akane tendo

Akane tendo

However, she's also hot-temperedvery insecure, finds the Arranged Marriage situation very awkward and is notoriously stubborn, which means there are times she's come off as having akane tendo Hair-Trigger Temper toward Ranma Saotome.

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Akane is the Japanese word for madder, as well as the crimson dye obtained from it. It is a common Japanese female name. Akane is the shortest of the main characters, being shorter than Ranma Saotome in his male form, but about the same height as his female form. She has short black hair blue highlighted in the anime and brown eyes.

Akane tendo

Akane's mother died when she was very young. Perhaps because of this, she appears not to have learned many traditionally feminine skills, and her terrible cooking is a running joke during the series as nearly everything she cooks ends up making people sick, except for her curry. Akane may see Kasumi Tendo Akane's older sister as a surrogate mother figure, since she helps her with more traditionally feminine chores. Akane grows up as a tomboy, getting into fights, acting tough, and improving her martial arts. In elementary school, her classmates thought she was so much like a boy that she was cast to play Romeo in their production of Romeo and Juliet : Akane accepts the role and plays a very cute Romeo, though deep down she always wanted to be cast as Juliet, a wish that she'll have fulfilled only years later though she would have four different Romeos fighting for her. At the beginning of the series Akane has a crush on Dr. Tofu Ono , who patched her up many times when she got into fights. Unfortunately for Akane, Dr. Tofu is in love with Kasumi. In an attempt to get his attention, Akane grew out her hair longer like Kasumi's. However, during one of the first fights between Ranma and Ryoga, her hair is cut, a look she retains for the rest of the series. Because of her unrequited crush on Dr. Tofu, she initially claims to hate boys.

Tofu closer and began to develop affection for Ranma, although his abrasiveness sometimes jeopardized these emotions, akane tendo. Perhaps because of this, she appears not to have learned many traditionally feminine skills, and her terrible cooking is a running joke during the series as nearly everything she cooks ends up making people sick, except for her curry. Actual opinion of that in the story's followers is akane tendo


This page describes the romantic and most notable relationship between Ranma Saotome and Akane Tendo throughout the manga and anime series. Ranma and Akane are engaged to each other because of a long-standing agreement between their fathers. Soun Tendo is particularly invested as he has no male heir and needs one of his daughters to marry a martial artist willing to carry on the Tendo Anything Goes Martial Arts Dojo. Despite the couple regularly bringing up their lack of agency in the initial decision, neither have broken off the engagement permanently. Perhaps more telling is their constant fits of jealousy when the other gains a new suitor or is placed, however unwillingly, in compromising situations with said suitors.

Akane tendo

Use of Template:Ambox is broken, because Module:Message box is broken. It is a common Japanese girl's name. Akane's mother died when she was very young. Akane may see her sister Kasumi as a surrogate mother figure, since she helps her with more traditionally feminine chores. Akane grows up as a tomboy , getting into fights, acting tough, and improving her martial arts. In elementary school, her classmates thought she was so much like a boy that she was cast to play Romeo in their production of Romeo and Juliet ; Akane accepts the role and plays a very cute Romeo, though deep down she always wanted to be cast as Juliet, a wish that she'll have fulfilled only years later though she would have three different Romeos fighting for her except Ranma was only doing it so he could go to China for free. At the beginning of the series Akane had a crush on Dr. Tofu Ono, who patched her up many times when she got into fights.

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Spider-Sense : Like several protagonists, Akane has a danger-related "sixth sense" allowing her to be aware of attacks before they hit her. Akane seems to get along well with people who are technically her rivals, like Ukyo and Cologne. The two are often seen in each others presence when they're not fighting, and often work together when trying to accomplish something. Akane keeps her hair short after her Significant Haircut because Ranma made the effort to praise her new appearance in spite of how drastic the change was, even if he may not have meant it. She has short black hair blue highlighted in the anime and brown eyes. She tends to be naive in often wishing to believe the best of everyone even when repeatedly proven to the contrary, as with Nabiki or Shampoo. Granted, she was sincerely trying to help in that last one, but was completely unaware of how he would take it. Fanservice Pack : Akane may not dress up as skimpily as Shampoo or Kodachi, but she gets her share of attractive swimsuits and cute outfits throughout the series. Politically Incorrect Hero : Akane is a genuinely heroic character, make no mistake. She has repeatedly successfully defended herself against ambushes from Kodachi Kuno , even stopping her attacks single handed or without significant effort. Akane can sympathize with Kuno sometimes.

Akane Tendo is the secondary protagonist throughout the live-action special. She is portrayed by Yui Aragaki. Akane is one of the three daughters of Soun and Mrs.

She's also very appreciative if Ranma treats her with consideration, and is consistently worrying about, cheering him on, or going to extremes to assist him. That said, Ranma has also been beaten up several times by his other paramours, Akane is simply around him more often. Thus, Akane's displayed skills are quite remarkable given the circumstances. Tomboy Angst : One of Akane's main issues is her insecurity about her femininity and how she aspires to be more like her Yamato Nadeshiko older sister, Kasumi. One of the worst examples was in the anime episode where she gets angry at Ranma for accidentally ruining a dish she made when he was chasing Happosai which he had apologized for since he thought he might've accidentally hurt her. She is polite, patient, forgiving, thinks the best of people, and generally is a very nice and kindly girl. Although in the anime this was also due to sustaining a follow-up beating from Kuno and Ryoga. In a manga story where Hinako Ninomiya offers to help Akane learn how to swim, it turns out that Akane thought that part of learning how to swim Ordinary Highschool Student : Or at least the closest you'll get in this series. In a story where Happosai tries to pretend to be P-chan, he gets a case of Laser-Guided Karma when it turns out that Akane tosses and turns in her sleep with incredibly violent activity, pummeling anyone stupid enough to crawl into her bed about as efficiently as she does when awake. He regularly brings her gifts from the widespread locations he visits during his travels. Damsel out of Distress : When taken captive, Akane does not usually believe in sitting around and waiting to be rescued, instead trying to free herself. Akane and Ranma rarely do anything but bicker and piss each other off. She is also moderately adept at tennis and ice skating.

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