bryn shander

Bryn shander

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Bryn Shander was the biggest of the Ten Towns and was known for being a trading center in Icewind Dale. The Eastway connected the city to the town of Easthaven in the east. The circular walled town itself was placed upon a hill, with snowy plains stretching in all directions. City Hill sat just outside the wall to the northeast of the city. Bryn Shander was considered the heart and mercantile hub of the Ten Towns. Folks from all around the surrounding settlements gathered in the Tenth Town to sell their goods, primarily consisting of scrimshaw made from the bones of knucklehead trout.

Bryn shander

Bryn Shander. The first stop for most visitors to Icewind Dale is Bryn Shander, a walled town perched atop a cold, lonely, wind-lashed hill. The friendliness in this settlement has dwindled of late. Still, there is no safer place in Icewind Dale to spend coin or spend the night. The walls of the town stand some 30 feet high and are defined by two concentric rings of upright wooden poles, the gap between them filled with dirt and rubble. The outer ring of poles rises above the top of the wall, providing a rampart for defenders stationed on the wood-planked walkway. Locations The following locations are just a few places the characters might visit during their stay in Bryn Shander. Blackiron Blades Smithy and Outfitter This combination shop and smithy stands just north of the main square. Garn the Hammer lawful good shield dwarf commoner manufactures the cheapest blades in Ten-Towns, while his sister Elza lawful good shield dwarf commoner sells adventuring supplies—including rations, cold weather gear, ice picks, and snowshoes—to fortune-seekers. A retired human adventurer named Mishann neutral good priest of Amaunator runs the shrine and aspires to see the sun regain its rightful place in the sky over Icewind Dale. Copper Knobberknocker. Mishann rents her attic to a pessimistic rock gnome tinkerer named Copper Knobberknocker chaotic good rock gnome acolyte of Lathander , who begrudgingly helps with services and chores. The two argue incessantly. At the same time, its taproom is the best spot in all of Ten-Towns to get leads on profitable ventures, along with the latest news and rumors. He often cuts a break for customers who are between jobs, allowing them to stay here on credit and then presenting them with a bill inflated by interest charges to be reckoned with as soon as they make their next payday.

Municipal building The town hail is the largest building bordering the central square.

The barbarian tribes of Icewind Dale had long raided the villages of the Ten Towns, but, as autumn of DR came and the herds moved south, the tribes chose to make one massive thrust in an attempt to occupy the communities and live off slave labor from their conquered foes. Regis , a member of the Council of the Ten Towns, convinced his fellow councilmen to form an alliance against the threat. Before the battle, a traitor from one of the Ten Towns named deBernezan revealed their weaknesses to the barbarians. However, Drizzt Do'Urden spied on the barbarians and deBernezan and learned their plans and promptly informed Bruenor Battlehammer. The bulk of the barbarian force moved south to Bryn Shander. Once the city was occupied, the barbarians figured they could strike at leisure at the other communities.

Rendaril's Emporium was the largest and busiest mercantile building in Bryn Shander during the late 15 th century DR. It owed its name to its proprietor, the cunning half-elven merchant Rendaril. It was located in the center of town, with its facade oriented towards the marketplace. The Emporium bought all manner of goods from the folks of the Ten Towns and offered the widest variety of items for sale. Among the items they offered were: yew fishing rods, scrimshaw accessories, yeti -fur clothing and mithral tools and weapons made by the local dwarves. Rendaril's Emporium was converted from an old cabin that predated the town of Bryn Shander. That cabin was actually the structure around which the settlement formed.

Bryn shander

New to Sly Flourish? Start Here or subscribe to the newsletter. The other articles include:. With an open-ended style, piles of potential quests, and little guidance to help DMs; chapter 1 of Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden can be challenging to run. Today we're going to look at some tips and tricks for getting the most from Rime of the Frostmaiden 's first massive chapter. This chapter assumes you have already run a session zero for Rime of the Frostmaiden to ensure your players and their characters are aimed in the right direction for this adventure. It also contains many spoilers for the book. Bryn Shander is an excellent starting city for this adventure and the Foaming Mugs quest is one of the few quests that works well for 1st level characters. While you can choose any of the ten towns to begin, many of the quests are deadly to 1st level characters.

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The Emporium holds wares from each of the Ten Towns, gemstones and jewellery, fish hooks and rods, scrimshaw, and even treasure from Bremen. Bryn Shander can muster up to soldiers use the tribal warrior stat block and 20 veterans. Bryn Shander is connected to Easthaven 7. The Snug Haven is safer than staying in an empty house, however, and does have comfortable beds. The rooms are decorated with scrimshaw often used by locals to pay their tab , the furnishings were once generous and warm but have long since declined in quality. You can help the Forgotten Realms Wiki by providing more information. Wizards of the Coast , p. Blackiron Blades: This smithy and shop is another established decades ago by an enterprising dwarf, this time a failed smith from Valladrul not content to live a life in obscurity. Merchants from the south trade dyes, hardwood, dried herbs and spices, textiles, fruits, wines, and other commodities for scrimshaw and other items made from the bones of the knucklehead trout that populate the region's rivers and lakes. Bryn Shander is the largest of ten settlements known collectively as Ten-Towns, located in the frigid heart of Icewind Dale. Powered by World Anvil. Epilogue, pp. The one local specialty of note is the brew brought up from Good Mead. The town's security was overseen by its sheriff and their deputy.

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Bryn Shander Community Ten-Towns. The giants attacked the city looking for Artus Cimber expecting to acquire the Ring of Winter. Bryn Shander is the largest of ten settlements known collectively as Ten-Towns, located in the frigid heart of Icewind Dale. The building is nondescript but identifiable by the heated discussions often overheard taking place inside. Available Quest. At some point, craftsmen began to sell scrimshaw outside the cabin, and other scrimshanders from other towns followed their lead. Cheap Inn A large inn with 20 rooms, a feasting hall, and a good selection of drinks. The circular wall that surrounds Bryn Shander stands 30 feet high and is made of tight-fitting stone blocks. It is the newest gate to be erected, following the construction of the Eastway prior to that merchants from Caer Dinneval and Caer Konig had to use the North Gate or the Trail Gate. Share this: Twitter Facebook.

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