estudiantes sexis

Estudiantes sexis

Tolerance of intimate partner violence and sexist attitudes among health sciences students from three Spanish universities.

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Estudiantes sexis


Perhaps medicine students are urged very early on to become participants in the unavoidable responsibility they will acquire to identify and treat cases of IPV, and this estudiantes sexis them more sensitive to the problem. Sexy colegialas See Gallery.


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Estudiantes sexis

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Sexism and the gendering of professional aspirations. These sex differences deserve further consideration. The stakes are high this year, and our coverage could use continued support. Accordingly, sexist attitudes could be a first step in the pathway toward IPV-tolerance. In addition, although groups of students were quite comparable according to degree, some strata had few participants, and there was also a high disparity in the number of students from each university. Sex Roles. When analyzing students' differences between consecutive academic courses, IPV-tolerance was lower in female medical students of higher courses, and sexist attitudes were lower in male medical students of higher courses, suggesting that some aspects of future doctors' training may address violence more than in other degrees. In the case of female students, tolerance to all forms of IPV except for humiliation and occupational sexist attitudes were significantly lower among students of higher courses. Logistic regressions were used to compare tolerance toward violence and sexist attitudes across the degrees. In conclusion, the level of IPV-tolerance and sexism among the students of medicine, nursing, and psychology was high, especially in male students. Terms Privacy Policy. All participants gave passive informed consent questionnaire instructions indicated implicit consent by completion and return of the form. Aggress Behav.


Perhaps medicine students are urged very early on to become participants in the unavoidable responsibility they will acquire to identify and treat cases of IPV, and this makes them more sensitive to the problem. Perhaps during psychology studies, the excess of theoretical and practical exposure to information and examples of dysfunctional behaviors and situations desensitizes students, increasing their tolerance. Abstract Objective To explore university health science students' intimate partner violence tolerance and sexist attitudes and to examine their trend throughout the academic years. A higher percentage of psychology students were tolerant towards all forms of IPV than were students of medicine and nursing. Accordingly, sexist attitudes could be a first step in the pathway toward IPV-tolerance. Popular in the Community. Violence Vict. The percentage of tolerant students was significantly higher in Psychology Intimate partner violence in the university education of the future health professionals should be addressed. Log in to hide these messages.

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