venom girl

Venom girl

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She is the ex-wife of Eddie Brock. She is the first character who goes by the She-Venom identity, and she is also colloquially referred to as the Bride of Venom. She was created by writer Larry Hama and artist Greg Luzniak. She is the first character who goes by the She-Venom identity, preceding Patricia Robertson. Anne Weying was a successful lawyer , and Eddie Brock 's ex-wife.

Venom girl


Retrieved 30 July I--I don't know what it was like before, but now I know! Article Talk.


She is the ex-wife of Eddie Brock. She is the first character who goes by the She-Venom identity, and she is also colloquially referred to as the Bride of Venom. She was created by writer Larry Hama and artist Greg Luzniak. She is the first character who goes by the She-Venom identity, preceding Patricia Robertson. Anne Weying was a successful lawyer , and Eddie Brock 's ex-wife. In her first appearance, she is a brunette with glasses. In later appearances, she loses the glasses and goes blonde. Weying assisted Spider-Man by sharing some of Eddie's history.

Venom girl

Sign In. Directed by Andy Serkis Anne Weying Naomie Harris Dan Lewis Stephen Graham Detective Mulligan Peggy Lu Chen Sian Webber Pazzo Michelle Greenidge Mugging Victim Rob Bowen Beaten Mugger Laurence Spellman

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With his inability to accept the responsibilities of his actions, Anne divorced Eddie, causing him to become depressed. Eddie Brock and Venom. Archived from the original on September 26, Anne was arrested by the police for aiding her ex-husband, but Eddie sent the symbiote to help her escape. For the second She-Venom, see Patricia Robertson comics. Fantasy Sci-fi. She eventually gives birth to Dylan, who was eventually swayed by Knull and became the villainous Codex. After giving birth to their son Dylan, she left him in the care of Carl Brock , with the promise that she would return eventually. Jonah Jameson. Retrieved Anne used her one phone call to warn Eddie and to promise not to come. Could this really be you? Months passed, and Anne developed a fear that the symbiote would want to return to bond again. Weying is later incarcerated by the police on a false charge unrelated to Anne's previous rampage in order to trap Venom. When Eddie arrived and was set ablaze, She-Venom returned the symbiote to him to save his life, but Anne was taken hostage by LD

In the film, Eddie and the alien symbiote Venom must face serial killer Cletus Kasady Harrelson after he becomes the host of an offshoot of Venom named Carnage. Venom was intended by Sony to be the start of a new shared universe, and plans for a sequel began during production on the first film.

Anne was saved by the police, and told Eddie that she didn't want him in her life, as the symbiote had corrupted him, and was attempting to corrupt her as well. Pure Good Terms. While on the run from symbiote-possessed Avengers, the two run into a group of symbiote heroes led by Agent Venom , who reveals herself to be this world's version of Anne. Bureaucrats Emeraldblade95 Jester of Chaos. She refused, as she didn't want to turn into a monster like Eddie, but the symbiote bonded with the both of them. During their marriage, Anne became disgusted with Eddie's obsession with Spider-Man, having a vengeful fixation against the superhero after the Sin-Eater incident. Heroes Wiki Explore. Retrieved September 26, Spider-Man characters. Comics character. Anne feared that the symbiote wanted to bond with her again, causing Eddie to become angered and transform into Venom. Anne Weying was the wife of Eddie Brock, but divorced him due to his obsession with the vigilante Spider-Man. Anne retched upon seeing the pile of bodies she had left behind, claiming that the Venom symbiote had made her kill her victims, but Eddie told her that the Venom symbiote wouldn't force its host to do something they did not want to. Anne was taken to the shooting range to be incarcerated when they learn that the symbiote was going through the phone lines. View history Talk 0.

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