what replaced the encomienda system

What replaced the encomienda system

The encomienda system was a labor system instituted by the Spanish crown in the American colonies.

The labourers, in theory, were provided with benefits by the conquerors for whom they laboured, including military protection and education. The encomienda was first established in Spain following the Christian reconquest of Moorish territories known to Christians as the Reconquista , and it was applied on a much larger scale during the Spanish colonization of the Americas and the Spanish East Indies. Conquered peoples were considered vassals of the Spanish monarch. The Crown awarded an encomienda as a grant to a particular individual. In the conquest era of the early sixteenth century, the grants were considered to be a monopoly on the labour of particular groups of indigenous peoples , held in perpetuity by the grant holder, called the encomendero ; starting from the New Laws of , the encomienda ended upon the death of the encomendero , and was replaced by the repartimiento.

What replaced the encomienda system

During the 16 th century, Spanish imperialists employed the encomienda system during their conquest of the Americas and the Philippines. Although in name indigenous people were assigned to be in charge of the labor, the natives were vastly mistreated. This setup led to decades of enslavement and exploitation of Native American peoples and perpetuated the cruel domination by the Spanish in the New World. Since its establishment in , the encomienda system was under scrutiny. He pushed for the New Laws in , which gave indigenous peoples certain rights and allowed for the gradual abolition of the encomienda system. However, these laws were met with revolts from the encomenderos who were in charge of plots of land with slave labor. Ultimately the encomienda system continued until The Spanish took advantage of the rich resources in the New World, especially gold, silver, corn, indigo, and sugar cane. In order to make use of these resources and still make a profit, the Spaniards instituted a system of slavery so they would have a constant supply of free labor in their colonies. The Spanish often divided up communities and families in the Caribbean to fit their own labor needs.

These extra protections were an attempt to avoid the proliferation of irregular claims to slavery.


During the 16 th century, Spanish imperialists employed the encomienda system during their conquest of the Americas and the Philippines. Although in name indigenous people were assigned to be in charge of the labor, the natives were vastly mistreated. This setup led to decades of enslavement and exploitation of Native American peoples and perpetuated the cruel domination by the Spanish in the New World. Since its establishment in , the encomienda system was under scrutiny. He pushed for the New Laws in , which gave indigenous peoples certain rights and allowed for the gradual abolition of the encomienda system.

What replaced the encomienda system

This illustration of the horrors of the encomienda system highlights the way women and children were particularly vulnerable to abuse by Spanish enslavers. Heidelbergar: typis Guilielmi VValteri acad, New-York Historical Society Library. The spread of Catholicism was the stated goal of the Spanish conquest of the Americas, but the Spanish also wanted to profit from their new territories. Once the treasures of Indigenous civilizations were looted, colonists turned to mining and plantation farming to make their fortunes, and they needed to find cheap labor to maximize their profits.

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The Hispanic American Historical Review. In addition, the encomienda system had a large impact on the tradition of intermarriage between races in the New World. However, slavery-like conditions generally persisted, especially in the mining industries. Archived from the original on Because Spanish law prevented mestizos , or people of mixed race, from being called for labor, many indigenous people began seeking out marriages with white people and Creoles so that their children could escape the encomienda system. Yeager argued the encomienda was deadlier than conventional slavery because of an individual labourer's life being disposable in the face of simply being replaced with a labourer from the same plot of land. Comprehensive review of grammar skills. Windmill Books. Eventually , the encomienda system was replaced by repartimiento , in which the native workers were allotted directly to the Spanish monarchy rather than individual Spaniards in the colonies. Later, some receiving encomiendas in New Spain Mexico were not conquerors themselves but were sufficiently well connected that they received grants. August 28, September 30, These extra protections were an attempt to avoid the proliferation of irregular claims to slavery. The encomienda was first established in Spain following the Christian reconquest of Moorish territories known to Christians as the Reconquista , and it was applied on a much larger scale during the Spanish colonization of the Americas and the Spanish East Indies. August 21,

The labourers, in theory, were provided with benefits by the conquerors for whom they laboured, including military protection and education. The encomienda was first established in Spain following the Christian reconquest of Moorish territories known to Christians as the Reconquista , and it was applied on a much larger scale during the Spanish colonization of the Americas and the Spanish East Indies.

By the time the new laws were passed, in , the Spanish crown had acknowledged their inability to control and properly ensure compliance of traditional laws overseas, so they granted to Native Americans specific protections not even Spaniards had, such as the prohibition of enslaving them even in the case of crime or war. One example is Isabel de Moctezuma. Answer B is the nearly correct, but indigenous leaders were not held on equal standing with the conquistadors. Later, some receiving encomiendas in New Spain Mexico were not conquerors themselves but were sufficiently well connected that they received grants. Guitar, Lynne Contents move to sidebar hide. Your email address will not be published. Toggle limited content width. They used the encomienda to gain ownership of large expanses of land, many of which such as Makati continue to be owned by affluent families. Eric A Hope this helps! Letter C is the most correct answer choice. Photo by Hispalois. Austin: University of Texas Press. By country or region.

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