons later , he contributed to another strong season for the club, who reached the semi-finals of both the FA Cup and the League Cup , and finished eighth in the Premier League. The actor, 58, was married to Tanya for 25 years before she passed away in at the age of just 53, following a battle with cancer. Tory anger over Government's Islamic 'extremism' clampdown that could be used to blacklist women's rights Actor presenter footballer. These adverts enable local businesses to get in front of their target audience — the local community. Shock as Sam Kerr's brother admits domestic violence attack in court - pleading guilty days after his famous

Vinnie Jones is a man of many talents. Vinnie Jones spent 15 years of his life as a professional football player before entering the world of cinema. He started his football journey with non-league club Wealdstone in , but he gained prominence playing for Wimbledon, where he joined two years later.

He scored in only his second appearance for Wimbledon on 29 November , in a 1—0 win over Manchester United. However, as the old saying goes, never judge a book by its cover. Back to top Home News Royals U. Archived from the original on 19 August Privacy Policy Feedback. Contents move to sidebar hide. Archived from the original on 18 March Christian Brueckner's adoptive mother reveals she has disowned the Madeleine McCann prime suspect and has Christian Brueckner's adoptive mother reveals she has disowned the Madeleine McCann prime suspect and has In an incident in February , Jones was famously photographed covertly grabbing Paul Gascoigne by his testicles during a league game for Wimbledon against Newcastle United. Daily Telegraph. He also played for and captained the Welsh national team , having qualified through a Welsh grandparent. Mr Jones said: 'Most people know me as a professional footballer or Hollywood hardman, but what they probably don't know is all of that hard work has been to support my real passion: my home in the great British countryside. Callum Turner looks suave in a black suit and tie as he attends the Vanity Fair Oscars viewing party without girlfriend Dua Lipa Paula Abdul dazzles in plunging blue dress as she celebrates the Oscars with Erika Jayne and more - in her first red carpet appearance since her Nigel Lythgoe accusations. He also has 60 hectares acres of land nearby, but the most we see him do with it at least in the first episode is wonder how many hedgehogs it has in it.

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