doubling and halving worksheets

Doubling and halving worksheets

Some cookies are necessary in order to make this website function correctly. These are set by default and whilst you can block or delete them by changing your browser settings, some functionality such as being able to log in to the website will not work if you do this. The necessary cookies set doubling and halving worksheets this website are as follows:.

This math worksheet was created or last revised on and has been viewed 45 times this week and times this month. It may be printed, downloaded or saved and used in your classroom, home school, or other educational environment to help someone learn math. Teacher s can use math worksheets as test s, practice assignment s or teaching tool s for example in group work , for scaffolding or in a learning center. Parent s can work with their children to give them extra practice , to help them learn a new math skill or to keep their skills fresh over school breaks. Student s can use math worksheets to master a math skill through practice, in a study group or for peer tutoring. The size of the PDF file is bytes. Preview images of the first and second if there is one pages are shown.

Doubling and halving worksheets


The necessary cookies set on this website are as follows:. Student versions, if present, include only the question page. Please make your choice!


This math worksheet was created or last revised on and has been viewed times this week and times this month. It may be printed, downloaded or saved and used in your classroom, home school, or other educational environment to help someone learn math. Teacher s can use math worksheets as test s, practice assignment s or teaching tool s for example in group work , for scaffolding or in a learning center. Parent s can work with their children to give them extra practice , to help them learn a new math skill or to keep their skills fresh over school breaks. Student s can use math worksheets to master a math skill through practice, in a study group or for peer tutoring. The size of the PDF file is bytes. Preview images of the first and second if there is one pages are shown. If there are more versions of this worksheet, the other versions will be available below the preview images. For more like this, use the search bar to look for some or all of these keywords: math, multiplication, half, double, strategy, easy. The Print button initiates your browser's print dialog.

Doubling and halving worksheets

This simple game has been designed to help your child to practice their doubling and halving with a range of different numbers. Please give feedback on our Doubling and Halving Practice Zone at the bottom of the page. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. In our practice zones, you get the chance to practice your math skills online with instant feedback. As well as the percentage of questions answered correctly, the awards are also dependent on the time taken to answer the questions! In Group Mode, you cannot see how students answered individual questions - you can only see the results for your group. If you wish to change the settings, then refresh the page in your browser - you will lose all your data when this happens! Please note: you must have Javascript enabled on your browser settings for the practice zones to work.

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Student s can use math worksheets to master a math skill through practice, in a study group or for peer tutoring. The necessary cookies set on this website are as follows:. Cookies Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips. The size of the PDF file is bytes. An 'awsUploads' object is used to facilitate file uploads. If there are more versions of this worksheet, the other versions will be available below the preview images. Cookies that are not necessary to make the website work, but which enable additional functionality, can also be set. This math worksheet was created or last revised on and has been viewed 45 times this week and times this month. The necessary cookies set on this website are as follows: Website CMS A 'sessionid' token is required for logging in to the website and a 'crfstoken' token is used to prevent cross site request forgery. These are set by default and whilst you can block or delete them by changing your browser settings, some functionality such as being able to log in to the website will not work if you do this. Parent s can work with their children to give them extra practice , to help them learn a new math skill or to keep their skills fresh over school breaks. Please make your choice! It may be printed, downloaded or saved and used in your classroom, home school, or other educational environment to help someone learn math. Student versions, if present, include only the question page.


By default these cookies are disabled, but you can choose to enable them below:. Reject all Accept all Save. Cookies that are not necessary to make the website work, but which enable additional functionality, can also be set. An 'awsUploads' object is used to facilitate file uploads. If there are more versions of this worksheet, the other versions will be available below the preview images. Student s can use math worksheets to master a math skill through practice, in a study group or for peer tutoring. Cookies are used to help distinguish between humans and bots on contact forms on this website. These are set by default and whilst you can block or delete them by changing your browser settings, some functionality such as being able to log in to the website will not work if you do this. The Download button initiates a download of the PDF math worksheet. The necessary cookies set on this website are as follows:. Reject all Accept all I need more information. Please make your choice! Matomo We use Matomo cookies to improve the website performance by capturing information such as browser and device types. An 'alertDismissed' token is used to prevent certain alerts from re-appearing if they have been dismissed.

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