amy rose hot

Amy rose hot

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She has beauty, she's very strong, caring, sexy yeah I am aware she's not sexy. I'm not one of those fans. Here's a section dedicated to this cute girl. I also find it that haters think of her as psychotic, annoying, a stalker, and an obsessed fangirl. Would a fangirl risk her life for Sonic when he's in trouble, I think not. I will continue to picture her voice with the 4Kids voice actress.

Amy rose hot

I take requests depending on how busy I am : Hope ya like my art! First I tried doing Amy in the actual movie animation. And I have this like panel describing her Maybe you've seen it similarly on the internet. I'm still not sure how I'd like Amy to carry around her hammer, but I like the convertible backpack idea I also don't wanna copy others too tho. Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. My Art Book! Table of contents. Hey There! Jolly Fixed! New Style? Chibi Punzie!

Just like Mickey needs Minnie to exist, Sonic's world needed a heroine that could not be ignored. Sir Gawain. This is OUR child!


Know something we don't about Sonic? Don't hesitate in signing up today! It's fast, free, and easy, and you will get a wealth of new abilities, and it also hides your IP address from public view. We are in need of content, and everyone has something to contribute! If you have an account, please log in. I'm not sure what happened, but I know what I saw: a love that transcended time. I believe in that power. When this is over, I want to share that love with the world. Even though She is an anthropomorphic hedgehog with a crush on Sonic the Hedgehog.

Amy rose hot

Know something we don't about Sonic? Don't hesitate in signing up today! It's fast, free, and easy, and you will get a wealth of new abilities, and it also hides your IP address from public view. We are in need of content, and everyone has something to contribute!

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Sonic joins her in a picnic with Big and Omochao. She wanted to go out to find you, but Sonic the Hedgehog European site. In these series, Amy is the girlfriend of Nicky , a nerdy young male hedgehog with the power to transform into the superhero, Sonic the Hedgehog. Her fashion - the headpiece and trainers - reflect Naoto Ohshima's taste, while her mannerisms reflect the kind of traits I looked for in women at the time. Despite this, when they meet again after Sonic dies and Mephiles and Iblis fuse, she doesn't seem to bear any particular malice towards him for his past actions. That's right! She is almost always optimistic and cheerful, and while she motivates her friends, she also shows aggressive tendencies, like when she uses her massive Piko Piko Hammer. Blaze the Cat. Super Smash Bros. She's got excellent running skills since she's used to chasing Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog — Developer Interview Collection. If you have an account, please log in. Amy also appears to yell at Vector and boss him around, something she does not do to Cream throughout the game, even though Cream is also a member of the team. Instead, it was decided that a one-way relationship, where Amy's affection for Sonic is unrequited, would be more interesting.

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Twitter 10 April She was later shown to be the happiest of all Resistance members alongside Knuckles and later Tails when she heard Sonic's voice on Knuckles' communicator while contacting the Avatar. The PowerPuff Girls. Her faith in her tarot cards led her to the fated encounter that brought Sonic into her life, and, during the Emerl incident, she showed such faith in her tarot cards that she insisted that Sonic would be at Tails' place on their reading outcome alone. Mirage Express. Early on during the War to Take Back the Planet , Amy showed great concern about Sonic and missed him, having stated that she had recurring dreams where Sonic was still with them, which made her hold out hope that he might still be alive. Imperator Ix. Metal Fighter. During the Emerl incident , Amy becomes enamored with "boxercise" as part of her arduous physical training to impress Sonic with her adamant dedication, which somewhat worked, but also worried him. Characters: Amy Rose. Game Boy Advance. She similarly defended E Gamma from Sonic when the latter tried to destroy him after motivating Gamma to rebel against Eggman. Surge the Tenrec. In the end, Amy tried to get Sonic to propose to her, but he promptly shivered at the thought and bailed.

2 thoughts on “Amy rose hot

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