who is jason todd

Who is jason todd

The storyline depicts an unnamed criminal wearing a red dome-shaped hood who, after a chance encounter with Batmanis disfigured by chemicals and becomes insane, giving birth to his future Joker persona. Five decades later, the identity was used again in the — story arc, Batman: Under the Hood who is jason todd, in which Jason ToddBatman's second crime-fighting partner who had been killed by the Jokercomes back to life as a violent vigilante, using his killer's former alias.

Jason became the second Robin after Dick Grayson became Nightwing and Batman was in need of a new sidekick. Jason was trained by Bruce, and was his partner until his death at the hands of the Joker. He eventually returned to Gotham City under the new alias Red Hood, using more lethal methods to fight crime. Jason Todd is the son of an unidentified woman and Willis Todd. However, he was raised believing that his mother was Catherine Todd. Jason had a troubled childhood due to his parents constantly arguing; his mother suffered from depression and drug addiction, and his father had been "showing him the ropes of thievery and conning" at a young age, which led him into trouble.

Who is jason todd

First appearing in Batman in March , [3] he was created to succeed Dick Grayson as Robin , Batman 's partner and sidekick. Initially sharing a similar origin to Grayson, his character's origin was rewritten after the Crisis on Infinite Earths event. Following Max Allan Collins 's revamping of Todd's origin story in Batman —, the character was written by Jim Starlin , who had him become increasingly aggressive and reckless. This led DC Comics to conduct a telephone poll concerning the storyline " A Death in the Family " to determine whether the character should die at the Joker 's hands. The poll ended with a narrow majority of votes in favor of killing Todd, resulting in his death. Subsequent stories dealt with Batman's guilt over failing to save him. The character was resurrected in the " Under the Hood " story arc, which saw him becoming a murderous antihero known as the Red Hood. Subsequent stories have shown Todd's on-and-off attempts to redeem himself and rebuild his relationship with Batman, with Red Hood eventually being accepted as a full member of the Batman family. Todd has made several appearances as Robin and Red Hood in other forms of media outside of comics, including television series, films, and video games. The game Batman: Arkham Knight in particular reimagined Todd resurfacing with a new villain identity, the Arkham Knight , following 10 years trapped in Arkham Asylum and tortured by The Joker who conditioned him to despise and turn on his former mentor before assuming the Red Hood identity near the end of the game. However, with the character no longer featured in Batman comics, the disadvantages of telling Batman stories without the character to act as a sounding board for the protagonist became apparent. The character debuted in Batman March and made his first full appearance in Detective Comics April , but it wasn't until later that year that he would appear in costume as Robin in Batman December when he showed up towards the end of the story to help Batman fight the Joker.

After Roy teleports back with a now freed BlackfireJason, Roy and the rest of the crew watch as Starfire and Blackfire leave to go save Tamaran.

Jason's current alias, the Red Hood, was taken from the Red Hood Gang facing them was what brought him into contact with Talia and first set him on the path towards becoming a costumed vigilante. Raised in the slums of the poor side of Gotham City , Jason Todd was a dark haired boy and the son of a petty criminal named Willis Todd. Eventually, Willis was sent to prison and never returned home despite earning his release after a few years. Thus before Willis got sent to prison was the last time Jason ever saw him. This left Jason with Catherine Todd, a drug addicted woman he did not know was not truly his biological mother.

This page includes spoiler details from the latest game in the series, Batman: Arkham Knight. Please proceed at your own risk. Jason Todd was a street orphan until he met Batman after he had saved him from The Joker. Jason was trained by Batman and later became the second Robin , but he was beaten and tortured by the Joker, who sent Batman a video of the event and lied by telling him that Jason was dead. Batman fell into a deep depression over Jason's "death". Years later, Jason returned, sought revenge against Batman, and utilized advanced technology and resources that he had acquired by pooled resources from his enemies. He even designed a high-tech "Batsuit" with capabilities as well as utilize lethal gadgetry and weapons during combat situations. Jason created the identity of the Arkham Knight , until his redemption and forgiveness at the hands of Batman. After he finally aided Batman against Scarecrow , Jason took up the title of the Red Hood , a name that was used by the Joker prior to his transformation. Jason was born on a rooftop in August 4th to Willis and Cathy Todd, a pair of methamphetamine addicts who were in debt to Carmine Falcone.

Who is jason todd

Titans season 3 is going all-in on Jason Todd and the Red Hood, as the show's first three episodes reveal one of the most gruesome deaths in comics history. Fans of the comics know though that it's only one part of the story, and there is plenty more to come throughout this season. If you're unfamiliar with Jason Todd though, this might have come as quite a shock, but that's why we're here to give you a breakdown of who Jason Todd is, what led to him becoming the Red Hood, and why he is probably the most infamous Robin ever. He is the second person to hold the Robin role and was brought in after Dick Grayson had become a major character in Teen Titans. He would make his first appearance in Detective Comics , and his introduction to Batman was quite memorable. Jason had a difficult early life, as he was the son of a criminal named Willis Todd, who was sent to prison. He was eventually released, but he never returned home, leaving Jason with his mother Catherine Todd. Catherine was, unfortunately, dealing with severe drug addiction, but Jason would later learn that she was not his biological mother. She would later die from an overdose while Willis eventually disappeared, and it's thought that Two-Face was the cause.

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The mission was not all that it seemed, however, as Batman brought Jason to the Magdala Valley, where Jason had died. Batman had recently put new tires on the vehicle but had not replaced the hubcaps with the redesigned ones yet. Upon hearing the detectives' statements, Jason ran. Jason fights along side them defeating the horde and with the villagers defeated, Jason sits and prays for them. At that point, Todd dyes his hair black, and in later stories blossoms under Batman's tutelage. Back in Gotham, Red Hood continued his vengeance against the Penguin by abducting the man and trapping him in the Iceberg Casino. Jason asks Batman why he has not avenged his death by killing the Joker, and Batman tells Jason that he will never cross that line. However, she can't understand how a man like Heinle could have harnessed its power when only Shim'Tar can wield it. The storyline is notable because it was published ten years before the confirmation of Jason Todd's resurrection. The villagers reanimate and attack Jason, he turns and throws away his guns to fight them honorably but Roy and Starfire catch up and they start killing the zombies. In the final issue of the sequel series, Batman: Curse of the White Knight , an adult Jason appears to speak with the recently imprisoned Bruce, arrested after turning himself in for his unintentional crimes as Batman.

It began with an unpopular replacement, an ill-advised revamp, and three people having a casual discussion at an editorial retreat; it ended with a number call-in vote system, and over 10, reader participants who ultimately voted by a narrow margin to kill the boy wonder. As the junior half of the Dynamic Duo, Jason faced off against all manner of villains, but five years and two different origins later, Jason met his end in Batman

In the film, Jason is kidnapped and beaten half to death by the Joker in a warehouse while Batman is racing to save him on his Batcycle, but is unable to get to him in time as the building explodes after the Joker leaves. Instead of fleeing at the sight of him, Jason attacks him with his tire iron. Later, the Joker appears again, and rather than fight again, Jason decides to untether himself from his past. Teen Titans In Frank Miller 's critically acclaimed graphic novel, Jason Todd had died in the line of duty. They discovered that the warriors of Apokolips had created a cannon that can destroy entire planets. In order to survive and for his so-called mother's habit, Jason turned to crime, ripping off car parts for money. With a list of names, he scrambled throughout London to relieve each of the unaware suicide bombers of their packages. He then begins speaking in binary code, then Kryptonian, then manages to beg for the cure in english. As they eat Bruce says that there are enough heroes in the world, and that having Outlaws wouldn't hurt. Cheshire manages to escape, but in the midst of everything Jason ends up secretly leaving as well, stowing himself away on Green Arrow's ship. Joker beats the boy brutally with a crowbar and then leaves him and Sheila in the warehouse with a time bomb. The Red Hood Gang eventually follows him into the sewer system, but a prototype motorcycle hidden in the tunnels allows Bruce to escape. Someone had to do something about Gotham City.

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