christian sex toy shop

Christian sex toy shop

My Intimacy Therapist is all about intertwining the sexual and spiritual - rejoining them into their original union. So, let's get straight to the point: what if you are a Christian couple and are curious about the use of intimate toys?

Can a sex toy be Christian? We know that sex toys, marital aids, vibrators, or whatever you call them can't in themselves be Christian or not Christian! So what makes us different? Everything we sell has been extensively researched and scrutinized to ensure it is in classy nudity free packaging and designed to be used together by husbands and wives. We also only order from companies with no ties to pornography. The links on our site, the advice, articles, games and more are all offered to draw you closer in your relationship with your spouse and encourage you to be the husband or wife God intended toy to be!

Christian sex toy shop

Shopping for someone else but not sure what to give them? Give them the gift of choice with a Romantic Blessings gift card. Multiple Denominations. I greatly appreciate all of your updates throughout this process. I will definitely be using your company in the future. My wife and i are millennials, and we wished years ago that we had access to a company that respects our ideals and where we stand with our faith. Well we have found what we were looking for and we will continually be getting our couples toys here in the future. My wife and I love Romantic Blessings. Placed an order last week and got constant communication on when my package should arrive, ship and when it was out for delivery. Great people to order from, will order from them again. This is an awesome Christian based store. Great customer service and great products. Fast shipping and discreet packaging. Shipping was fast and discreet.

No More Perfect Date Night. This is a place to purchase products that will enhance and strengthen your marriage. We believe that according to the scriptures it is acceptable for a husband and wife to explore what ever options bring them pleasure as a married couple that do not cause harm, do not violate a scriptural command, and do not cause either spouse to be uncomfortable, christian sex toy shop.

All products are displayed nudity-free with descriptions that are marriage-centered and informative. They also include Christian-friendly and marriage-centered one-on-one email support before and after the sale of everything from product features to advice about using the item to add intimacy to your marriage bed at no additional cost. Can be used unlimited times. Covenant Spice is is a husband and wife team dedicated to strengthening marriages and increasing playfulness and intimacy in your sex life. They believe God created marriage to be a lifelong passionate romance.

Sex toys can add a whole new dimension to sex with your spouse. They can add fun and pleasure to a committed, Christian relationship. There are so many resources out there for buying sex toys. However, not all these sites are created equally and many of them contain inappropriate content. It can be a daunting task to sort through the mountain of websites that might make you feel dirty to find a site you feel safe enough to browse for and buy sex toys on. So we did the work for you! Here are a few of our favorite websites for buying sex toys.

Christian sex toy shop

Cart 0. Sign In My Account. Home Shop Resources. Sweetheart Sale! Shop Lingerie Now. Modest and Classy Lingerie, model-free.

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Covenant Spice. You may need to find a special place to store it when not in use, as it is too tall to fit under our bed. It is your responsibility to know whether it is legal for you to view and purchase these products in your state. Some vibrators are to aggressive for us. Learning Your Body. Track Your Order. If one of you is unsure or not comfortable with toys or certain kinds of play, then that means it is currently a "no" for your relationship. Love to have a place to shop with no nudity. This is an awesome Christian based store. We both enjoy it and the variety of settings. Exploring New Sensations.

The Generous Husband. Your Email Address. User Password Remember me.

Liberator Brand Positioning Aids. Fun toy to practice simultaneous orgasms And you may also be uncomfortable with doing a blanket Google or Amazon search. I've included excerpts from each site with their mission and values, so that you can browse with comfort and security. Click the titles to go to store links! The managing couple, a pastor and wife, have been in ministry for more than 25 years. Covenant Spice is is a husband and wife team dedicated to strengthening marriages and increasing playfulness and intimacy in your sex life. Remember, the most important thing is that you as a couple are interested! All of these products are offered for use as a couple. Jennifer About Dr.

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