Voice of skyrim

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Voice of skyrim

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It's easy to play through Skyrim and get so caught up in the surrounding world and lore that one forgets the voice acting that went into the game. While many voice actors lend their talents to more than a number of characters, others are limited to either a handful or simply one. Each of the actors involved do a pretty good job of reeling it in and making the inhabitants of Skyrim feel believable. That being said, there are some very famous names attached to the project, including some players may find quite surprising. Here's a breakdown of some of Skyrim's voice actors, and the characters they portray in the game.

Voice of skyrim

Skyrim features a cast of more than 70 voice actors , many of whom are also notable film and television actors. Although some NPCs have unique voices, the large majority of them have one of more than 50 "voice types", where generic lines of dialogue, such as greetings, may be reused across many different characters. The list below is organized by voice actor, and does not list every voiced NPC—for more comprehensive lists of NPCs, organized by voice type , see this category list. He also plays Hermaeus Mora in the Dragonborn add-on. The following voice actors are known to have played a part in Skyrim, but the roles they voiced are currently unknown:. Jump to: navigation , search.

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