crazy i was crazy once copypasta

Crazy i was crazy once copypasta

This article contains the Crazy? On Octobera YouTuber named Scarlet Grunt uploaded a video saying the copypasta and got over k views.

I Was Crazy Once. A Rubber Room. A Rubber Room With Rats. And Rats Make Me Crazy is a copypasta that loops the aforementioned line. While the origins of the meme likely predate the modern internet, variations of the poem have been posted on the internet since at least

Crazy i was crazy once copypasta


Raid Shadow Legends Copypasta.


I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy" is a rhyme that predates the internet but is nonetheless facing a resurgence as a viral copypasta. But where did the nonsensical rhyme come from and what does it mean?

Crazy i was crazy once copypasta

C razy? I Was Crazy Once. A Rubber Room. A Rubber Room With Rats. And Rats Make Me Crazy. I Was Crazy Once, is a rhyme that predates the internet but is nonetheless facing a resurgence as a viral copypasta. But where did the nonsensical rhyme come from and what does it mean? Here's the lore behind the looping rhyme. All collected evidence of the rhyme before the year points to it being a children's playground hymn geared towards driving their caretakers crazy.

Matlab else

I can't stand rats. They made me laugh. Don't have an account? Sign up Now! This article contains the Crazy? They put me in a room. Obviously, this copypasta doesn't appear in the book but it could be based on it. The earliest known internet post featuring a version of the "Crazy? I hate rubber rats. Due to their nonsensical and comical nature, copypastas can spread quickly. The Amazing Digital Circus. He has researched, tested, and written thousands of articles ranging from social media platforms to messaging apps. I was crazy once" copypasta is a March 30th, , post by user 3Suns on the website Everything2. Israel Conflict.

This article contains the Crazy? On October , a YouTuber named Scarlet Grunt uploaded a video saying the copypasta and got over k views. The copypasta also appeared on multiple blogs like the one by Briegonda and websites like ScaryForKids.

About Crazy? Already a memeber? A Rubber Room. They put me in a rubber room. When Winston is being tortured in Room , they use rats to threaten him to confess. Lim How Wei notlhw. He only survives by asking them to torture Julia instead of him. They buried me in a hole. They tickled my feet. A round rubber room And told me to sit in the corner.

3 thoughts on “Crazy i was crazy once copypasta

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