Water test used at part of witchcraft trials in the 17th century, witchipedia.
Legal About Contact. Welcome to the Witchipedia's glossary of occult terms. Here you will find terms often used in the Pagan, Heathen, magical and occult communities that may confuse a newcomer. This encyclopedia of magical terminology is a wonderful place to get started if you don't know where to start in the Witchipedia. If you don't see the term you are looking for here, feel free to bring your question to the community in our forums or Ask A Witch! What you see on this page is the name and first paragraph of the articles in our occult glossary. To view the full article, please click on the title.
Legal About Contact. We have pages of magical and occult wisdom in our database and we are adding more every day. Find us on Facebook and Twitter. The term black moon is the dark of the moon's or new moon equivalent of the term blue moon , which is applied to the full moon. If you're stuck on terminology, visit our Glossary. Explore the Wheel of the Year and Feast Days from many Pagan, Heathen and magickal traditions, learn to time your spells most effectively using the moon and planet s, explore magickal calendar s and learn about the mystical significance of the days of the week. Learn about Pagan, Heathen and Magickal History and Lore and get to know the people who have had an impact on our community and magickal practice in our Who's Who section. Welcome to the Witchipedia We have pages of magical and occult wisdom in our database and we are adding more every day. How can I see my past life? I'm 16 and a young born witch but haven't found my powers yet? What's New? Black Moon The term black moon is the dark of the moon's or new moon equivalent of the term blue moon , which is applied to the full moon. Mark The Days Explore the Wheel of the Year and Feast Days from many Pagan, Heathen and magickal traditions, learn to time your spells most effectively using the moon and planet s, explore magickal calendar s and learn about the mystical significance of the days of the week. Explore History and Folklore Learn about Pagan, Heathen and Magickal History and Lore and get to know the people who have had an impact on our community and magickal practice in our Who's Who section.
The Enochian magick system is based upon communication with angels, witchipedia.
Legal About Contact. Throughout history, scholars have sought to understand the world through categorization. The earliest scholars of the natural world were magicians, priests, shamans, astrologers and philosophers. They categorized things in ways that are meaningful to them; by comparing them to other things in the natural world, and according to their magical and medicinal uses. These are the basis for modern tables of correspondences. Some things were categorized according to the doctrine of signatures , assigning meaning to the physical appearance of a thing, others categorized things according to their properties and aligned them to the properties of the planets. Later, elemental correspondences inherited properties of the planets with which they were associated and as new items were discovered and added to the magical formulary, they were assigned correspondences accordingly. Linneaus categorized plants and animals according to their reproductive traits in the s and brought about our modern methods, which are also useful to know, especially for wildcrafting and plant identification. You can find herbs listed according to the linnean classification system at Herbs Listed by Botanical Family. For magick users, Tables of Correspondence remain relevant today.
Welcome to Witch Week , a campaign dedicated to exploring how witchcraft, magick and beauty intersect. Over the last few years, interest in spirituality and more specifically witchcraft has been growing among younger generations. Old misconceptions of spooky satanic worship and dangerous cult-like covens are being rebuked by an army of young influencers finding solace and meaning in magick. The ability to share information like never before has been intrinsic to the growth of witchcraft, an art that by nature is an adaptation of old traditions into new diverse and flexible paths. Those who cast spells believe in Karma and the threefold law which states anything you do will be returned to you three times as strong. This is why practitioners stay away from harmful magick, curses and hexes. While witchcraft outside of Wicca has no laws or ethical codes which forbids or advises against the use of curses and the like, in witchcraft, many will choose not to add to their karmic debt and follow their own morals. In uneasy times, as they are now, with debates swirling around gender equality and growing unease around climate change, the next generation is turning for more spiritual modes of existence and, in some cases, liberal practises of magick.
Hamburger by hepburns
If you wish to discuss a specific article in this glossary, please click on the article's title and submit your comments in the article's comment section. Phoenix Star guest 21 Jan I may have been sleeping near the end so if something looks weird, please do let me know. She claimed to have seen eight women from the community appear before her during her convulsions — and this alone, in the feverishly puritanical community, was enough. Petronilla de Midia, or de Meath, became a witch by association. Amulet - An amulet is an object that is carried or worn on a person or placed in a location in order to draw specific energy or luck toward that person or location. I don't even own a mobile device. Witches have been a feature of folklore right across the globe, from the troll-whisperers of Scandinavia, to Italy's witch-prostitutes, to the tsukimono-suji — or fox-witch families — of Japan. Explore the Wheel of the Year and Feast Days from many Pagan, Heathen and magickal traditions, learn to time your spells most effectively using the moon and planet s, explore magickal calendar s and learn about the mystical significance of the days of the week. Child born in Ireland to mother with subsidiary protection not entitled to Irish passport, High Court rules.
Legal About Contact. The term herb is generally used to describe a plant that is herbaceous in nature, that is, it is not a tree or a shrub. However, when a witch or occultist uses the word "herb" we are generally referring to a plant that is useful without regard to its lifestyle.
With regard to an app, I want you to know that I have been doing research and talking to people who know more about this sort of thing than I do. I've thought about it- but what would it look like? She confessed, was flogged "through six parishes" and burnt at the stake in Kilkenny on November 3rd, — the first person to be burnt for heresy, as witchcraft was not yet on the statute books. Her reputation as a herbalist, healer or white witch spread after she moved to Feakle, and Daniel O'Connell was among her clients. Find us on Facebook and Twitter. Change the name also URL address, possibly the category of the page. If you wish to discuss a specific article in this glossary, please click on the article's title and submit your comments in the article's comment section. Click here to edit contents of this page. Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. Thank you and Blessed Be. Only you can change you. The word "astral" means "of the stars". She claimed to have seen eight women from the community appear before her during her convulsions — and this alone, in the feverishly puritanical community, was enough. Unfold by morningbird , 31 Aug If you don't see the term you are looking for here, feel free to bring your question to the community in our forums or Ask A Witch!
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