Darth plagueis book

In Darth Plagueisthose questions are finally answered. For fans interested in learning more about the Sith and their intricate Grand Plan to bring darth plagueis book the Republic and the Jedi, darth plagueis book, Darth Plagueis adds some intriguing and disturbing depth to the backstory of the Prequel Trilogy. The front cover art sets the tone for the book: a younger Palpatine kneeling in subservience to the looming visage of an alien. Unlike the movies, or the Expanded Universe books and comics before now, this is not batman illustration vector tale of Darth Sidious as puppetmaster pulling the strings of galactic events or terrifying autocrat.

The book starwars. To me it justified a lot of the problems the prequels had by fleshing them out and giving them great explanations. It is very unfortunate that the story is part of Legends instead of canon, however, a lot of it has indeed made it back into canon thanks to people like the original author starwars. Like my Darth Bane Trilogy post, I will do this by listing things from the novel that have been made canon. A lot of this information came from starwars. It's clear that he wanted his magnum opus to be as canon as possible, and I'm glad he did this. I've no doubt that more things like him being a Muun will be canon again, but we'll just have to wait and see.

Darth plagueis book

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! This article's plot summary is in need of attention. It may be missing or require expansion. Please improve the plot summary however you can and remove this notice once finished. It was originally scheduled for release in October of , but its release was canceled. However, Sue Rostoni later stated that the book had been reinstated, and the novel was to be released on January 10 , I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.

We are shown the evolution of a Sith apprenticeship and foreshadowing of the canonical film story. But can they defy the merciless Sith tradition?

Written by James Luceno, Darth Plagueis was first published in after years of delays. He has his mind set on manipulating midi-chlorians to do his bidding, with the ultimate aim of creating new life out of nothing. Even an unknown Sith acolyte sent by his former Master becomes the subject of years of experimentation. As the years pass, Plagueis and Palpatine become quite the duo as the galaxy moves closer and closer to war. Ultimately, we know what becomes of Palpatine, but the novel plays out in a way that makes his rise to power much more interesting and rich. The legend of Darth Plagueis and his ultimate demise is revealed, and the true Master of the Sith rises. Darth Plagueis is a very enjoyable book for a number of reasons.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, getting into "Star Wars" was a relatively simple thing. You watched the original trilogy, and eventually, you watched the prequel trilogy. After that, you could dabble a bit in some comics or the odd novel, maybe play some "Battlefront II" watch those wrist rockets, everybody , but you didn't need to dive in too deep in order to get a full picture. These days, things aren't so simple. The books, as it happens, have kept up with that breakneck pace. Sure, you could just watch "Andor" and call it a day, but there are tons of great "Star Wars" stories written across the current canon and Legends -- the old Expanded Universe. Navigating both timelines and some odd years of books can be a hazardous task, though, sort of like jumping into hyperspace without the proper star charts.

Darth plagueis book

Star Wars has undergone many changes since Disney acquired Lucasfilm in The Expanded Universe soldiered on for over thirty years and was the only source of new Star Wars content until when The Phantom Menace premiered. These novels, comic books, and video games developed a rabid fanbase, one that, to this day, feels like its content is worthwhile. Lucasfilm de-canonized a lot of stories to create a new canon. This was a prudent move - no one could expect casual Star Wars fans to experience all the post- Return Of The Jedi content to understand what was happening.

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Darth Plaguies was one of the characters in the star wars universe that had really peaked my interest ever since his all to brief mention in Episode 3, and this book gives me all the detail I want about the character leading right up to a certain point of the Star Wars saga I'm not saying what part so is not to spoil anything. Upon finishing this book I have read only two Star Wars novels, but can say from my limited experience in Star Wars literature that this may be the book by which many after will be judged. You've probably heard that TPM is coming out in 3-D next week; people will probably flock to the theaters in droves to see it, as usual. It could be argued that Darth Plagueis is not even the main character. Join the discussion. It's be stated before that George felt this book made assumptions on Palps early years which did not match his views, and as we know the story group are using all pre TFA views from George as the basis for canon. What's interesting is that in may ways I actually found Sidious to be the far more interesting character in this book, from his introduction all the way up to the conclusion. Oh, sure, I'd been hearing references to it for years prior, and I even had a primitive by today's standards, anyway Jedi pilot game on my Commodore 64, but Episode I was what really opened my eyes to the saga. Palpatine thought that the 2 of them had changed the galaxy for trillions of beings, that with the birth of Darth Sidious, it had already changed. Palpatine sensed something rising from him, confident that the dark side was his, he decided that the something inside him—a monster—would soon be liberated. The Old Republic :. Yet, we want to know more, and more, and more. We know that this, yet to be fully produced show, has story arcs that deal with Palps early life. So the author finding a way to make Palpatine a snake in Naboo's garden was a large step towards making this book more enjoyable for me. Sidious rolled Plagueis' corpse over to showcase the Muun's back, in that angle, Plagueis looked like he did when he met Palpatine for the first time.

Darth Plagueis the Wise is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. The character was first mentioned on-screen in the film Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith , in which Palpatine frames his life and death as a "legend" to pique Anakin Skywalker 's curiosity about the dark side of the Force. Plagueis has a more prominent presence in the Star Wars Expanded Universe.

Darth Plagueis emerges and, with the assistance of his apprentice, Darth Sidious, begins the final steps to the destruction of the Republic and the Jedi. But like no Sith Lord ever, he possesses the ultimate power—over life and death. The legend of Darth Plagueis and his ultimate demise is revealed, and the true Master of the Sith rises. When I first started reading, I had a very hard time "getting into" this book, because of the reasons I stated above. In the end, though, that is not really a criticism of Darth Plagueis itself as a novel. This feels decidedly odd. I would have given this one 4. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. The Phantom Menace is an absolutely dreadful film. Palpatine, meanwhile, sees in Hego Damask the father figure he never had, even as he knows that he is being manipulated. Every Sith novel that comes out offers a tiny snippet of ritual but never actually answers the key questions definitively.

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