Brian rapido y furioso 9

In the film, Toretto and the team come together to stop a world-shattering plot involving his younger brother, Jakob Cena.

Film batean agertu zen lehen aldiz, The Fast and the Furious filmean, Dominic "Dom" Toretto lankide protagonistarekin batera. Brian Gary Scott Thompson gidoilariak sortu zuen, Vibe aldizkariaren ko maiatzeko edizioan kale-karrerei buruz argitaratutako artikulu batean oinarrituta. Rob Cohen zuzendariak zuzenean heldu zion Walkerri pertsonaia interpretatzeko. O 'Conner, Brian Earl Spilner ezizenarekin, lehenik Dominicekin interakzioan ari da polizia ezkutu bat bezala legearen aurrera eramateko. Hala ere, bi aldiz polizia harrapatzea eragozten laguntzen dio, eta Roman "Rome" Pearce haurtzaroko lagunaren aurrekari penalak ezabatzen ere laguntzen du.

Brian rapido y furioso 9

If you're wondering whether or not Paul Walker's Brian O'Conner makes some sort of cameo in " Fast 9 ," the answer is no. Director Justin Lin told Insider he "constantly" considered how to best honor the former franchise star, who died in , in "F9. When Mia Jordana Brewster shows up and is asked about Brian, she announces that Brian is looking after their two children and Dom's son, little Brian. It's a little tough to believe that Brian would let Mia go on a mission and put herself in danger while he stayed home with the kids. Related stories. A major focal point of "Furious 7" was that Brian was afraid of becoming domesticated. He missed the thrill of bullets and racing. Of course, Brian settled down by the film's end, but if there's really a matter involving Dom that's so serious, you know he'd be there in a heartbeat to have Dom's back. A logical explanation is that, because Mia was in hiding with her child and eventually kidnapped in "Fast 6," it could make sense for Dom and Brian to have one of the team leaders watching over their children in case someone came after them. Regardless of believability, fans are hyper aware of what Walker means to the franchise and to Diesel, so the film's explanation for O'Conner's absence is likely one the audience will accept. I owe it to you, little brother," Dom tells Jakob. Cena told Insider that it was "incredible" to recreate the moment where Brian gave Dom his car to escape the cops.

Tanya Cookingham Makeup Artist. Archived from the original on August 17, June 20,

Vin Diesel Dominic Toretto. Michelle Rodriguez Letty Ortiz. Tyrese Gibson Roman Pearce. Ludacris Tej Parker. John Cena Jakob Toretto. Nathalie Emmanuel Ramsey.

Brian O'Conner : I lied to you. I lied to Dom, I lied to everybody. That's what I do best. That's why the feds recruited me. Mia Toretto : Maybe you're lying to yourself. Maybe you're not the good guy pretending to be the bad guy.

Brian rapido y furioso 9

Brian O'Conner : I lied to you. I lied to Dom, I lied to everybody. That's what I do best.

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Archived from the original on May 15, Vin Diesel Dominic Toretto. Sopo Bazgadze Art Direction. She mentions he likely won't make it. Archived from the original on July 12, Georgia Today. Copy Link. June 19, Nathalie Emmanuel Ramsey. Prasad Hublikar Animation. Tools Tools. Matthew Clark Graphic Designer.


Luka Hays Deputy. San Antonioko auto sorta bateraino eramaten dute, non Brian konturatzen den emakumeak egunkaria duela jatetxean irakurri zuen bera. Michael Rooker Buddy. Nathalie Emmanuel Ramsey. John A. Toggle limited content width. Retrieved December 13, June 7, Retrieved August 23, Universal Pictures.

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