vicki vale batman

Vicki vale batman

Victoria Vale usually called "Vicki" or "Vickie" is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comicscommonly in association with the superhero Batman. She is frequently depicted as a romantic interest of Bruce Wayne, the alter-ego of Batman. Vicki Vale first appeared in Batman 49 Oct. In her early appearances, vicki vale batman, Vicki Vale revolved around her suspicions that Vicki vale batman and Bruce Wayne were the same person.

This time around, we head back to August to see Vicki Vale, Batman's answer to Lois Lane, make her comic book debut. As I've said many times over the years, to the point where I get that I'm a broken record on this topic but, well, come on, man, it's an important topic , is that the comic book industry, just like TV and films, is very often a monkey-see-monkey-do setup, so when one thing works out, there will be countless imitators. And honestly, that's cool, as very often, it's the implementation of the idea that really is the most important thing than the basic idea itself. How many great riffs on Superman have there been over the years? MANY, right?

Vicki vale batman

Vicki Vale : What do you want? The Joker : My face on the one dollar bill. Vicki Vale : You must be joking. The Joker : Do I look like I'm joking? Vicki Vale : A lot of people think you're as dangerous as the Joker. Batman : He's psychotic. Vicki Vale : Some people say the same thing about you. Batman : What people? Vicki Vale : Well, I mean, let's face it. You're not exactly normal, are you? Batman : It's not exactly a normal world, is it?

Vicki Vale : Are you sure?

Vicki Vale is a newspaper reporter that was introduced in the Detective Comics in the s. She was created to mirror Lois Lane in the Superman comics. Vicki often spent her time trying to figure out Batman 's secret identity. Her first appearance was in Batman 49 in Her first appearance is noteworthy as being alongside in the same story as the first appearance of the Mad Hatter as well. Although she can generally be considered to be a secondary character in the Gotham related stories, she nonetheless has over 60 years of publication history and thus the presentation of the character is representative of the portrayal of women in comics.

This time around, we head back to August to see Vicki Vale, Batman's answer to Lois Lane, make her comic book debut. As I've said many times over the years, to the point where I get that I'm a broken record on this topic but, well, come on, man, it's an important topic , is that the comic book industry, just like TV and films, is very often a monkey-see-monkey-do setup, so when one thing works out, there will be countless imitators. And honestly, that's cool, as very often, it's the implementation of the idea that really is the most important thing than the basic idea itself. How many great riffs on Superman have there been over the years? MANY, right? Stephen Sondheim's Follies is an excellent music, it doesn't matter that the songs for the shows were all pastiches of different composer' styles. With that in mind, though, it is pretty hilarious when creators at the same comic book company crib concepts from each other, and one of the most notable examples occurred 75 years ago in August 's Batman 49 by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, Lew Sayre Schwartz adn Charles Paris, when they decided that, hey, if people liked Superman and Lois Lane's deal so much, why not just do the same with Batman and a new female reporter character named Vicki Vale? Bob Kane famously worked out a sweetheart deal with DC then National where the company, in effect, had to buy as much of his Batman work as he could produce, and at a particularly high page rate I mean, I don't think it was exorbitant or anything like that, it was just more than the company was paying other artists.. It was part of a general arrangement the company signed with Kane that almost certainly revolved avoid Kane agreeing not to ever sue DC for the copyright of Batman, unlike Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster with Superman.

Vicki vale batman

Not only did a pre-production accident force her off the film, but the scene for which she was preparing ended up getting cut from the movie! During production, one version of the Batman script, written by Sam Hamm and Warren Skaaren, once had equestrian leanings—initially involving Vicki—designed to build toward a major action sequence. That led producer Jon Peters, who had purportedly convinced Burton to cast Keaton, to suggest that the incapacitated Young be replaced with Basinger, as cameras were set to roll in a week. The suggestion was immediately accepted, resulting in the replacement being quickly flown in, costing Young what was to be the biggest role of her career. They probably could have. I think [producer] Jon Peters had this hard-on for Kim Basinger, and he saw an opportunity to exit me, and he did. And no one ended up being very happy with that choice. But it is what it is. I had an accident and then got walked to the door.

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Ra's sends assassins, mercenaries, and super villains to burn the evidence and kill Vicki! Vicki is set to be an important supporting player in the Red Robin series, starting at issue 6. Vicki wants to know not what has happened to Batman, which is on everyone's mind, but what has happened to Bruce Wayne as he was last seen in Vietnam actually Hush pretending to be Bruce. She is depicted as a television reporter who investigates Quincy Sharp and the various conflicts in Gotham. Also Commissioner Gordon was in lock down with Vicki Vale until Insider saved him and Vicki from super powered freaks and corrupted cops. Vicki Vale : My pictures, your words: Pulitzer Prize material. Main article: Vicki Vale Kim Basinger. The picture is a big enough deal that Vicki's magazine asks Batman if they can do a "Day in the life" feature on him and Robin with Vicki following them. Batman : It's not exactly a normal world, is it? Batman characters. While this is all occurring, Bruce Wayne is operating under the guise of Insider, a new super hero who uses Amazo technology incorporated into a suit. Screen Rant. Alfred Pennyworth : I thought champagne would be in order, ma'am. And I've gotta go to work.

She is a photojournalist and the love interest of Bruce Wayne. Vicki became entangled in the conflict between Batman and the Joker as she inadvertently became the object of obsession for the Joker. Vicki has a great sense of curiosity when it comes to being a reporter.

She went on a date with Bruce Wayne, where the two went to see a circus show. Bruce Wayne : Look, sometimes I don't know what to think about this. So this is a pretty darn significant issue, all things considered. Vicki Vale : I'm here to see some of the wildlife in Gotham City. Vicki promptly breaks up with Jason and begins to unravel the mystery of who is trying to defeat Batman. Retrieved Vicki Vale : [speaking across the entire dining room table] Could you pass the salt? Main Article. While actress Kim Basinger sported her usual blonde hair in the movie, Vicki Vale was red headed in the comics. Bruce also invited her to become one with the family, she once again felt useful and helpful again. She has some great evidence here, no?

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