dagobah star wars

Dagobah star wars

Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Dagobah was a remote, unexplored planet in the Dagobah systemand one of the dagobah star wars places in the galaxy within the Force. A remote world of swamps and forestsdagobah star wars, it served as a refuge for Jedi Grand Master Yoda during his exile after the destruction of the Jedi Order.

It is depicted as a world of murky swamps , steaming bayous , and jungles , [1] resembling Earth during the Carboniferous period. Dagobah is 14, kilometers in diameter with an orbital period of days. Dagobah's climate and atmosphere consists of two seasons; a dry season, where the uplands become too hot for most life forms to survive; and a wet season, consisting of violent lightning storms, dense fog, and long periods of torrential rainfall. The Tash were a sentient species native to Dagobah. The Dagobah System lies within the Dagobah subsector of the Sluis sector, located in the Outer Rim Territories galactic quadrant region; 50, light-years from Coruscant. The sun was called Dagobah Prime.

Dagobah star wars

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Though it lacked civilization, the planet was teeming with life -- from its dense, dagobah star wars, jungle undergrowth to its diverse animal population. After three monthsFour-Den and her Alpha Team were overwhelmed by diseases, dangerous wildlife, and fast-growing plants.

Home to Yoda during his final years, Dagobah was a swamp-covered planet strong with the Force -- a forgotten world where the wizened Jedi Master could escape the notice of Imperial forces. Characterized by its bog-like conditions and fetid wetlands, the murky and humid quagmire was undeveloped, with no signs of technology. Though it lacked civilization, the planet was teeming with life -- from its dense, jungle undergrowth to its diverse animal population. Home to a number of fairly common reptilian and amphibious creatures, Dagobah also boasted an indigenous population of much more massive -- and mysterious -- lifeforms. Surrounded by creatures generating the living Force, Yoda learned to connect with the deeper cosmic Force and waited for one who might bring about the return of the Jedi Order. After Yoda heard the voice of long-dead Qui-Gon Jinn , he let the Force guide him to the swamp world of Dagobah, one of the purest places in the galaxy.

The movie includes a famous sequence where Luke Skywalker enters the cave as part of his Jedi training. There, he believes he's confronted by Darth Vader and seemingly defeats the Sith Lord in a lightsaber duel. Only after does Luke realize what he saw was a vision, with his own face revealed to be under Vader's mask. It remains one of the most memorable scenes in the Skywalker saga, as it served as an important lesson for Luke. The cave, which is canonically known as the Cave of Evil, has appeared in other Star Wars media since then, most notably in The Clone Wars and one of the comics. These appearances helped shed additional light on the cave, as other characters such as Yoda and Kylo Ren who destroyed the cave entered to combat their worst fears. With The Empire Strikes Back celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, the Cave of Evil is once again in the spotlight, with a new book providing further explanations. The recently-published novel From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back retells the film's events from the perspective of various characters.

Dagobah star wars

Some of the planets in the Star Wars universe boast technologically advanced civilizations while some others function as abandoned wastelands. Dagobah might fall in the latter category with its humid swamps and lack of life. But there's much more to the planet than it just being Yoda's home, as it is considered as one of the purest places within the Force. Related franchise material such as comics, novels, and magazines provide more context behind the history of Dagobah. The cave carried negative energies that tapped into people's deepest vulnerabilities such as Luke finding his own face under Darth Vader's mask. However, no explanation was offered as to what exactly dwelled in this cave. One of the chapters of the book is even told from the viewpoint of the "vergence" that is revealed to be a formless entity living in the cave for thousands of years. During this time, it has encountered several Force users and sensed their fears. Like every planet in the franchise, Dagobah too belongs to a unique planetary system of its own. The Outer Rim is also the largest region of the galaxy, accomodating several primitive planets.

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Retrieved Skywalker is shown to sense the strength of the Force in a particular cave on the planet which Yoda tells him to go into. Star Wars location. Luke later entered the cave where the Dark Jedi had been defeated to test himself and experienced a vision where he fought a version of Darth Vader with Luke's face underneath his mask, hinting at both Vader's identity as his father and his own later involvement with the dark side. He did return in 4 ABY , but only in time to have one final conversation with Yoda before his teacher's death. This article needs appropriate citations. The case back is etched with the Empire Strikes Back 40th Anniversary logo. Mac Cosmetics. It has been suggested the battle occurred shortly after the exile; however, such a theory was never confirmed. Categories : Legends articles Pages needing citation Articles with conflicting sources Articles in need of updating Locations in grid square M Series, story arcs or collections listed in Legends Appearances Confederacy of Independent Systems planets Dagobah locations Dagobah system planets New Republic planets Swamp planets Type I atmosphere planets. Kitchen Cookware Utensils Appliances. In Star Wars Insider 98 Leland Chee writes that this is no longer considered part of continuity because Yoda had never been on Dagobah before his exile. There you will learn from Yoda, the Jedi Master who instructed me. Fictional planet in the Star Wars saga. Download as PDF Printable version.

Yoda was originally introduced to Star Wars as an eccentric former Jedi tutor on the swampy world of Dagobah, but the original trilogy never explained exactly why he was there.

Slated to appear in one scene in Revenge of the Sith , the planet was cut from the final film, leaving it for the DVD release. The Scarecrow Press. He ventured into the swamp , where he communed with Jinn, who appeared manifested as a group of fireflies. Categories : Star Wars planets Fictional terrestrial planets Forest planets in fiction Fictional elements introduced in You're my only hope. Fictional planet in the Star Wars saga. Dan Catalano commented that Dagobah as "an eerie location filled with strange wildlife and shrouded in as much mystery as fog", removed from the technology-filled galaxy, is a fitting device to underline Yoda's status as a " Wise Man archetype " in the tradition of Merlin , who likewise can be found in places of "wild nature" in Arthurian myths. Fictional universe of Star Wars. As the air grows more humid, the gray overcast clouds return and before another quarter orbit passes the planet is far enough away from its sun that the dry season ends and the rains return, again flooding the lowlands and covering the trees in water, making the uplands habitable once more. After saving her from a monster , Yoda used the Force to lead Sun into the dark cave. Retrieved 6 October The few survivors were forced to raise their children as cannibals.

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