fairmont times wv

Fairmont times wv

Password Forgot your password? The Times West Virginian is the daily newspaper in Fairmont. It traces its roots to when J. After various changes in ownership the West Virginian became a fairmont times wv in

With a data base that exceeds 5, names, and a strategic partner who blends many synergies into a very successful relationship with our clients. Cummins Sales and Service located in White Hall provides expert service and repair by factory trained technicians on all Heavy, Medium and Light Duty Diesel and Natural Gas engines and powertrains, as well as field and shop service of Cummins Onan Power Generation equipment. Cummins also maintains a large inventory of Cummins Genuine parts and allied products. We are proud of that accomplishment. We are conveniently located off of I at Exit in Fairmont,. Our service department is second to none in the State with over years combined experience.

Fairmont times wv

It adopted its current name in Thomson Newspapers purchased the Times West Virginian in ; when Thomson left the newspaper business in , the paper was sold to current owner Community Newspaper Holdings Inc. Judges said it was "packed full of local stories with and about ordinary people," offering a strong sense of community. This award isgiven regardless of circulation size and is determined by the cumulative points earned in both the Ad awards and Editorial awards competition. Also in , the paper won second place in the general excellence category of the West Virginia Press Association's Better Newspaper's Contest. The paper was beaten by The Inter-Mountain , a daily in Elkins. The magazine was edited by Hope Stephen, also the paper's managing editor. One of its early senior contributing writers, Mary Wade Burnside, later became a full-time staffer at the paper and then was promoted to Corridor ' s editor in May , after Stephan left the paper. Corridor is published under the name of Impact Publishing and Marketing. In , John Veasey , a reporter and editor with the paper since , won the Adam R. The award was established in in memory of Adam R. Kelly, who was the owner and editor of the Tyler Star News in Sistersville. Kelly was known nationally for his outstanding service to newspapers.

Thomson Newspapers purchased the Times West Virginian in ; when Thomson left the newspaper business inthe paper was sold to current owner Community Newspaper Holdings Inc, fairmont times wv.


Barbara Eileen Gillespie, 72, of Fairmont passed away peacefully in her sleep on Monday, March 11, , after a courageous fight with pancreatic cancer that lasted for over 12 years. David James Glover, 67, of Mt. Phyllis is predeceased by her husband of 55 years, Norman D. Francis, who she met in the first grade and married after graduating from Smithfield She was a graduate of Monongah High In addition to her parents, Twila was predeceased by her

Fairmont times wv

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Feathers and feather products, Engine repair, Services, nec, nec. The competing Fairmont Times was first published as an evening paper in by Gen. Its first Sunday morning edition was published in June 27, [3]. Terri Hale [1]. Whatever you need we can take care of it. All rights reserved. Mickey has covered the West Virginia University Mountaineer sports teams for decades. It traces its roots to when J. By registering for your own account, you'll get instant access to member benefits: Create portfolios to assist with research Share in discussions with other members After various changes in ownership the West Virginian became a daily in We are conveniently located off of I at Exit in Fairmont,. Cummins Sales and Service located in White Hall provides expert service and repair by factory trained technicians on all Heavy, Medium and Light Duty Diesel and Natural Gas engines and powertrains, as well as field and shop service of Cummins Onan Power Generation equipment.

Barbara Eileen Gillespie, 72, of Fairmont passed away peacefully in her sleep on Monday, March 11, , after a courageous fight with pancreatic cancer that lasted for over 12 years. David James Glover, 67, of Mt.

The circulation was 10, but had increased to more than 11, by , making it one of the few newspapers in the state to increase circulation during that time period. All rights reserved. In , Thomson Newspapers of Canada purchased these papers. One of its early senior contributing writers, Mary Wade Burnside, later became a full-time staffer at the paper and then was promoted to Corridor ' s editor in May , after Stephan left the paper. This award isgiven regardless of circulation size and is determined by the cumulative points earned in both the Ad awards and Editorial awards competition. Also in , the paper won second place in the general excellence category of the West Virginia Press Association's Better Newspaper's Contest. Feathers and feather products, Gemstone and industrial diamond mining, Intermediate distillates. West Virginia Press Association. The company operates nearly 90 daily newspapers and approximately non-daily publications in more than communities throughout the United States. Terri Hale [1].

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