whos bobby beales mom

Whos bobby beales mom

EastEnders spoilers follow. EastEnders' Cindy Beale has returned to Walford this week — and her comeback has sparked some questions about her connection to Bobby Beale. Michelle Collins has reprised her role as Cindywith a huge whos bobby beales mom back in June unveiling her as George's missing wife 'Rose', whos bobby beales mom. With Bobby growing close to newcomer Annawho also happens to be Cindy's daughter, fans have been trying to work out the complicated dynamic of the Beales and the Knights.

NOTE: Please do not add content from the BBC iPlayer's early episodes until it has been aired on television, as it is intrusive to our readers who may not have seen the episode on iPlayer. Repeated intentional offences of this rule could lead to a ban, Many thanks the EastEnders Wiki admin team. Bobby's main storyline is one of the shows biggest storylines, In February , it was revealed as part of the 30th anniversary celebrations that Bobby is his older sister Lucy's killer. After being caught and doing time in prison, Bobby since has redeemed himself and has had storylines, such as suicide attempts, converting to Islam, developing and struggling with OCD and having a relationship with Dana Monroe , and in , having another relationship with Anna Knight. It is initially believed that Bobby was the son of Garry Hobbs because of Laura Beale 's drunken fling with him and Ian has had a vasectomy as he didn't want more children. Ian throws Laura out because of this, but when Bobby needs a blood transfusion, Garry is the wrong blood group, so Bobby must be Ian's son. Ian rejects Bobby and Laura, but Garry who doesn't know the truth of Bobby's paternity is happy being the father of Bobby.

Whos bobby beales mom

EastEnders spoilers follow. EastEnders' Cindy Beale has returned to Walford this week — and her comeback has sparked some questions about her connection to Bobby Beale. Michelle Collins has reprised her role as Cindy , with a huge twist back in June unveiling her as George's missing wife 'Rose'. With Bobby growing close to newcomer Anna , who also happens to be Cindy's daughter, fans have been trying to work out the complicated dynamic of the Beales and the Knights. As we have recently discovered, Anna is the daughter of long-lost Cindy, who is also the mother of Bobby's brother Peter and his late siblings Steven and Lucy. This means there is no biological relationship between Anna and Bobby should they become a couple, although the situation is still a bit messy just ask Peter. Laura fell pregnant with Bobby in while she was married to Ian, but given that he'd had a secret vasectomy, there was initially some mystery over who the dad was. Garry was eventually unveiled as the man in question, but after Laura gave birth to Bobby, it became clear that he couldn't be the baby's biological father as he had the wrong blood group. This meant that Ian was the youngster's dad after all, but Laura decided to withhold the truth from him and allowed Garry to carry on thinking that Bobby was his son. Laura died in April after tripping on Bobby's toys and falling down the stairs.

He disappears from school to look for Jane, and it is Jane who finds him. She added: "It's all about Cindy trying to make people understand.

As Bobby Beale and Anna Knight grow closer in EastEnders - we take a closer look at their surprising connection and answer the question on everyone's lips: are the two related? We have more newsletters. As EastEnders prepares to welcome back Walford legend Cindy Beale full time, the return of the character has sparked some serious questions among fans, specifically around her connection to Bobby Beale. In recent weeks, Bobby has been growing closer to newcomer Anna Knight, who moved in to the Queen Vic pub alongside her father George and sister Gina earlier this Summer. The truth finally emerged when Pat Evans unwittingly discovered his birth certificate and true paternity, something she later shared with Ian.

Bobby has overcome a complicated start in life - Garry thought he was his father until a blood test proved it was Ian. Not to mention enduring the revolving door of his father's love life Bobby's biological mum, Laura, died in dubious circumstances. Jane was the closest thing to a mum he had. As for paternity - rumours were rife that Garry Hobbs was his father after a drunken fling with Laura, until a blood test revealed Ian to be his real dad.

Whos bobby beales mom

EastEnders spoilers follow. EastEnders' Cindy Beale has returned to Walford this week — and her comeback has sparked some questions about her connection to Bobby Beale. Michelle Collins has reprised her role as Cindy , with a huge twist back in June unveiling her as George's missing wife 'Rose'. With Bobby growing close to newcomer Anna , who also happens to be Cindy's daughter, fans have been trying to work out the complicated dynamic of the Beales and the Knights. But if you're still a bit confused, here's everything you need to know:.

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Later in September, Bobby and his new housemate, Dotty Cotton struggle to live together, but the two make up when cooking dinner for Kathy and Tom, a recipe from Suki. Laura keeps this a secret from Garry and Ian. Left alone, Cindy then tells Liam that Bobby had killed Lucy. Bobby accidentally killed Lucy after hitting her over the head with a music box in scenes aired in , but he completely missed the link to her birthday on the locket. Yahoo Lifestyle Singapore. In scenes originally broadcast in June , the storyline ends as Bobby is sentenced to four years imprisonment for grievous bodily harm with Intent and murder : three years for Lucy's murder, and one year for Jane's attack. Show Me No thanks, close. Jacques O'Neill. Laura Beale was portrayed by Hannah Waterman and met a tragic fate in April, She soon has a one-night stand with Freddie, and Bobby is unaware of this until Ian humiliates them by exposing their affair in front of Bobby. In November , Bobby has gone missing from Birmingham and a frantic Jane arrives at Ian's and asks where Bobby is. Subscribe Please enter a valid email Something went wrong, please try again later. After a conversation with Shabnam Masood , Bobby arrives at the door and Jane decides to take Bobby away from the Square. Sign In Register.

But what happened to his own mother?

Email to a friend. But what happened to his own mother? Today's headlines Most Read 'We're on a path to low taxes': Jeremy Hunt hands , middle-income families more child benefit, slashes Bobby apologises, but the two agree to try it. Kelly Clarkson shows off incredible weight loss as she reveals how she 'walked off the pounds'. Following Laura's death, Pat also found the letter confirming Bobby's paternity and informed Ian and Garry, the latter of whom had taken in Bobby with his wife Lynne. EastEnders fans were left baffled during Tuesday's episode as Bobby Beale missed a huge clue hinting towards the return of Cindy Beale. When Mandy dumps Ian, he suffers a nervous breakdown and goes missing, leaving Bobby in Lucy's now Hetti Bywater care. Video Loading Video Unavailable. Share on twitter. Hearst Magazines UK. Bobby has remained part of the Beale family ever since, with Ian's subsequent wife Jane going on to adopt him. Jane isn't happy when she realises that Ian used Bobby so that she would stay, so Jane decides that she will take Bobby to Cardiff and live with her.

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