Who is amai mask

While Sweet Mask is openly recognized as the most popular hero in the Hero Association, his true nature is a secret that only readers of the One-Punch Man webcomic know, and is about to be revealed in the manga too. Despite his incredible strength, he declined promotion to S-Class and prefers staying at Rank 1 of A-Class, who is amai mask, in order to prevent unworthy heroes from being promoted to S-Class. Parallel to his hero activities, Sweet Mask is also who is amai mask successful idol, actor, model, and singer, which serves to feed his narcissistic side.

The character of Amai Mask sometimes translated as Sweet Mask in One-Punch Man may be well-loved in-universe, but he's given readers a very different impression due to his aggressive personality and dismissiveness towards Saitama and other more popular characters. Still, his brutal death back in chapter at the hands of Fuhrer Ugly felt a bit too cruel towards a character who was still nominally a hero, seeing as he was ripped in half in a fit of jealousy over his looks. The scene was shocking, to be sure, but the real surprise is in One-Punch Man chapter , where Amai Mask is decidedly not dead after all. Amai Mask first appeared early on as the top hero in class A, doing interviews and appearing before an adoring public who loved him largely for his looks. The darker side of the character appeared when he confronted Genos, revealing that Amai Mask sees himself as the gatekeeper for class S, and didn't appreciate Genos shooting straight to the top when he registered as a hero.

Who is amai mask

To say that One Punch Man is a series full of strong characters is a massive understatement. This is because it makes fun of traditional anime and manga power scaling systems by making almost every single one of the top tier of heroes powerful enough to almost destroy the planet. Categorized into 4 tiers, all heroes are placed into different classes depending on their levels of strength. The top spot of the A-Class, the second-highest tier of hero categorization , belongs to the mysterious hero, Amai Mask. In all of his appearances in the story of One Punch Man , he is shown as an extremely powerful combatant who belongs within the top brass of heroes, but chooses not to be in it for his own reasons, owing to a mysterious backstory. So, let's break down who Amai Mask truly is. Within the Hero Association, he not only works as a hero, but he is also a part of the hero rank evaluation staff. On top of this, Amai Mask is also the most popular star in the entire world. He is an actor, singer, and model who is popular no matter where he goes, something which has also made him a target of monsters in the past. Though Amai Mask's origins are pretty mysterious, the webcomic has finally given fans a glimpse of his much-awaited backstory. In truth, Amai Mask's true identity is that of a horrifying and disfigured monster. At the very beginning, he was just a very ugly man named Beaut who used to do hero work with a mask on, which is also the reason behind his name. However, due to the pent-up rage and hatred he had for his ugliness, he eventually transformed into a monster with the ability to change his physical appearance, which he did by altering his visage to that of a tall and handsome young man. This change was more than just a physical one, as Amai Mask got many new powers and abilities that were a result of his monsterification.

Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. He finds tanks filled with the cells of Lord Orochi, which are used to turn people into monsters.

Black Spermatozoon's ability to duplicate himself forced Atomic Samurai to collapse the roof on both of them in a desperate move, and their statuses aren't clear at this time. Zombieman has been embroiled in a conflict with Homeless Emperor, finding himself hopelessly outmatched. One-Punch Man Chapter picks up with Zombieman attempting to buy time for his regeneration by getting Homeless Emperor to reveal his backstory. The villain reveals his "boss ordered [him] to dance naked" at a party and then fired him the next day "for sexual harassment. The story is too short for Zombieman to properly regenerate, and that hero's segment of the book ends with Homeless Emperor preparing to unleash an attack.

Apart from his hero profession, he is a famous model, actor, and singer and is the most popular star in the world. He is now dismissed from the Hero Association due to being a monster. Sweet Mask is a tall and lean-built young man with messy shoulder-length light blue hair that has a single hair strand hanging down in the middle of his face and yellow eyes. He is considered to be very handsome by the public. During the invasion of the Seafolk , he was sporting a shorter hairstyle with his hair parted to the right. He is seen with long hair again when he addresses the Hero Association official and, in his most recent appearance, he is again shown with his short hair. Interestingly, Sweet Mask's eyes seem to turn from a yellow into a blood-red when extremely angered. Sweet Mask used to be ugly, so he did hero work in a mask to hide his face. His original costume had a mask adorned with a question mark and a cape.

Who is amai mask

To say that One Punch Man is a series full of strong characters is a massive understatement. This is because it makes fun of traditional anime and manga power scaling systems by making almost every single one of the top tier of heroes powerful enough to almost destroy the planet. Categorized into 4 tiers, all heroes are placed into different classes depending on their levels of strength. The top spot of the A-Class, the second-highest tier of hero categorization , belongs to the mysterious hero, Amai Mask. In all of his appearances in the story of One Punch Man , he is shown as an extremely powerful combatant who belongs within the top brass of heroes, but chooses not to be in it for his own reasons, owing to a mysterious backstory. So, let's break down who Amai Mask truly is. Within the Hero Association, he not only works as a hero, but he is also a part of the hero rank evaluation staff. On top of this, Amai Mask is also the most popular star in the entire world. He is an actor, singer, and model who is popular no matter where he goes, something which has also made him a target of monsters in the past. Though Amai Mask's origins are pretty mysterious, the webcomic has finally given fans a glimpse of his much-awaited backstory.

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He is quite often shown to use a hand chop to dispatch monsters effortlessly, just as he did to the Dark Matter Pirates. Sign in to edit. Edit Character Information. Current Wiki. He was able to lift a boulder much larger than he is with ease, as well as throwing it with great force. Interestingly, Sweet Mask's eyes seem to turn from a yellow into a blood-red when extremely angered. However, befitting the darker side of Sweet Mask's name, he has a hidden merciless nature. Puri-Puri Prisoner. He is a very famous model, singer, actor and is especially known as the most famous pop star in the world. But this also costed him for his monster identity to be revealed to the public and eventually would have him removed from the Hero Association as a hero. He has also stated that he wishes happiness to all living-beings in the universe, which ironically seemed to be the opposite as he showed his darker and cruel side when he murdered a group of member of the Dark Matter Thieves in cold blood since they're aliens. It's not clear whether the other heroes were aware of Amai Mask's apparent death or not; Zombieman and Child Emperor were close enough that they might have witnessed it happening, but no one is shown reacting to it.

The character of Amai Mask sometimes translated as Sweet Mask in One-Punch Man may be well-loved in-universe, but he's given readers a very different impression due to his aggressive personality and dismissiveness towards Saitama and other more popular characters. Still, his brutal death back in chapter at the hands of Fuhrer Ugly felt a bit too cruel towards a character who was still nominally a hero, seeing as he was ripped in half in a fit of jealousy over his looks.

Besides his combat abilities, Amai Mask is a talented actor and singer. Faced with Sweet Mask's contempt, the group provokes him, hoping for a physical confrontation. Genus Hammerhead. The scene was shocking, to be sure, but the real surprise is in One-Punch Man chapter , where Amai Mask is decidedly not dead after all. Heroes Wiki. Image Gallery. Amai Mask is charismatic and cares deeply for his fans, but he is extremely powerful and arrogant about his abilities. Despite all of this, however, he still holds the ability to reveal his true self, as he did in his fight against Pesky Clown in the webcomic. He finds tanks filled with the cells of Lord Orochi, which are used to turn people into monsters. He is very charismatic and is always looking for ways to please his fans, as he genuinely cares for the well-being of civilians despite truly being a monster, stating that it is the job of heroes to protect everyone else and, if they are unable to, they must get strong enough to do so. Bureaucrats Emeraldblade95 Jester of Chaos. This is shown when he mercilessly dispatches a group of captured aliens from the Dark Matter Thieves whom he declared to be evil, claiming to have merely executed justice on the spot, and again when he was ordered to bring an escaped caveman back to the lab.

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