you tube amanda ellis

You tube amanda ellis

Remember Me. I explore what is going on in our world, look at it from a higher perspective to bring love and unity. This channel is for everyone of any belief system, we are inclusive, high vibe and have fun. Join us by subscribing.

There are those among us who I call the Masters It is who they are. It is their truest essence. And they've come here to serve Creator, and assist humanity through their profound teachings. I have come to absolutely adore Amanda Ellis, a spiritual teacher from England, who works with the energy of Archangel Metetron primarily, but many other high-level master energies as well. I wanted to share links to two of her recent YouTube videos for which I have gotten permission thank you, Amanda! These videos require your time and attention, but for anyone seeking a greater understanding of the spiritual concept of duality , these are on the "must watch" list.

You tube amanda ellis


Explore the idea that light is always stronger, and how to turn away from the power given to you by negative energies. Discover how diverse perspectives can contribute to a deeper understanding of spirituality.


There are those among us who I call the Masters It is who they are. It is their truest essence. And they've come here to serve Creator, and assist humanity through their profound teachings. I have come to absolutely adore Amanda Ellis, a spiritual teacher from England, who works with the energy of Archangel Metetron primarily, but many other high-level master energies as well. I wanted to share links to two of her recent YouTube videos for which I have gotten permission thank you, Amanda!

You tube amanda ellis

Remember Me. I explore what is going on in our world, look at it from a higher perspective to bring love and unity. This channel is for everyone of any belief system, we are inclusive, high vibe and have fun. Join us by subscribing.

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The boomerang energy of hearing what you have just said and knowing it to not actually be your real truth can bring surprises and reconciliation energy Amanda will be joining me for a podcast episode later this summer or in early fall. Next week marks an important litmus test regards where we are at in the battle of light and dark on this planet. Amanda Ellis Videos. Discover the strength of white magic and learn how to counter dark sorcery with your own light. Mastering Christ Consciousness Get back on the horse. A reminder that we are talking about templates of consciousness and that we ALL have aspects of Arthur and the Knights within us, also that the 'round table' is replicated in other countries - Camelot may have arisen from Great Britain but it has mirrored reflections in all other countries - some dormant some activating. Discover the secrets of how colors can illuminate, transform, and heal your body. If you can, please support Amanda with a donation. Also a trio of colours and sprays that help us get into the mode and embody the knights energy - messages from Archangel Metatron and Gabriel remembering soul mission and Archangel Michael calling to his army of light warriors. Discover the hidden truth of cults and their control mechanisms.

Such a beautiful country and all organized by Marit Tessem, therapist, teacher and distributor of CM products. We all stayed in a school above the Artic Circle and Trondheim. It was midsummer and strange to be there during 24 hours of daylight.

And is it William? Also a trio of colours and sprays that help us get into the mode and embody the knights energy - messages from Archangel Metatron and Gabriel remembering soul mission and Archangel Michael calling to his army of light warriors. Discover the hidden truth of cults and their control mechanisms. I find it fascinating! If you continue using our website, we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on this website. I really enjoyed doing this video and found it fascinating - hope you do too. And they've come here to serve Creator, and assist humanity through their profound teachings. Not a member? Account Remember Me. Account Remember Me. The boomerang energy of hearing what you have just said and knowing it to not actually be your real truth can bring surprises and reconciliation energy You will notice that Amanda uses healing aura sprays during the course of her work. Learn how embracing the rainbow rays can lead to a healthier heart and ultimately a healthy body.

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