

Only Darklords is tier 1 and Fortune Lady is tier 2. However, I don't see Darklords too often. Treacherous Trap Hole can duellinksmeta Fortune Lady, duellinksmeta.

Hey guys! I've followed you as a day 1 player and I have to say, that you guys do not get enough gratitude towards your hard work! I am very pleased with your recent Uria trap deck as it has gotten me to legend rank 1 as of now. I appreciate your innovation! Thank you guys! Just know I use your decks all the time!



However, I don't see Darklords too often, duellinksmeta. Tunnel Sharks Rule!!! Darklords is still, even after the "nerf", one strong deck because of their capabilities to spam summons and negate effects up to twice per turn now it was way duellinksmeta before the nerfalso remember that the tier duellinksmeta in Duel Links Meta is about tournaments, duellinksmeta, and is not necessarily the reflection of the ranked.


Rose Dragon is the dominant force in the metagame, to the extent viability of other strategies hinges on their Rose Dragon matchup. The only remaining deck on the Tier List that isn't centered around this mini-game is Galaxy Photon, but mostly because the deck has the ability to overpower the others even if it might lose to itself about a third of the time. In the first week the deck joined the Tier List I said that if the other decks did not adapt to counter the Rose Dragon then the deck will be dominating and will dominate the Tier List. Now after a few weeks, Rose Dragon is almost the next Tier 0. This is primarily because of the skill that makes a guaranteed one-card combo along with the guaranteed searchable Loading The deck has turned to be the most played deck in ranked duels and in tournaments almost half of the players use Rose Dragon in tournaments and that is what Konami really hates, so I expect the deck to be killed by the new banlist as it is really cheap and could make many decks disappear for good. Perhaps they will put Loading And here comes the question: isn't the time to ban Loading Seems like the formula to being a successful meta deck nowadays is having a consistency skill, consistent core and room to run tech cards.


It is not surprising to see that most people entered the MCS with Onomat, which ended up being the most represented deck in Top Cut which concluded in an Onomat Mirror in the finals. Anyone who has kept up with the Meta in the last weeks could have predicted this outcome. Those results have not been seen in other DLM tournaments, so why now?

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Why can't I use summon gate in duel links I activated the continues trap Summon Gate it says I can only summon 3 cards from the extra deck Hey guys! I've been trying non stop to get it but i only get Terror Incarnate. Just look at all the meta decks for better reference, or look at the old ones that came back, like Masked Hero or Sylvans. The trap card curse of forbidden spell wasn't working right. Evil hero When will make the evil hero box a lot of us want to build an evil hero deck. Why doesn't dark cavalry efect trigger when dingirsu activate it's efect? Treacherous Trap Hole can stop Fortune Lady. When I view replays, it shows some players with red borders, some with blue, what does it mean? I've followed you as a day 1 player and I have to say, that you guys do not get enough gratitude towards your hard work! Cyber Dragon: deck recipe [Jan 21]. However, I don't see Darklords too often. Predestination NPC Skill 4.

The Meta Championship Series is Duel Links' largest and most competitive tournament held monthly for large cash prizes. You must first join the Discord as a subscribed member in order to participate in the MCS. There is no player cap, nor is there a deadline to join - you can even join at the very last second!

I've been trying non stop to get it but i only get Terror Incarnate. General Discussion Cyber Dragon: deck recipe [Jan 21]. Hey guys! Yubel-Ultimate Nightmare How do I get that card? Just know I use your decks all the time! How to get the Pheonix art looking ra mat from Duel links. Question Are you not more innovative then Duel Links Meta? Treacherous Trap Hole can stop Fortune Lady. Lvl 50 Legendary Duelist How do i get lvl 50 legendary duelist to appear at the gate?

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