whitey bulger young

Whitey bulger young

James "Whitey" Bulger embarked upon a life of crime at the age of 14 and had become a prominent figure in Boston's organized crime scene by the late s. From toBulger also served as an FBI informant, whitey bulger young, tipping off the police to the Patriarca crime family while also building his own crime network.

Last week, a court heard that the notorious Irish-American head of the Winter Hill gang was beaten to death within minutes of his cell door sliding open at 6am on 30 October — less than 12 hours since he had been transferred to a penitentiary at Bruceton Mills in West Virginia. It took less than five minutes to kill him, and his assailants may have tried to gouge his eyes out. But was it just bureaucratic incompetence that left Bulger so vulnerable to attack or something more sinister? Bulger, 89, was serving two consecutive life sentences after being convicted on 31 criminal counts, including racketeering charges and involvement in 11 murders in He had been picked up two years earlier in Santa Monica, California, after 16 years on the run following a tip-off from his FBI handler of a pending federal indictment. Sean McKinnon, who is accused by the government of acting as a lookout during the beating, had told his mother a day earlier that everyone on the prison unit had been alerted that Bulger was about to be transferred there.

Whitey bulger young

Born : September 3, , Boston, Mass. His longevity and success in organized crime largely can be attributed to protection he received as a high-level FBI informant. Bulger was notorious for his readiness to use violence and especially murder to achieve his criminal goals. One of them, William Bulger, would serve as a member of the Massachusetts Senate for 25 years and president of the University of Massachusetts for seven years. Whitey, however, as a young man was in and out of jail for various assault and theft charges, including military charges during his stint in the Air Force from In he was convicted of federal charges of hijacking and did his first stint in federal prison, landing in penitentiaries in Atlanta, Alcatraz, Leavenworth and Lewisburg. While in the federal system, Bulger volunteered for experiments in which the CIA dosed prisoners with the hallucinatory drug LSD and other drugs in return for lesser sentences. Bulger was released in , and he went to work for a local Irish-American gang at a time when rival factions were at war. Bulger, with the Killeen gang, committed his first homicide during this war. In a case of mistaken identity, Bulger shot and killed the innocent twin brother of a rival gangster. According to some biographers, Bulger switched sides and killed the leader of his old gang, although this is disputed by other sources. What is not disputed is that by , Bulger and his new allies in the Mullen gang were top dogs among gangsters in Boston. During this period, Bulger cemented his reputation for violence by using murder as a means of discipline for wayward Mullen gang members.

Bulger and Flemmi were originally going to be part of this indictment, but Connolly and Morris were able to persuade prosecutor Jeremiah T.

This site uses cookies to improve user experience. By continuing to browse, you accept the use of cookies and other technologies. The Boston native remained at large for 16 years. While the Bulger boys were exposed to poverty at a young age, William and John excelled in school and were not drawn down the same criminal path as their older brother. James became involved in petty crimes at a young age, leading the local police to become familiar with him. Bulger never liked the nickname, preferring to be called Jim or Jimmy.

The sky was darkening above Hazelton federal penitentiary in West Virginia when a prison van rolled up carrying an elderly gangster. He was once one of the most feared men on the planet , a notorious underworld figure who terrorized the streets of South Boston for more than two decades. His final hours were described in detail for the first time in a Justice Department Inspector General report released Wednesday. The review concluded that a remarkable series of questionable decisions and bureaucratic blunders led to the killing of Bulger, who was among the most high-profile inmates in the federal prison system. Bulger spent 16 years on the run as one of the FBI's most wanted fugitives before he was captured in California in He was convicted for his role in 11 murders and a host of other crimes, and sentenced to two life terms. Bulger was moved to Coleman II federal prison in Florida, a facility known to be a safe place for government informants and other inmates who might need special protection, in He was placed in solitary in March for threatening a nurse. After being locked up alone for nearly seven months, he told his case manager that he was a broken man. I get chest pains when I eat.

Whitey bulger young

James "Whitey" Bulger embarked upon a life of crime at the age of 14 and had become a prominent figure in Boston's organized crime scene by the late s. From to , Bulger also served as an FBI informant, tipping off the police to the Patriarca crime family while also building his own crime network. He was captured in California in and after a two-month trial, the notorious crime boss was found guilty of federal racketeering, extortion, conspiracy and 11 murders.

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Two years later, a jury found Bulger guilty of 31 counts and he was sentenced to life in prison, plus five years. Bulger and Stanley spent the next three weeks traveling to New York City , Los Angeles and San Francisco before Stanley decided that she wanted to return to her children. At the age of 89, a man who had gained a reputation for violence met an incredibly violent end. Archived from the original on November 17, But the action was dismissed in January. But things for Bulger and the Winter Hill Gang were about to shift drastically. What few knew at the time was that Bulger had been an FBI informant since at least The Christian Science Monitor. It was difficult for the authorities to bring any cases against Bulger. In , Bulger served his first term in federal prison at Atlanta Penitentiary for armed robbery and truck hijacking. Archived from the original on February 9,

Three men have been charged in connection with the killing.

In the spring of , the Drug Enforcement Administration , the Massachusetts State Police and the Boston Police Department launched an investigation into Bulger's gambling operations. According to Weeks, when Bulger met with McIntyre in a South Boston house, he hoped to avoid murdering the informant and offered to send him to South America with money and the understanding that he was never to contact his family or friends again. Contents move to sidebar hide. At the end of our dinner, he seemed more aware of everything around him. It was Donald. Bulger, realizing he was on the losing side, secretly approached Howie Winter , the leader of the Winter Hill Gang, and claimed he could end the war by murdering the Killeen leadership. Throughout the s, Bulger, Flemmi, and Weeks operated rackets throughout eastern Massachusetts including loansharking, bookmaking, truck hijacking, arms trafficking , and extortion. Sweet and Dave Wedge, "Calif. OCLC Bulger out of his apartment", "arrested him 'without incident', then went in the house and arrested Greig". His counseling was soon terminated, and he was transferred to the Coleman Federal Correctional Complex in Florida. The McGonagle brothers were from a family that led the Mullen Gang. He told Weeks, who had replaced him as head of the Winter Hill Gang, "If anything comes down, put it on me.

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