Woodworth shooting range
Dana Norsworthy; Shotgun shooters are required to bring their own clay targets. Target frames and paper targets are provided.
Those renovations were part of a larger project to improve public shooting ranges around the state. Now, most of the renovations are complete, and the range is back open to the public. The renovations at the Woodworth range include a newly built backstop and side berms, a wall that separates the rifle and pistol ranges, sound suppressing insulation and a larger more accessible parking lot. LDWF said the renovations were a proactive way to improve the range and were not a response to any safety issues the range had. The range still has some final renovations to complete like the bathrooms, but the range will resume operating during its normal hours. So, we are very excited to open it, we opened it as soon as possible when it was accessible to the public and everybody could come and have a good time. Click here to report a typo.
Woodworth shooting range
Firearms are prohibited on the archery range. Share on LinkedIn. At certain times, a few 3-D targets may be removed to use at other special events we host.
Help us keep you informed about new legislation that could effect your right to bear arms. Even a small donation helps us keep this running. Please consider signing up for a paying membership or making a donation , every little bit helps. Membership Sign Up. Rated 4 out of 5. Hours: Thursday: P.
Woodworth shooting range
The range will be open most weeks from Thursday-Sunday. The range is subject to closure for LDWF events and holidays. For more information, contact Kyle Reed at kreed wlf. Skip to content. Daily Pledge. Weather Lab. Lakes and Rivers Report. First Alert Storm Tracker. Cenla Alerts.
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Shooting opportunities include a rifle range, rim-fire and pistol range, shotgun range with electronic throwers, and a 3-D archery range. Share on X formerly Twitter. No metal or exploding targets. Keep all muzzles pointed in a safe direction. All users must abide by range officer directions if present. We want you to have a safe and positive experience with your firearm. Air rifles exceeding fps are prohibited. No users will be allowed on the 3-D archery range when the skeet range is in use. No tracer or armor piercing rounds allowed. Shooting Ranges. Skip to content. Share on Pinterest. We recommend standard 4.
As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. How well you are able to use and maintain your gun depends on the level of training that you get. If you would like to sharpen your shooting and gun handling skills in Louisiana, there are many leading ranges that can help you.
Contact Kacie Rome at krome wlf. You must fill out the Self-Clearing Permit before entering the range area. Latest News. No air guns with muzzle velocities over 1, feet per second are allowed. We want you to have a safe and positive experience with your firearm. Protemp Staffing Segments. Currently, the shotgun range is only available for Hunter Education classes and special events. First Alert Storm Tracker. Share on X formerly Twitter. Shotgun shooters are required to bring their own clay targets. Legal Advocate.
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