

The hit animated series Bleach is a staple of the Shonen genre, and it tells the tale of Ichigo Kurosaki and his battles against the forces of hisagi. Fighting by his side are his friends Orihime, Hisagi, Chadand Rukia, hisagi, though some secondary characters also get their chances to shine.

He shares his position with Mashiro Kuna. Additionally, he has the number "69" tattooed on his left cheek inspired by Kensei Muguruma , who saved him from a Hollow when he was young , as well as a blue-striped tattoo running across his left cheek and over the bridge of his nose. He wears a choker around his throat and matching armbands on both upper arms. These have explosive properties which he exploited in his fight with Findorr Calius. During his academy days, Hisagi's hair was much longer, hanging down to his neck in the back and approaching his chin in the front. Hisagi is an extremely mature and calm individual, a state that is slightly at odds with his somewhat punk-like appearance.


He served under the late Captain Kaname Tosen , until the latter betrayed the soul society. He now serves under Captain Kensei Muguruma. However he angrily shares his co position with Mashiro Kuna who he can't stand. Shuhei Hisagi was born on the day of August 14th, and his parents are never seen or shown. Approximately years before the current story line of the series, a young Hisagi and several of his playmates fell prey to a Hollow attack in the Rukongai district. Luckily, it wasn't long until they were saved by Captain Kensei Muguruma , and the 9th Division. After defeating the unnamed Hollow, Kensei attempted to cheer Hisagi up albeit with a slightly scary smile and sergeant demanding manner and had asked the kid for his name. This was when Hisagi had saw Kensei's " 69 " tattoo on his chest, and he had acquired the inspiration to get the very same tattoo but on his right cheek. Soon after that Hisagi was already a famous Shinigami even before becoming a seated officer. He began taking several different missions with the Gotei 13 when he was still a student of the Shinigami Academy. All went very well until the end of the lesson, when a group of huge Hollows took the class by surprise. As both Kanisawa and Aoga were tragically killed, Hisagi had furiously ordered all of the freshmen to run and he tried to fend off the hollows himself until help arrived. However, he was quickly overpowered, by being wounded over his right eye, and he would have been killed if Renji, Izuru, and Momo hadn't turned back to help him.

As Hisagi states he cannot just suddenly become capable of using Bankai, hisagi, Mashiro, ignoring him, punches him in the chest, stating the lieutenant should not disobey her, for she is the "super lieutenant". As Rukia and Renji walk out of the barracks, hisagi, Rangiku tells them Hitsugaya was chasing a man on the hisagi he disappeared, hisagi, and she cannot help but think they are connected, or else Hitsugaya would not sickjunk com left his post. Pulling one of the daggers out, hisagi says she was nervous and scared, and wanted someone to help.

Despite the ninth squad lieutenant having proficiency with the weapon, its abilities largely pale in comparison to those of other Shinigami. This is why his captain, Kensei Muguruma, urges him to achieve Bankai. Kazeshini's Shikai command is "reap" and, appropriately, upon utterance Kazeshini transforms from a basic katana into two twin-bladed kusarigama. One of the blades on each kusarigama is inverted, and the two weapons are tethered together via a chain. The chains can also be used to immobilize opponents. He intends to "stop" the boy rather than kill him. This leads to Kazeshini, as a weapon, developing a one-sided nature, only capable of taking life.

Despite the ninth squad lieutenant having proficiency with the weapon, its abilities largely pale in comparison to those of other Shinigami. This is why his captain, Kensei Muguruma, urges him to achieve Bankai. Kazeshini's Shikai command is "reap" and, appropriately, upon utterance Kazeshini transforms from a basic katana into two twin-bladed kusarigama. One of the blades on each kusarigama is inverted, and the two weapons are tethered together via a chain. The chains can also be used to immobilize opponents. He intends to "stop" the boy rather than kill him.


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Hisagi is seen confronting Ikkaku Madarame , while Lieutenant Tetsuzaemon Iba is confronting Lieutenant Renji Abarai for believing there is some reason behind Ichigo and Rukia's rebellious actions. Inside, Rangiku states she has not heard Hitsugaya mention the name Kusaka before. When Renji says they thought she should have it because Ichigo said Hitsugaya left there, Rangiku sees blood on the inside and realizes Hitsugaya is hurt. In battle, he has shown himself to be tremendously agile and is able to attack from various angles with great dexterity. As he leaps back, a masked man emerges from the smoke. As Rukia attacks her, the masked man lunges at Ichigo. When Ichigo asks why those men attacked her and if they said anything, Senna states they mentioned a man named "Gan-something" wanted her brought to him. He explained that he has done similar drills in the Real World and notes that his injured right eye was a direct result of one of those drills. As she backs away from it, more Blanks materialize. Hisagi orders Kira to tend to Hinamori's and Rangiku's wounds. Shortly after the arrival of the Visored in the Fake Karakura Town, he is shocked upon witnessing Kensei Muguruma , the former captain that had saved his life when he was young. Hisagi is later devastated upon hearing that Tosen is a traitor to the Soul Society, along with Aizen and 3rd Division captain, Gin Ichimaru. Sinking into the cloud, the carriage bursts into flames as the ball of lightning emerges and splits into two balls.

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When they prepare to draw their blades, Ichigo tells them to calm down and states he is the Substitute Shinigami. Continuing to fight, the two separate. Staring at him, Hitsugaya sees a fireball hurtling towards them. In a way, people like him wield power, but never own it; the power to kill is always an independent entity. At the Ferris wheel, Ichigo and Rukia stand in one of the passenger cars as it moves towards the top. Returning to his body, Ichigo bolts up, shocking the people around him, and says he is fine. When Hitsugaya subtly teases Rangiku for her work ethic in not becoming a captain, she deflects his remarks onto Hisagi, who claims to have mastered his Bankai. As Ichigo stares in shock, Kusaka states Hitsugaya no longer has a home to return to because of Soul Society branding him a traitor, so the only obstacle left in his path is Ichigo. When Ichigo asks why there is such a large amount of Reiatsu, Rukia, saying she does not know, states she has never felt anything like it. He tells Komamura that he is uglier than he had thought.

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