goupstate sports

Goupstate sports

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Forum Palmettofootballtalk. It is generally safe for browsing, so you may click any item to proceed to the site. Okinawa resident Jarrett Mitchell dreams of playing D1 football, but the Pacific Ocean and a lack of recruiting exposure keeps him from reaching that goal. The game of football has given high school senior Jarrett Mitchell much to celebrate in the past This will be only the third meeting between The debate for the best rivalries in sports—at least North American sports—tends to go in cycles.

Goupstate sports


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Behind two touchdown passes from quarterback Grayson Loftis, two interceptions from senior linebacker Landon Bullock, and a second-half comeback — the Indians have toppled a dynasty. As long as my heart medicine is working I think I can handle it. Even when they get as old as me. With left in the game, Gaffney wideout Suga Jefferies caught a yard touchdown pass, that helped give the Indians a lead and Gaffney forced a turnover on downs with left in the game to disrupt the dynasty. The Gaffney win, which came even after the Indians trailed at the half, ended Dutch Fork's streak of 62 games without a loss.

Goupstate sports

This is about four in a row now that's pretty tough: Spartanburg, Dorman, Gaffney, so just it's a little bit tougher up here right now. But you know it changes from time to time. We're still top dog though. The Silver Foxes' dynamic duo in the backfield was the difference as James Madison commit and star running back Jarvis Green and senior quarterback Aliam Appler combined for total yards, and seven total touchdowns. Joseph's to advance to Class A state championship. Despite the loss, Gaffney fought in this matchup with quarterback and Duke Commit Grayson Loftis leading the way with passing yards and four touchdowns on of passing. I think that gave our kids, especially the young ones, a little bit of momentum and confidence. And we went on to win our region … and when you win Region 2, you've done something, we were able to accomplish that and play for an Upper State championship, but we got beat by a better team. As for Gaffney, it finishes the season with a record and a Region 2 championship. Jones will have plenty of returning talent in a variety of spots next season.

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GAFFNEY — After a rocky start to the season that saw Gaffney have its first losing record at any point since , the defending AAAAA state champion has advanced to the Upper State championship game, avenging its Week 10 loss to Byrnes and setting up a rematch of the state championship game against Dutch Fork Powdersville quarterfinal.

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