wizard of oz hanging scene youtube

Wizard of oz hanging scene youtube

Discussion in ' Debate Corner ' started by IenzoAug 3, Log in or Sign up. My friend recently told me about this horror story during the time Wizard of Oz was filmed back in

Darkness abounds in The Wizard of Oz. The man originally cast to play the Tin Man, Buddy Ebsen, ended up in an iron lung after his silver make-up, made up of aluminium powder, got into his lungs. Wicked Witch Margaret Hamilton also spent time in the hospital, suffering second-degree burns on her face and third-degree burns on her hand. Once recovered, she returned to work under the proviso she would no longer have to work with fire. The burns on her legs never healed. It is said that as the trio began skipping down the road, the crane unfolded its wings defensively, casting a strange shadow in the background. This supposed myth is complicated further by the multiple versions of the film that exist.

Wizard of oz hanging scene youtube


When did this theory even come about, originally? Joined: Jul 23,


Based on L. For almost as long as the movie has existed — nearly a century since The Wizard of Oz hit theaters in — rumors have persisted that the silhouette of a dead munchkin actor hanging from a rope is clearly visible during the Yellow Brick Road sequence. Since the dawn of the internet, the munchkin Wizard of Oz hanging story exploded, going viral on movie-focused blogs and websites like many Hollywood urban legends about "cursed films. This happens around the minute mark in the movie and Dorothy has met the Scarecrow and Tin-Man , but has yet to come across the Cowardly Lion. They turn and start walking down the Yellow Brick Road, on their journey, when people believe they saw what looked like someone hanging from a noose on a tree in the background. This led many people to believe that there was a Wizard of Oz hanging, and one of the actors who played a Munchkin had taken his own life by suicide on the set. Stream The Wizard of Oz on Max. Despite how colorful and family-friendly The Wizard of Oz is, a myth about one of the actors dying by suicide on-set — with the evidence left in the final cut — isn't too off-base given the behind-the-scenes context of its production. An aura of darkness and mythmaking shrouds the production history of the movie, mainly due to the on-set accidents and substance abuse rife during the early years of Hollywood as well as the movie's place in culture that The Wizard of Oz is the first color film is another misconception due to the movie's age. However, The Wizard of Oz hanging myth is just that — a myth.

Wizard of oz hanging scene youtube

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Llave , Aug 3, By Rob Trench Exploring the unlikely origins and surprising evolution of a worldwide cultural phenomenon. So upon donig some research into it I found the two sides of the argument- some say it was a bird while others believe it to be true. About Little White Lies Little White Lies was established in as a bi-monthly print magazine committed to championing great movies and the talented people who make them. But I didn't believe that, though whatever it may be in the background, I can't watch this movie the same way again. Exploring the unlikely origins and surprising evolution of a worldwide cultural phenomenon. I don't know. Joined: Jul 23, I would like to believe it's edited by the man who posted the video as well. Scarred Nobody , Aug 3, The exploitation of an already beleaguered minority should be remembered and analysed without a sinister tall tale tainting their legacy. Really creepy.

James Osborne.

The man originally cast to play the Tin Man, Buddy Ebsen, ended up in an iron lung after his silver make-up, made up of aluminium powder, got into his lungs. All of Us Strangers review — a supernova of a film. Joined: May 14, Gender: Male. No, create an account now. Jayn , Aug 4, Just, wow. Or were the little people in the film treated so poorly that no one really cared? Really creepy. Conspiracy theories have a much larger effect on me than actual 'scary' stories do, lol. Ienzo , Aug 4, Ienzo , Aug 3, My friend recently told me about this horror story during the time Wizard of Oz was filmed back in A Sad thought, but not unlikely. Aura , Aug 3,

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