bathtub during thunderstorm

Bathtub during thunderstorm

Can you shower during a thunderstorm? It's long been rumored bathtub during thunderstorm taking a nice, warm shower is a dangerous proposition when electricity is coursing through the sky, bathtub during thunderstorm. And before we get into the truth about bathing during a lightning storm, let's first discuss why it's even a question. For one, there are a lot of silly myths about lightning.

To be honest, a nice bubbly soak with a storm soundtrack sounds lovely. But lighting is basically super-charged electricity, and as you may recall from general science in 4th grade, electricity and water are a bad combination. The reason bathing during a storm is dangerous has more to do with the conduction of the lightning than with actual bolt itself. See, the pipes that fill your bathtub are most likely metal—which is highly conductive. Plus, our water has all sorts of impurities with conductive properties. Each year, there are between documented cases of people getting shocked. Or doing the dishes or laundry, for that matter.

Bathtub during thunderstorm

Be prepared. Check the weather before participating in outdoor activities. If thunderstorms are forecast, change plans or ensure that a safe shelter is nearby. For more information about lightning safety, visit the lightning safety tips page. A safe shelter is a fully enclosed vehicle or a shelter that has four walls and a roof. Examples of safe shelters include homes, offices, shopping centers, and hard-top vehicles with the windows rolled up. Open vehicles such as convertibles, golf carts, and motorcycles and open structures such as porches, gazebos, baseball dugouts, and sports arenas are NOT safe during a storm. Lightning often strikes outside areas of heavy rain and can strike as far as 10 miles away from any rainfall. Many lightning deaths occur ahead of storms or after storms seemingly have passed. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you might be in danger of a lightning strike. Lightning can strike the same place twice. In fact, lightning often strikes the same place repeatedly, especially a tall, pointy, isolated object. For example, the Empire State Building is hit by lightning about 23 times a year. Lightning can travel through plumbing. It is best to avoid all water during a thunderstorm.

It has been reported that people in the United States are shocked annually while handling appliances, using faucets and Debunking Lightning Myths For one, there bathtub during thunderstorm a lot of silly myths about lightning. Typically, 10 percent of people who are struck by lightning die, often from a heart attack.

You can also add newsletters iflscience. IFLScience needs the contact information you provide to us to contact you about our products and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For information on how to unsubscribe, as well as our privacy practices and commitment to protecting your privacy, check out our Privacy Policy. Did your caregiver ever scream at you during a thunderstorm to get out of the bath? Is it actually a dangerous pastime, or is it just an old wives' tale? Firstly, a thunderstorm develops when there is an unstable atmosphere.

When it comes to summer, there's nothing quite like spending a lazy day lounging in your hot tub. But what if a thunderstorm rolls in while you're soaking? Can you still hot tub safely? Unfortunately, the answer is no. You should never use a hot tub during a thunderstorm. A hot tub contains electrical parts that can attract lightning and cause it to strike. In addition, the water in the hot tub could serve as a conduit for electricity to travel through. In simple terms, your risk of getting shocked or electrocuted goes up substantially. While a simple rainstorm isn't a reason to stay away from your hot tub, developing thunderclouds are.

Bathtub during thunderstorm

But is it true? Can you really get electrocuted in the bathtub during a thunderstorm? Before diving in, we need to understand why such a question arises in the first place. Water is a good conductor of electricity.

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Do NOT lie on the ground or shelter under a tree. Unless you are sitting in a bathtub outside or showering in the rain, you are unlikely to be hit by a direct strike. When one spark connects to the downward channel, then an enormous electrical current surges down to the object that produced the spark. Do not use corded phones. It is safe to touch a lightning victim and administer first aid immediately. Cell phones and cordless phones are safe to use during a thunderstorm if they are not connected to an outlet through a charger. You also should avoid faucets and other plumbing. What should I do if I am caught outside during a thunderstorm? This includes washing dishes. This article was updated in conjunction with AI technology, then fact-checked and edited by a HowStuffWorks editor. IFLScience needs the contact information you provide to us to contact you about our products and services. Side flash : Lightning splashes or bounces off an object, such as a tree or person, onto the victim. So often, it is only safe for you to get the bubble bath and candles out 30 minutes after you hear the last thunder, as sometimes the storm likes to save up one big lightning strike, so it literally goes out with a bang. Metal pipes and lightning : Most household plumbing systems have metal pipes, and lightning finds these metallic conduits all too irresistible.

To be honest, a nice bubbly soak with a storm soundtrack sounds lovely.

Mobile Newsletter chat subscribe. When a lightning strike is about to occur on the ground, a channel develops towards the surface. Also, Struckbylightning. Do NOT use anything connected to an electrical outlet, such as computers or other electronic equipment. How does lightning cause injuries? Minus Related Pages. And it doesn't stop at lightning injuries. What is considered a safe shelter during a lightning storm? Even cell phones and other electronic equipment can pose risks if connected to chargers. For one, there are a lot of silly myths about lightning. Who is at greatest risk for lightning strikes? Avoid plumbing; do NOT wash your hands, take a shower, or wash dishes. Stay out of the shower and away from other plumbing. Please check your spam or junk folder You can also add newsletters iflscience.

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