ever after high boys

Ever after high boys

Main - Students - Adults - Pets. In addition, Blondie also has become infamous for her lack of regard for other people's items or space, to the point of stealing stuff from her friends and completely disregarding their privacy, ever after high boys, something done easily thanks to her ability to unlock any locked door. She isn't malicious, however, and just has a genuine lack of knowledge of her friends' boundaries and social cues.

Ever After High is a fashion doll franchise released by Mattel in July It is a companion line to the Monster High dolls, with the characters being based upon characters from well-known fairy tales and fantasy stories instead of monsters and mythical creatures. As with Monster High and Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse , the line varies in different countries and varies in languages. It has spawned a web series , a film, and a five book series. It is attended by the teenage children of fairy tale characters.

Ever after high boys

Just a book of rants and things related to the EAH fandom. So, I know that EAH is skewed towards female viewers and was really trying to push the idea that girls should be empowered because they can do anything emphasised by the change of their theme song from the original to Power Princess Shining Bright , but really? Surely they could have given us more than just 10 named male students. Correct me if I'm missing anyone but here's a list of all the notable male students in the series:. That's it! Just 10 guys. I feel like that's a little ridiculous when you compare it to the number of notable female students, which is more than double that. Honestly, I wish they had added in more male characters just to balance it out a little more and add some extra diversity in the way that males were represented in the show. Of course they weren't all your stereotypical "Prince Charmings" even the ones who were actually Charmings lol but I don't think it would have hurt to add a few boys more to the show, regardless. Plus, only having a small number of boys compared to the larger number of girls makes shipping a little tricky sometimes, especially when one guy is shipped with multiple girls. Anyway, what do you guys think? Am I just over thinking things or does the limited number of guys bug you too? Be sure to let me know in a comment! Until my next rant, have a hexellent day everyone!

Ever After High has a number of characters from its various media. Just 10 guys.

She is in the Rebel side because she wants to unravel the rules. In the following lines you will discover Duchess Swan's Bio. Don't forget to tell us what do you think about her! Duchess Swan is the daughter of the Swan Princess and she is … [Read more Continue reading if you want to discover Holly O'Hair's Bio!

This animated series follows the sons and daughters of famous fairy tale characters as they decide whether to follow in their parents' footsteps. The narrators tell the tale of Ever After High and introduce the students, who are destined to become legends or not. Cupid rallies the kids to celebrate a long-lost holiday called True Hearts Day as Ashlynn and Hunter's relationship is revealed to the world. On this very special school holiday, life is turned upside down when a Royal and Rebel switch sides When Kitty's mom plays a major prank, a curse causes our fairytale teens to act opposite of themselves, threatening the school's happily ever after. In Season 3, the girls must lift the Wonderland Curse before they can stop a villain from stealing the Queen of Hearts' crown. Raven reverses the Evil Queen's curse so she and her friends can enter Wonderland again. But Wonderland turns out to be not so wonderful after all.

Ever after high boys

Main - Students - Adults - Pets. If the amount of character-differentiated dolls might seem overwhelming, Ever After High has plenty more characters other than those with dolls. In fact, since the number of characters has become so large, the page has been split into four portions. Ever After High Wiki Explore.


Shannon Hale. The digital ecosystem includes animated webisodes, character bios, games, avatars, and an interactive music video a first for Mattel that helps illustrate the brand message of choice - directed by legendary Hollywood producer Wayne Isham. Random Shipping. Though the daughter of the Candy Witch , the villain of Hansel and Gretel , Ginger Breadhouse is not overly evil herself, preferring to bake for her friends than follow the destiny of her mother. Toot's Toys. She is secretly the sister of Cerise Hood and the two seem to be very closely-knit. Start a Wiki. Unnecessary Character Hate. Anyway, what do you guys think? The characters listed below are profiled at the franchise's website and most have featured dolls. Though not necessarily a physical student attending classes, Brooke Page is a young narrator-in-training. She, like her mother, is also the youngest of twelve sisters, she having eleven sisters in total. She has been called Roybel because her destiny is unknown since it is holly who will be the next … [Read more Although Lizzie is prone to condemn … [Read more When he turns back into a human, via someone kissing him he becomes an awkward dork who struggles to say what he means eloquently.

Be sure to read the articles linked to on the right, however, as there's many regulations in place for even more reasons. Ever After High follows the lives of the student population of the franchise's titular high school: Ever After High. Whether they deal with everyday problems or have to find their way through the Royal vs.

Retrieved February 1, — via Google Books. Archived from the original on February 23, Discover now. The daughter of Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk , Jillian Beanstalk appears quite equipped for her destiny as she's joined the school musical band and plays an inherited harp which belonged to Jack himself. Start a Wiki. Just a book of rants and things related to the EAH fandom. She is also secretly the White Knight from Wonderland. Duchess Swan is not Apple White and she hates it. She's a Rebel, and with good reason: her father is the Big Bad Wolf. Publishers Weekly :

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