world of darkness merits

World of darkness merits

Choose a topic per Advanced Library dot. Every story, once per topic, you can take the Informed Condition when you consult your library about that topic.

This page is still a work in progress, and some merits may be in the database and approved for use, but have not been asked for in the past and may require further rulings. There is no guarantee it will be approved. Which Merit do I choose when there's more than one? Sometimes the same Merit can be found in multiple places, or there are different Merits with the same name. You're expected to choose the Merit that's within your type rather than shopping for a cheaper version from a different splat. Make sure to check the details for the Merit you're after to avoid name confusion, especially as those with merit next to the name require you to use that in cgen and xpreq's to avoid confusion with other stats. Not finding what you want?

World of darkness merits

All costs to learn that Discipline are paid out as if it were native to your Clan. A character cannot take this Merit more than once, and Caitiff vampires cannot take this Merit. Merit One of your ancestor spirits is particularly close to you. You have —2 to your difficulty to contact this ancestor via your Ancestors Background. Flesh out your special ancestor with a name, personality characteristics, significant abilities or powers, details about her life, and her reputation among Garou. Merit Since their inception, Nergali Baali have subverted members of other Clans into their own ranks. Known as Apostates, initiates are first drained completely by a Baali nest-master, who then extracts the still-beating heart from a mortal victim, fills it with his own blood, and buries it in a pool of gore within a Well of Sacrifice. The initiate swims through the dismembered bodies and viscous re-mains to find and consume the heart. In this way, Nergali do not make a victim of those they Embrace; prospective members must claim it through strength of will. Apostates replace any one in-Clan Discipline with Daimoinon, but in turn gain the Baali Clan weakness on top of their standard Clan weakness. Apostates can still pass with relative ease for members of their former Clans, but any childe they Embrace is indistinguishable from a standard Baali. Apostates do not lose levels in the Discipline they choose to exchange for Daimoinon, but further levels in that Discipline are purchased at out-of-Clan costs. Merit From lifetime to lifetime, you share a bit of your Avatar with a companion who follows you through incarnations, recalling more about their details than you do. Like the Merit: Guardian Angel, the Avatar Companion is essentially a walking boost from your Storyteller, subject to her whims but acting in your best interests… for the most part, anyway. Treat him badly enough, and he might become an Enemy.

Sadly common in the World of Darkness, PTSD reflects deep-seated pain caused by things that a person might not even recall. Not all Caitiff sired by Nosferatu have this flaw; nobody knows why some do and some don't.

Flaws and Merits Merits and Flaws are optional traits that a storyteller may choose to include, or prohibit, in her chronical. Properly used, the Merits and Flaws help players create and indivdualize their character. Merits are special abilities or advantages that are rare or unique in the general Kindred population, while Flaws are liabilities or disadvantages that pose challenges to a character's nightly exsistance. These Traits can provide player characters with added depth and personality, but Storytellers should be careful to ensure that any Traits chosen will not adversely influence the course of the chronicle or give one character an unfair advantage over the rest. Merits and Flaws can be selected only during character creation and are purchased using freebie points.

Choose a topic per Advanced Library dot. Every story, once per topic, you can take the Informed Condition when you consult your library about that topic. When violence erupts, you may suffer Insane to boost Strength, suffer Beaten Down but gain 8-Again to flee, or suffer Stunned but recover Willpower. Take 8-Again to perceive traps or ambushes, but on exceptional success, suffer Spooked. Apply the Specialty's bonus die to relevant rolls of any Skill, except unskilled rolls. Add a bonus element to any clues uncovered with this Skill. Clues from extra successes never have more than one element each.

World of darkness merits

Name and Dots: The name of a Merit is, obviously, what's written on a character sheet upon purchasing it. Additionally, after the name, there is a number or range of dots. If a character buys the first tier of this Merit, they might be able to "upgrade" it by spending the remaining number of points all at once. Such a Merit can be upgraded from one dot to a maximum of four, with each intermediate tier having a different effect. Prerequisites: The Attributes, Skills, other Merits, background events, or other conditions necessary to purchase this Merit. Unless otherwise noted, exceeding these requirements is fine.

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Technobabbler 1 Social Your obsessive love of a specialized field inspires you to fill every waking hour with obscure jargon and obtuse metaphraseology. Wealthy Social Los Angeles is a global city which contains far more of the super-rich than most. Your Director may be as vague as they wish as to any peripheral details. You've collected enough esoterica to supply the banes of ephemeral entities with a Rank up to your rating in this Merit. They're meddling or alcoholic parents, an abusive uncle or sibling or bad friends who won't let you start over. Book Ref: Rage Across the Heavens, pg. Although there are people with incredibly accurate memories, and it has been kept owing to its cinematic nature and the ease with which it can justify players referring back to RP logs or being reminded of details by the ST As a rule, the Tzimiscse make sufficient cosmetic alterations to ruin the looks of all their battle-ghouls, even those whose modiciations are not in and of themselves hideous. Thoughts or images wind up caught in mental loops, and you occasionally find yourself tripping over words, getting stuck in patterns of speech, or repeating apparently uncontrollable activities. This Merit reduces the difficulty of your Social rolls -1 in group settings where other characters might be even theoretically expected to look to you or someone nearby for leadership - such as in corporate boardrooms, the military or huddling around the burning wreckage of a plane taking charge of your fellow survivors.

May be purchased separately for multiple types.

You can draw on their facilities and resources, block the use of a relevant Social Merit lower than your Status rating once per session, and apply Status as a die bonus to Social rolls drawing on your influence. You receive a bonus die on Social rolls to affect small animals. Reduce the difficulty on any Stealth roll involving moving quietly by two. Moirae may not purchase this Merit and are particularly apathetic towards those so endowed. Artistically Gifted 1 Mental The Muses work their will through you, or so it appears. Characters with this Merit may also gain bonuses to push objects, open barred doors, avoid being knocked down, etc. Many will question your Sire and possibly ridicule him for choosing you. Notes: Book Ref: Breedbook: Ananasi, pg. System: Characters may only purchase this Merit once and gain no benefit when using Discipline techniques aka Combination Disciplines. Likewise, you may have invested your Avatar into your best friend, but that doesn't mean that everything or anything he says are pronouncements from your personal spirit guide. Judge's Wisdom 5 Mental No passion-based assault can rattle your judgment, and the base attacks of heart-twisting fiends have little hold on you. Should your fae seeming be permanently destroyed, or should you retreat into Banality, you will begin to age normally. Or Maybe you just suck at the whole paying-your-bills thing. Gifted The difficulties of all Craft and Expression rolls are reduced by three. You also suffer a -3 dice pool penalty to actions that would require the use of more limbs.

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